Debate Merry Chri...Holidays...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I pre-apologize for the extreme off-topic-ness, but I have two things for Mike...

    1. Thank you for posting up the picture. I hadn't had a clue it existed, and hadn't either had the time to look it up.
    2. Not acknowledging God as...well, God, what do you acknowledge Jesus as? Also, what part does the Bible play in your opinion of Jesus? I already vaguely know your answers, but I wanted to ask for the furtherance of my own intellect.
  2. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    Merry Christmas may be offending to Christians and I understand that. That's like calling a black person a N*****... you know, but if you didn't know the person was Jewish then it's not your fault. It's not like you intended to offend them. Happy Holiday is just more recreational. Merry Christmas to me means more but Happy Holidays can go around for everybody.
  3. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    How would "merry Christmas" offend Christians? It "offends" people of other religions.

    I just say happy holidays because it doesn't make sense to wish a Jewish person a merry Christmas, when they will be celebrating Hanukkah. It's like calling your friend in India to wish him a happy "Fourth of July". Nice, but I don't think he cares too much. It wouldn't really make sense unless he called you and said "happy Fourth of July".

    However, if I know the person is Christian, I'll say "merry Christmas" to them. I mostly just say happy holidays to avoid some... awkwardness, I suppose you could say.
  4. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    I actually didn't mean to say Christian. I don't know why I said that. I do mean Jewish people though. Just so you all know. You can't wish a Jew a Merry Christmas, it doesn't make sense.
  5. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    Alright listen to this, at my high school we approximately have about 25 Christmas trees set up in the entrance, commons, and cafeteria all together. Now this is funny in my opinion, at my school we MUST SAY HAPPY HOLIDAYS. From what I hear is that a student at my school said MERRY CHRISTMAS to a teacher and had gotten a suspension. Well that teacher better be offended by that, if not that's downright awful.

    And to top it off our 25 Christmas trees are to be properly be called FESTIVE PINES.

    I say Merry Christmas to my Friends and Family and Happy Holidays to other people.
  6. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    I think getting suspended for saying a holiday greeting is a violation of that person's rights. It might not make sense if someone greeted me with a "happy Hanukkah", but why on Earth would that offend me?
  7. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    I have no clue Eons but this happened a couple of years ago.
    I love making a joke of that FESTIVE PINE though.
  8. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Yes, and it was the Romans who added 2 months to the calendar, so really his birthday is sometime around October, and November.

    I say Merry Christmas, and thats final. If we're free to practice our religion, why shan't we be free of saying our religion?
  9. bolddoughnut

    bolddoughnut Ancient
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    I say both to me it does not matter and most of the people that I know of dont seem to care all that much even if they are not christian.
  10. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    I think the existence of a god is very unlikely, but I think the claim that Jesus is the son of god is just silly. I acknowledge the existence of a man named Jesus, who offered great moral guidance to the people of his time. As far as immaculate conception goes, I have to laugh at Joseph's gullibility a little. Mary obviously slept with another man, realized she was pregnant, and made up a ridiculous story about being impregnated by God. "I would never cheat on you Joseph, God himself placed this baby in my womb." I'd like to see a woman try that excuse on her husband nowadays.

    In short:
    God - Maybe, I haven't seen any evidence at all

    Jesus as the son of god - Absolutely not

    Jesus as the son of a cheating mother who ended up teaching great moral lessons to his followers - Yes

    Merry Christmas!
  11. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    I say Merry Christmas but not in the Christian way. I say it more in the Happy day of presents kinda' way or a celebration of western culture, if there is even one...

    I believe that Jesus existed and that he was a very charismatic, and intelligent, man. I don't believe that he was the sun of god but I do believe that he, among many other people, tried to capitalise on the Jewish expectation of a Messiah.

    I don't think he was evil or bad but only human.

    I up-ed the size as the text is hurting my eyes for some reason.
  12. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I wonder... are any real people (by this I am distinguishing from focus group analysts / marketers) actually offended by Merry Christmas?
  13. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    people who are offended by the words merry Christmas are bored activists from the 70s who something to rebel against also I'll merry Christmas to everyone if they don't like it and say that it offends them I'll simply tell them that offends me that they don't say merry Christmas and that i'm not getting them a present this year because you give gifts in the season of happy holidays also watch this video
  14. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    i use the latter when talking to christains and happy Hanukkah when talking Jews and happy holidays to everyone else. i think it is fairly simple just say happy -insert corresponding holiday here- to -insert ethnic group here-!
  15. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Quite consistent with what I expected. Although, I half-expected you to be less of a douche about it. I don't take shots at the logical chances of a large mass of nothing exploding; at least, when I counter, I do so with a bit of self-respect.

    Also, LOL!!!
  16. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    It was a small singularity of everything that exploded. Please feel free to take shots at the big bang. I realize it is very strange indeed. I just find it easier to wrap my head around an explosion, over a virgin giving birth to a half human/half god creature that was sent here to die because we are all bad people.

    You realize that calling me a douche is douchier than anything I said in my post.
  17. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    i think what he is trying to say is that most of the population is christian. who knows

    But i dont see how people can get offended its just the common thing to say, i dont say happy holidays, i say have a great christmas
  18. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    By that logic we are a white, female nation. Which, probably won't fly in the public arena.
  19. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    The war on Christmas is a ridiculous political distraction cultivated by far right pundits. Not only does it divert attention away from actual relevant issues, but it also serves to further drive a wedge between conservatives and liberals. Because, you know, it's not enough that conservatives see things differently than liberals, it can't be a simple difference in opinion, you gotta make conservatives feel personally insulted by liberals, you gotta make them hate the other guy.

    And so what if a few stores put up Happy Holiday signs? It seems kind of dumb for Christians to inject their beliefs into government and culture, so much so that Christian ideology becomes an unavoidable facet of American life, and then act surprised when their traditions start becoming more inclusive.

    Plus the war on Christmas was apparently started white supremacists, which shouldn't be all that surprising to anyone.
    Who Started the War on Christmas? - The Daily Beast

    Edit: I'm just kidding, death to the heathen socialists
  20. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    I recently had a fire inspector come into my store tell me this story. About ten days before christmas the fire fighters take four fire trucks out with one Santa Claus on each truck. Previously, they would wave to the kids and say Merry Christmas. However, they had to change Merry Christmas to Happy Holidays. Three out of the four Santa Clauses were Jewish. The father's children got a kick out of there dad being Santa even though they do not celebrate Christmas. After the fire trucks come back they have Santa at the fire station with candy and drinks for the kids.

    The same town the fire inspector belongs too. They are no longer able to pass out fliers that say "Merry Christmas or Santa Claus" in the schools. It is acceptable for the flier to say " Happy holidays and there will be a special guest at the fire house. "

    Is this wrong? Is this right? Explain.

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