| News - 'Halo' Wedding Planned By Two Video Game Fans; Master Chief Will Officiate A Match Made In Halo | Love at First Fight
lolz, matur cheef is soooooooooo meen, he rewind thehr wehding But that is pretty weird, it might be a good way to save money and not have to go through making invitations and crap. Just send them a game invite !
Will the priest have flaming recon? JK but seriously, the first proposal picture was already kinda weird but to have a whole wedding in game is really really wierd.
Uhh I dont know what to say? I guess they started dating in Halo 2 and beat the Halo 3 campain together. Must be a matchmaking heaven
haha wow, that is a little to obsessed dont you think. So they are starting a match in foundry and are going to have a church made and get married in it? lol
Oh my god dude. People like this ruin the name of video games. Seriously, this is like nerdiness taken to the max. What were you doing on the day of your wedding? Video games. Why?
Hahahahahahaha... oohhhhhhh, Gaaawwd. that is sooooo lame, but at the same time, cool i guess if they do 'love' (yeah right) each other. Lol