Debate Were Adam and Eve circumcised?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 12, 2008.

  1. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Stated obvious; avoided points; expected me to pick up connotation through text.
  2. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    You do realize I was attacking Intelligent design and not god, right?
  3. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    There are places where you aren't circumcised when you are born. It is some kind of rite of passage I believe. So you would have a choice in that situation. Also, if your parents decide not to have you circumcised, can't you make your own decision later to have that done?

    And Nitrous, I think that when the whole universe was created (through intelligent design) things were made to work according to that time. So that is why we may no longer need that extra skin; maybe that skin was just necessary before. Just like God can't come down and do certain things, (because it would take away our free will) he also cannot come and just remove all our foreskins because we don't need them anymore. If he did not want us to have foreskin, I think that evolution and adaptation may lead to future humans not having it. He can't just make the next generation of babies suddenly not have foreskin, because that would be a sudden and unnatural change (unless he decides to pull a miracle... for foreskin).
  4. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    In a time that I didn't know your "obviously more intelligent" bit was sarcasm, I was more confused than anything. It's pretty obviously stated at the end of the OP, but the former part (were it not sarcastic) would contradict the latter.

    Sooooo, I answered according to what ways I interpreted it. As you can see, I also didn't quite understand the point in Jews showing their dedication to God via cutting their genitals.

    Also, Kirby
  5. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    What do you mean, i 'accused' them of not existing? Its a fact, not an opinion. I know you may have beleifs in God,(which even if i do not agree with, i can understand) but Adam and Eve never existed, get over it.

    No, i have not been circumcised, and no, it is not neccessary at all. Which i beleive is why i have not been. There is just no point. The fact its gets done to babies who don't have a choice is even worse.
  6. smitty0018

    smitty0018 Ancient
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    By what I said, I wasn't saying that it was right. I was just stating the fact that in Western Culture, it happens as an infant. I also did not say that it was necessary, I said that if you are not circumcised, your parents believed it was not necessary. You're twisting up my words xD
  7. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    It's got a use it helps keep you ***** from getting infected not much use in normal life, but if you a soilder or something where you can't wash it regurally that would suck.
  8. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Where is this proof? Where at the beginning of the world? Did you meet Adam and Eve, or in your case, did you see Man evolve?

    You're turning this into a religious debate. I believe that Adam and Eve did exist, and you don't, Ok fine. But you should really get rid of that attitude, and learn tom accept what people believe, unless you're up for a rude awakening.
    #48 Playerhata27, Dec 14, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2008
  9. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    Yes we get it your atheist, but please keep religion out of this. Also stop trying to shove atheism down are throats.
  10. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Is circumcism correcting God's creation? I didn't know that it was. So I suppose when I prove someone wrong, I'm correcting God's creation as well? Nitrous, I'm sorry but this has got to be the dumbest argument ever just prove a point. I don't understand the neccesity in drawing people into pointless debates. I'm not sure where you got the idea for this debate from, but it certainly isn't a profound thought.
  11. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Actually smitty, there are quite a few countries and even religions where people are circumcised as late as when they go through puberty, as a rite of passage of becoming an adult. Such religions are Judaism and Islam. However, most religions as you said circumcise their children shortly after birth.

    On the other hand, circumcision is not even mention in any history or writing for some cultures or religions. For those who believe this is nothing about religion, you are mistaken, as religion plays a big part.

    Also, those of you who think it is wrong, maybe your not thinking about it from all angles. If your religion or culture thinks it's wrong, it doesn't mean other religions or cultures do. Therefore, it's best to actually think about it from every point of view possible, before you say things that are possibly wrong.

    As for Nitrous' question:

    The earliest known civilization, were the Sumerians, and their civilization was roughly around 5300 B.C. Adam and Eve were the first two humans to ever live (according to the Christian and Jewish Bible.)

    However, circumcision was not practiced until roughly 2345 B.C which is thousands of years after the Sumerians. So, no Adam and Eve could not have been circumcised.
  12. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    You realize that this isn't a religious thread and when I brought god up it was a joke, right (though I think it has validity to it)?

