Download Map (updated jan3rd) Download Gametype Hi peeps. Does anyone know what slit pinball is? raise your hands if you've heard about it. What? no one!? oh well, it doesn't matter if you've heard of it or not, slit pinball 2 is coming your way! Before I start I would like to thank some people who have helped me with this map. Brawler and Inferno were a big help on the actual table and should be commended for their work. A person I know as Death Toll was actually the main reason for this here second slit pinball. He was there for moral support but also created the actual new mechanism for how slit pinball 2 works. Some peeps that really helped "test" the map were Speed-e-cake and redshadow1337. They found out all the major problems with the map and even sent me videos to help me fix it. I am in their debt. Thanks to these people and all those that helped test. How to play! -Ok the game is very simple. Humans spawn inside some kind of container with brute shots and other weapons. -They use their weapons to keep a soccer ball from rolling down the table by shooting at the soccer ball through the slit -Zombie tries to distract or obstruct humans goal -If soccer ball makes it down to the bottom, zombie is free to go through teleporter -zombie kills humans Pictures: Humans spawn in this newly made apparatus and prepare for some pinball fun. Just look out the slit and you have a clear shot of the pinball Zombie is right above you trying to screw you up Oh Noes! The ball is gonna go through!!! Zombie can go through once the ball has gone down and kill all the humans. More in-depth -Weapons and equipment for humans includes 3 plasma nades, a hidden rocket launcher, trip mine, grav lift, and deployable covers -weapons for zombie include some grenades, a bubble shield, plasma pistol, and a flare -humans should use the grav lift to try to launch the soccer ball out of the level -The zombie can use the bubble shield so that the humans cannot hit the ball -The deployable can be seen as a lifesaver because humans can give themselves a second chance with it -The zombie can deactivate the deployable cover with the plasma pistol -Rounds are 3 minutes long -5 rounds -zombie has 2000 percent health/ roughly two lasers will take him down Thanks for reading. If there are any problems with the map or gametype please notify me ASAP.
Ah, yes Slit Pinball 2 is finally released. Honestly I believe this is one of the best mini-games ever. I enjoy both being the zombie and the human, and requirers good communication for the humans to succeed. It is no problem helping you either. And you should add more to your post like the mechanics and a big shot of the entire thing?
Hey, Death and I are in the pictures. <3 Was a really fun game even though I didn't understand the mechanics of it when we played it. This deserves some attention! I could really see this being featured in the future. (Wise words of DeathToll: Feature NAO!) It's ballanced for both sides, that bubble shield can really screw you over. Just like the deployable covers can save your life! I love the posibility of actually taking down the zombie when you lose too, even though you're at a serious disadvantage. You can see me trying to lazer the zombie in one of the pictures. I failed. Don't get too bold, okay?
This looks like pure genius! I'm going to have to try this out myself, but it looks like a very clever set up! Just out of curiosity, how many players do you recommend for the map?
Definite improvement over the past version, the bubble shields and zombie enclosure look like a very nice additions. For what I understand the deployable cover is used as an extra blocker on the pinball track, but can't this be used to keep the zombies from entering the human's room? I guess I'll just have to try it out.
I believe this will get featured, it is well forged, and original idea, and a very well designed and exicuted. I am looking forward to playing this game, and i am very afraid it will be not much fun, because the lack of intensity, player control, and confusion amongst people new to this game. Regardless of the gameplay, in theory, this i a great idea and worth attention. Happy Forging!
Very nice! Much neater than the last version also with a gameplay twist it seems, the zombie. I like how you let the zombie do something and not just make him wait. I have one question(if I missed this in the description oopsy) how does the zombie switch work? The one that lets him in the room? I remember showing you my map based off this and you liked my idea but you liked it with zombie more so I wonder if you used a teleporter again or some other switch, plz tell me. 10/10 for pure epic awsomeness! Good job! EDIT: looks through the post again and found the part about the blocking, i'm assuming since the rounds are 3 minutes you used a min/max switch for the tele instead or just the same blocking mechanism as last time?
But how? Does the zombie cage extend to the bottom of the place like last time? Or does the ball somehow get shot up and block it then? Please elaborate for my sake of wanting to know so bad and can't go on my XBox till tomarrow afternoon(it's late and I need sleep for school)
i am assuming that the when the ball lands on a teleporter, it blocks it so the zombie could drop down to the humans, and an other tely under the goal one so when the zombie does go into the first tely, he drops into the second one which send him/her back to the zombie bunker. (if you dont understand re-read until you do) This would be the easiest way for this game to work, correct me if i'm wrong.
Wow. You actually did not start the whole " i dont wanna do this anymore" then two minutes later " I'll do it again" But in all seriousness... I cant believe that you decided to interlock everything too. I told you though that you should've tried to really change up the pinball field. I see that you did but not too drastically. Well anyway this is still a great map. 4.3/5 ( A must download for anybody who loves mini games)
Woah! This map looks sick. I played something like this in a custom game once, but the zombie had to wait until the ball got to the bottom, he couldn't do anything to stop the humans. It was tons of fun but this looks so much better! Once I can get a game going on this, I'll come back and rate.
cool! i've played slit pinball 1, and it was really cool and fun, so my friends and i will be pleased with this. this is still really well made. 5/5, keep on forging!
Wow this is a really good idea. how many zombies are there to start? It looks like a really good idea. its a definate download from me.
How ironic, I was only playing the original version of this a couple of nights ago. In all, this is an incredibly fun mini-game to take part in, be it because of the mechanics of the pinball machine or teamwork. For me, the greatest feature that you've added in this version is the zombie slit - where it can throw/ fire things at the machine. This aspect makes the game more enjoyable for the zombie too, which was a downfall in the previous version. Congrats for that! It's still difficult to keep the balls, back without teamwork and with this addition, it has made it all the more challenging. Also, equipment was a feature I didn't see in the last version and I think benefits the game here. In my opinion, it provides a drastic chance for either team (zombie or human) to turn the game around. I've noticed that the pinball machine and both spawn areas have been altered for exta cover and smoothness, which is great. I think in the previous gametype, the zombie was much harder to take down. Now that you've edited its health so that it is lower, it gives the humans more of a chance when the zombie passes through. So in all, it's a 5/5 from me. I'll DL and have a ball..! (Sorry for awful pun)
wow i remember all the fun i had on the first version of this game, It was incredible. i like the new idea of letting the zombie actually get involved in the game, that way he isnt bored waiting for the ball. incredible job, i really do think this deserves a feature
A Question How do the zombies get through once the ball is down. Is it an honor rule, or is it just some wierd mechanism?
Some genius named DeathToll came up with this mechanism, I must say it is extremely complex, the zombie's goal is to enter a room going through a teleporter that is blocked by the soccer ball. So, If the zombie goes through prematurely it mus end up back at the top somehow. The black is a tube. The blue is a shield door, the green are teleporters. The red circle is that soccer ball. The blue arrow is a grav lift. Got it?
wow im so happy i am a huge fan of the first one and my only complaint was that being the zombies was kind of boring (no flare?) this map looks better then before in anyway with the new objects to add some spice and the zombie being able to do something (gasp) could you give us one more picture of the hole course though a 5 out of 5 covered in epic win sauce