Debate Should prostitution be legalized?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by What's A Scope?, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    The question: Should prostitution be legalized?

    What do you think?

    My personal opinion is that it should. Don't get me wrong; it's not like I want to go around paying for sex. I just think that there is no real reason why it shouldn't be. With other things that are legal, it makes no sense why this is illegal.

    EDIT: So that you don't misunderstand... I don't mean women walking the streets offering sex to kids, or something like that. I mean something organized. They have those now.

    #1 What's A Scope?, Dec 16, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2008
  2. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I think not. How would you explain to your child what that 'lady' does for a profession? Believe me this will never be legal. I'm to tired to write alot up.
  3. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    How would you explain what a porn star is? Same situation except one is illegal.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    I thought it was?
  5. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Yes, but there not on public streets. Porn is in, well porn shops hence the name. I don't expect you bringing your juvenile in there (well I hope not). Porn is not the same situation. Theres an age limit, and its not a public matter.
  6. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Thats not that lady's problem. Some people need money really bad. If America is to call itself free, should freedom of morals be the same? It may be your opinion that woman should not have sex for money, but some people disagree, and in a democracy, they should be lawfully entitled to their own opinion. I am however in full support of a "certification" process for all functioning prostitutes. To prevent the spread of STD's and the sort

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Prostitution should be legal, it's done illegally anyway. Playerhata, don't take your kids to the red light district.
  8. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Where are you from?

    @ Playerhata
    If it was legalized, it wouldn't be the same. I do not mean prostitutes roaming freely in the streets. There are place that are more organized. It is like that because it is illegal.

    About the age limit, there would be one, it would be 18, I imagine.
  9. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Well it is the lady's problem right now. Our law forbids it. And any un-sexual mind really can't comprehend with such things at a young age. Need money really bad? Work at Mc. Donalds, or Burger King. File for wellfare. So being poor grants prostitution?

    Exactly, its done illegally...

    Well then you should have explained that in the OP, so I wouldn't have misinterpreted your post.

    But since when was America the place for selling thy's body. In the declaration of Independence it says protecting the people of their rights. Even if the person wants to be a prostitute, and sell herself, that is still a right and is protected by the government.
  10. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Sorry, I should have.
    Anyway, I don't really see it as selling their body. Don't athletes, models, actors and porn stars do the same?
  11. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Some woman would prefer prostitution over working at Burger King. Also, I am unaware or your financial status, however, if you have ever applied for wellfare you would understand that it isn't a reliable aid. As the application process can be difficult and last upwards of 6 months. As well as lawyer fees once you are approved (if you had to appeal it)
  12. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Finally someone else understands my struggle.
  13. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Children at an age of 1-10 shouldn't be learning about sex in my opinion, nor is their body even ready for that. If this was legalized do you understand the chaos it would bring. Kids would be having sex before they even produce sperm. In this country, were very fortunate. We can all live our lives without having sex, so why must we not shield our children from it?

    Yes, I know some women do. But its illegal, don't you understand. Whatever the case may be prostitution should never be the last choice for someones finance.
  14. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I think it should be, and there is one simple reason why. It then can qualify as a legitimate business. How is this good? 3 reasons.

    1) Police Resources can be put to better use than monitoring prostitution. It isn't just illegal for the girls, but the guys as well. I am sure there are greater issues than the desires of horny men.

    2) The government can then enforce taxes on it. With the country as in debt as it is, the politicians could sure do with another source of tax dollars. Not to mention this line of work can be quite profitable as well.

    3) Protection over employees, or prostitutes in this case. Prostitutes get raped and murdered all the time. If the cops were no longer against them, they could then have proper protection against such occasions.

    Now playa brought up a good point. Prostitution is deemed unacceptable in the public eye, and not suitable for children. However, parameters and rules can easily be set up, where violation of such is illegal. Such as, no prostitution during daylight hours for example. The fix is simple, yet effective. If prostitution is treated as a business, then many issues with it solves itself.
  15. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Thats true. That police waste their time on prostitutes than on the "real" criminals.

    But we have laws in this country, and we should all abide by them. If a prostitute really wants to be one then move to a country where its legal, for ours is not.

    And as I said before, the government protects our rights. If I'm correct on of those rights is our body, and sexual partner. As long as the government does this, it will most likely by illegal.
  16. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    This all falls back on the clashing of ideals that is riddled through the pages of American history. We could NOT have democracy without people thinking differently. But if the only argument(s) for prostitution remaining illegal is the immorality of it, than there is no just cause. It is impossible to shelter your children from the violence and explicit things that take place on our streets, and perhaps if they knew more about it from a younger age, they could grow up accepting it, rather than it being introduced to them after their moral foundations have already been formed. This would help in the long run to eliminate prejudice which I believe we can all agree would be sure to lower violence levels in our counrty, which are growing at alarming speeds.
  17. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Yes, but have our children grow up thinking they should exfoliate themselves? And shouldn't we have a country without violence and prejudice to begin with?
  18. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    No one said anything about they SHOULD, it the parent's job to tell them wrong from right. And to start, we cannot change the past, violence and prejudice have always been there. Also to add, it's probably for the better that it was there or our fate as human beings would change completely. In World War 2, Hitler used the SAME laws that America used on blacks, on the Jews. Perhaps WWII wouldn't have been as big of a deal, nor WWI (though Hitler wasn't signifigant yet). Without these major Wars, there would be less demand for technology. Perhaps the airplane would have never been created. Theres many possibilities. In an essence, we need prejudice, though I could only wish it wasnt this way.
  19. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Why, if it was legalized, would it bring this? Plenty of countries, including the UK, have legal prostitution. That dosen't happen there?

    Or is it just the knowledge? I know how to do cocaine, but I don't. I know how to jump off of buildings, but I don't. Besides, plenty of underage kids have sex.

    SO you think it is fine for kids to watch violent movies and play those games? But, if some one is having sex, oh no! Don't see that. In Europe it isn't a big deal. They don't see sex the way people here do. People here want to hide it like it is bad.
  20. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Erm, this debate is redundant unless you're asking whether it should be legalised in a certain place, because Prostitution IS Legal in quite a few places. In alot of the cases it's actually also benefitted the community by making it a legitimate business, with rules and regulations. Think of how much safer the prostitutes are.

    "What countries have legal prostitution?"

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