Map description This is a map on Avalanche that I built a UFO on. Its primary use is for screen shots. However, I adapted it for a an assault game type that has one team try to plant a bomb on the UFO. Best played with 16 people. Inspiration Originally I wanted to make something that would be new. So I thought, why not a UFO that is NOT MODDED? When I made this I wanted it to look good from a distance, due to the fact that i am not a professional forger. Remember those big robots? That is what inspired me to make this map. I wanted to make something unique. So I thought, hey, why not a UFO? The only one I have seen is a modded map, so I think this is original. Time to completion This is my first major forge project so forgive me if it is not perfect. It took about four hours to make the first draft of the UFO. Mostly because I had to keep restarting game after game to get the pieces to float in the air. Later, I went to fine tune it, and that took me about another two hours. Uses of the map: The map I think is best suited for assault game types with 16 people. Map Layout Again, this was originally made for screenshots, not gameplay. However, I did my best at making a fair game type. The attackers spawn on the other side of the map with several land vehicles, and two hornets. The Hornets are the only way to get the bomb carrier up to the UFO, and the other vehicles are used to distract the defenders in the UFO. The attackers have several weapons such as rockets, carbines, and a sniper. All can be used to severely distract the defenders. Which is necessary in order to plant the bomb. The defenders have four plasma turrets, carbines, two shotguns, two snipers, and four plasma pistols. There are two missile pods that are only available for one use throughout the round. However, the missile pods are in a secret location that can only be reached through the use of a gravity lift and/or jumping. This is my first post here, so sorry if the image does not work. UFO V2 GAME TYPE: UFO DESTROYER I am going to dispel the rumors now: THIS IS NOT MODDED Sorry for the lack of pictures, but I will add more as soon as I can.
RULE: you must have at least one embedded pic, plesase read the rules you have 24 hours to fix this or the thread will be deleted
I did read the rules, but I tried about 3 times to get the picture to work. How do you do embed images?
Gah, sorry, I am telling you, things do not work very well for me the first time, let me get the hang of it. And the beam is not modded. I just went on forge and made a spawn area.
I believe that the shot was taken in forge and the beam is a thin and tall respawn area. That is what would deter me from downloading this map. You kinda did false advertising there. I looks cool though. 4/5 on aesthetics, but there isn't enough info to give you a real rating. Edit:Sorry, you wrote that the beam is a respawn area as I was righting this.
I added more info, and that screenshot was taken right after I finished the UFO. However, I did update the UFO, and it is better than what the picture shows.
there was a featured map that featured ufo's but whatever......aaanyway, nice job on teh map, its really interesting to see people adapt maps that werent meant for play and it looks like you did a purty good job at it.
you need to post more pics, that one pic is kind of decieving. it is kind of hard to see the actual ship, and if you look closely, its pretty sloppy. 2.5/5
well you cant see the beam in the game because you cant see spawn areas in the game. It must of taken a long time to build that ufo. its very unique. can you be inside the ufo?
now that just makes me laugh... zach, u gave him a rating, it was 4/5. if it wasn't real, y did u post it. i think the spawn area is tight, but i think a hill would have been better so u can see it during gameplay not just when hovered over
This was right after I finished the UFO Remeber, I worked on it for another two hours after, and this was my first real project. -THIS IS NOT MODDED -Yes, you can go inside the UFO.
I checked it out, it's not modded. Any more posts about this being modded will be infracted for spam. Also, you need to link to the map not your file share.
He gave him a 4/5 on aesthetics from the pictures, did you even read? I saw a modded map just like this and it was sweet, but since this one isn't modded, I'll see if it delivers...
Well, it was originally meant to be used for screenshots, not play. However, I did my best to make it fair for both teams. The only hard part is getting people to stay in the UFO...