WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! OMG!... that is the most SiC-est NaStY-est PIC I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!! 5/5
I would have liked it better if the character was facing the screen more and doing something action oriented. Don't get me wrong, I love this pic but the character could have been doing something bettere 4.5/5
sweet, i love all the lines flowing from the center, and the lighting is good - especially the white around the edges. i agree with the above poster though that it'd be cool if the character was looking through the sniper other than holding it down or something like that, but i still think that pose is pretty cool
Wow! that is one of the best shots I've ever seen. The way the rays are coming from his helmet is just awesome. The blueish color on the sides looks amazing also. Seriously, that is one of the best I have ever seen.
Yea i agree its an awsome shot, but i would have like to see the face more, its still a epic shot, i mean i could never make one like that 4.5/5 awsome shot
Jesus!! Stop making such awesome screenshots. I told you once you were one of the best screen takers here, I don't want to have to say it again! Oh whatever, I'll say it. This is an awesome screenshot and to me the flashiness really brings out the armor he is wearing, and that's my favorite armor. Did I ever tell you I love you?
Wow honestly that is like the best screenshot i have seen. I couldn't take a guess on how you set that up. Nice job, keep taking sceenies, you are very good at it