It is a little bit, unless you don't believe in a young-earth and you accept evolution. Reproductive capacity and digesting greasy foods are two incredibly different subjects.
Yes, but what I'm saying is that Christians, and even the Vatican, cherrypick the bible. They don't kill children or whatever, as it says in the bible, but they do worship christ, which it also says in the bible. So they do one thing that it says to do but don't do one that that it says to do? How is that not cherrypicking?
I accept evolution; also I think that the universe was created by God using the Big Bang ; I am not a fundamentalist. So, I still don't see why the intelligent design argument is nullified by this. This next point is just dealing with the "cherry-picking" comment: Nowadays, people are not as crazy or as fundamentalist as in the past. So, it makes sense that we Catholics, being the modern people we are, pick out only the moral parts of the bible. It isn't cherry picking, it is being moral and fair. Of course we can reason that some of the bible is false; we are just as sane as you.
Okay, this is getting a bit out of hand if you ask me. You're talking like foreskin is a separate organ from the rest of the skin. If you're saying that it is sinful to "chop up your ****", then you might as well say that it is sinful to cut your fingernails or cut your hair because you are mutilating a part of the body that was given to you by God. Foreskin is just skin on the end of your *****, it's no different from the rest of your skin. You can't say that cutting off a portion of your skin is bad. If you think that my reasoning is false, tell me why foreskin is any different from the rest of your skin and why it is bad to cut that off but not anything else body related.
I am not saying that cutting the foreskin off is sinful. I was replying to Nitrous' comment that "you can't cherry-pick the bible if you are a Christian". Oh wait. My bad. /my stupidity =D
I wasn't referring to you Eons, I agree with almost all of the points you've stated. I was more of gearing that statement toward Nitrous who is giving me the idea that he thinks us all heretical and defying our faith.
Why is only some of the bible false? You have no idea what foreskin is, do you? It's not a thin slice of skin on the tip of your *****... Foreskin is useful in the sexual reproduction of our species. It can be harmful in instances and its original purpose was to mutilate a child to ruin their future sex life. Personally, I don't want to lose anything that I was born with. Hair and nails are different because they grow back and if we didn't maintain them they would become more of a nuisance than a positive attribute to our species. I think that our species needs to outgrow these foolish and barbaric traditions. It may not be a large matter of importance but it is important. If it's benefits don't outweigh the risks or there are no benefits at all, then why do it? ...Yeah, that's it... I just think the reason you believe as you do is stupid.
Only some of the bible is false; this is because there are parts that are immoral and they contradict other parts of the bible. Religion is what you believe in. Why can't I take part of a religion and leave out the bad stuff (I'm talking like the "God hates gays" stuff)? Even Catholic leaders do that; the priests at my church do not condone any sort of violence or hatred. The bible is central in Christianity. Still, that does not mean anyone part of any religion cannot adapt; the world has changed since the first writings of the bible. People are more free now, and our religion flows with the currents of life. Just because the bible plays a big role does not mean that we confine ourselves to just its words. That is why Christianity has so many sects; we all have different views on things within our religion. It's not just a blob of fundamentalists; we can be free thinkers as well.
Just want to make this clear. The scriptures (aka the word of God) are out of date according to you. Did god inspire these works or did he not? Is he omnipotent or not?
Well some are out of date, but some just morals common throughout most of mankind i.e. Murder, Adultry, Stealing. OT- To anwser Nitrous' sig question if evil did not exists then there would be no such thing as good. Kinda like if the was no boredom there would be no excitment.
They are the word of God, and it may have been all true at the start. I did not say the whole thing is out of date, it's just that there are parts of it that have been obviously manipulated. So yes, he did inspire these works, but it was recounted by people. People with emotions, ambition, the whole shabang. Parts of it may be wrong because of human error; it's not like God wrote the whole thing and handed it down. God is not the one at fault, it is we who are at fault. He is able but not willing because that would take away our free will. (I think) he wants to see what kind of people we are before entering Heaven, so interfering defeats the purpose. EDIT: To be honest, I don't know what to say anymore.
Just so we can find some common ground on morality, and, by the way, I completely agree with you the murder, adultery, and stealing are innately within most humans. Hypothetically, if god commanded you to kill someone would you do it and claim it was a moral act, would you? If light did not exist would there be such a thing as darkness? If existence did not exist would there be such a thing as nonexistence? The question is turned on it's head if you ask from the neutral to the positive. What you did is argued from the negative to the positive. If god is a force only for good he can not create evil, and since god is the alpha and the omega, whence cometh evil.
So... maybe God wants us to make up for his faults. =P Or maybe... maybe there must be faults for there to be good. Yes?
Wow this went from a guy asking wether or not to have his son's foreskin removed to where does evil orginate from. Well Nitrious just do what you think is right. You can't really screw that much.
What? Why doe God have to be gay or straight? His love is unconditional, so he loves us all as his children. A gay relationship/marriage (just like a straight one) involves two parties that are not related (family-wise), right? And calling God fallible is something I've never explored before; no harm in new horizons, right? =)
I lul'd. Well, I've always wanted to have your children, Nitrous. Perhaps, a lot of religious people are stupid. On that note, I'd like to emphasize the extreme difference between "religious" and "Christian." Most "religious" people just make themselves look like idiots, for the most part. I'm crying, but I won't tell you if it's due to laughter, pity, or pure disappointment.
You brought the discussion. It is not good enough for this to be left be. I'm trying to open you up to more ways of thinking and new perspectives so that, through causality, this world may be a better place. The indiscriminate lul has frightened me. I just want you to know I don't think he's stupid for his beliefs just the reasoning and rational behind it. -- lol.