    If you see thoughts as something god gives you directly then yes you would be correcting god by proving them wrong. It would be a lie for god to give untrue thoughts and it would be a sin god committed because sexually perverted thoughts would also be caused by god.

    Now, if god were to construct a temple, are we correcting god by rearranging his floor plan? Yes. He's omniscient, he doesn't make mistakes, so why are we correcting his creation?

    The whole point of this thread was to say, "god didn't make a mistake when he made us, so stop correcting him by chopping your dicks up." I was not making the point, "god made us uncircumcised, he made a mistake!" Which, if you followed my arguments in the thread at all, you would know is not true.
  13. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Obviously. God. Has. Plans. That. You. Are. Unaware. Of. Stop. Taking. Things. At. Face. Value.
  14. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    You are superimposing you own will through god. He wouldn't have given it to us if we didn't need it. How would you even know his plan, what makes you so god damn better than everyone else, that your opinion coincides with god's?
  15. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    From experience things usually aren't that simple, I'm not superimposing my will. If that were the case then I would be able to tell all of God's plans for my life which would really be my plans to glorify God.

    Well now you're superimposing what you think onto God. Also, not everything is necesary, some things serve a different purpose. I can list several things we don't need in order to live and you can too. Those aren't necesary, so why did God gove them too us.

    A) I'm not better
    B) God's Word, gives us his will

    Lastly, Nitrous I respect you a ton, like a metric buttload ton, which is a lot. But, you talk as if you know God personally. Do you?
  16. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    I gave a response which stated my opinion that god wouldn't give it to us if we didn't need it. A response that you don't agree with. You then said as a rebuttal that god has plans that I'm not aware of that happen to support your ideology. Forgive me but that's bullshit. You can't just evade questions and expect me to respect a response you give.

    Now, I'm willing to wager you don't follow the book of Exodus like you should (killing children and such). I'm also willing to bet you don't take Genesis to be absolutely true. Which are the only two books it is commanded (it is spoken about throughout the bible but not directly commanded; it is generally said as such, "circumcision as commanded by exodus"). Since we both can agree you really don't follow the whole killing children thing, why must you chop up a child's **** which is commanded in the same book. You can't cherry-pick the bible.

    1. God didn't give them to us. A natural process did.
    2. If god did give them to us he did so for good reason; i.e. you can live without an arm but do you really want to? You can live without eyes, ears, your nose but can you really live without them?

    God's word may give us his will, but is it all included? Was some added without god's consent, "god didn't tell me to add this but he didn't tell me to not add it." Humans are frail and greedy, it isn't a stretch of the imagination that the bible may have been edited inappropriately to suit the desires of men. It's fairly well documented that when King James translated the bible, he also revised it to not include threats to his authority.

    I do know god personally. There's a difference between worshiping god and seeking to know god. You do the former, I seek god in the evidence he has left, a trail of bread crumbs, that will lead us to understand the mind of god itself. Understand that my god as an atheist is not the god of a christian.
  17. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Human body has lots of unusable organs - Pravda.Ru
    - Second sentence: In actuality, some people can be born with the so-called vestigial organs i.e. those which fell into disuse in the course of evolution. -

    Every organ in the body has a purpose of some sort, but not all of it has to be there (I'm not talking arms and legs, I'm talking about appendixes and stuff.)
  18. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    No, the snake obviously did it for him with its fangs.

    That's exactly what you're doing when you don't kill children but you believe in Christ. So, you can only cherry-pick when it suits you?
  19. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    I am fully aware of vestigial organs. The topic we are discussing is a little different than vestigial organs.

    I'm not sure whether you agree or disagree. If your a christian you can't cherry-pick the bible. No matter if it suits you or not.
  20. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    I am aware that you may be aware of vestigial organs. I am just trying to defend why God may have given us foreskin. The intelligent design argument is not screwed over by the fact that some of our body is not necessary anymore.

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