Doom Pit By: Doog Nit Download The Doom Pit awaits. While the top might bring you good fortune, your luck just might run out if you fall within. Supported Gametypes: King of The Hill (King of the Pit) Team Slayer (Doom Battle) FFA Multi Team CTF (Doom Flag) One Flag Territories (Doom Conquest) ___________________________________ Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ YES ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ YES ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ YES ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch ___________________________________ Special Thanks TESTERS ThE SpEc OpS Woodude93 ShearMe b0ne shreder25 LIL sgt Panda ladiesman20007 Desert Rat 852 zackj191 Killor117 iTz JoKeR Jr VexedScarnoX Xx Taisho xX ShadowVanish666 CGxFalcon natethegreat726 Marksman105 Beat the Beat ant1410 Also, thanks to Whisper for thinking of the idea to "clean out" the doom pit every so often. Or at least that's what I took from it.....Thanks to FH Testers Guild for obviously helping me test. Thanks to ShadowVanish666 for thinking of the idea of putting the flags in the wall. And thanks to everyone else who gave me little bits of advice here and there. Oh and thanks to ScArFaCeD for being there XD ___________________________________ Description So, this map idea was created a very long time ago by yours truly, and I attempted at making it, but the gameplay just did NOT work one bit. The scenery was pretty good, but not good enough. So! Since that used to be my trophy map that I'd show off with, I decided to completely remake it with new aesthetics, spawns, forge techniques, and game play. ___________________________________ Game Play Overall Game Play for Doom Pit is quite the way I wanted it to turn out. Thankfully, instead of focusing mainly on aesthetics like I usually do, I focused on game play. IMO, It's not overpowered no matter what team you're on, and all areas included in the map are used. There's no one spot that someone can stay the whole time and get 30 kills off of. King of The Pit is definitely the map's best game for me and CTF would have to be the least, but still not bad, just not as good as KOTH. The spawns work out exactly the way I imagined them to and I'm very proud of that since spawns are usually my weakness to competitive maps. I finally found out how to work perfectly with respawn areas and starting areas. All types of slayer included (FFA, TS, Multi-Team) work out very nicely and don't have any major problems. KOTH, as I said before, is perfect. CTF is quite challenging for both teams, but not to a point of impatience. Each team must - can't stress that word enough - use team work in order to even get 1 capture. Territories works out as long as the teams are at least 4v4. 2v2 and 3v3 pretty much failed since not enough people could protect their controlled territories. When a 6v6 was played, it worked out greatly. The main goal the whole time was to control the pit since each team had their 2 territories under control. I highly suggest you don't play it with any less than a 4v4. For every other gametype, 4-8 players should be sufficient. Slayer/Team Slayer The main concept of the map is to get up high. On this map, the high ground definitely wins. In Team Slayer, if you can control the top of the Doom Pit constantly, you're sure to destroy the other team. This is, however, a pretty difficult task. There are a total of 5 ways to get to the top of the Doom Pit, so since the max players is usually 4v4, it's pretty hard to cover each one. Anyway, the main power weapons on the map are a sword in the middle (which you have to bravely jump over the doom pit for), a sniper at the sniper tower, and a turret. There is also an overshield under Turret Spawn. Each weapon/powerup listed above has a 180s respawn. There are 2 main bases for Defenders & Attackers and there are also Corner Bases for either a 2nd spawn for Defenders & Attackers, or the 3rd and 4th team bases. The Sniper Tower is a pretty good snipe point, however stay there too long and someone is sure to explode the coils behind you. As long as the teams are evenly skilled, the game/score should be pretty even as well. Download Doom Battle Capture The Flag In CTF, the flags are in the "Rec Rooms" of each main base in the wall and in the powerup showing the correct team color. (Hopefully.) Since it is quite difficult to capture the other team's flag, there is a 12 minute time limit. There is also BR and AR start. As mentioned above, both teams must use teamwork to win the game. This is because the respawn areas work out for the team(s) that are in defensive postitions. However, if one team is completely offensive and rushing all their teammates, they can probably get a point. Camping is not rare when defending the flag, so watch out for those corners! The game play for CTF has definitely improved, but still isn't this map's shining point. Download Doom Flag King of The Hill King of The Hill, or my game type, King of The Pit, is definitely this map's greatest shine. The game play is close if not equal to perfect for the map. Seeing the Doom Pit I'm sure you'd automatically think "wow put the hill up there and that would be cool." Well I did too! And we're geniuses! There are a total of 4 hills to control each moving at 1 minute and in random order. The 1st "Rush Hill" is at the top of the Doom Pit and through to the bottom so that if you're brave enough, you can still control the hill by going down into the Pit. The 2nd and 3rd Hills are the Corner Bases with a little breathing room outside of them so that getting it uncontested isn't easy. The 4th hill is at the Turret Spawn. It includes under where OS spawns and up top. This works perfectly as well since you can camp under the turret and get some points, but a couple well-placed grenades will turn the tables around. The TURRET is actually the weapon to go for in this gametype. It's an easy, perfect defense and attack against the other team. Download King of The Pit Territories The game "Doom Conquest" has nothing to do with the game "Conquest", made by Forge Hub I believe. I only named it Doom Conquest because Doom Control sounded stupid. So I thought of different words for control and conquer was one of them. Hence conquest it was named. Anyway, The territories are similar to the hills. One of which is in and on top of the pit. One in front of each main base. And one on each Corner Base. In the game "Doom Conquest", the territories do not lock. You have to continuously control the map for 15 minutes. Attacker and Defender traits aren't messed with in any way since I haven't quite found out how to use them. It takes 20 seconds to capture a territory. AR is the weapon start with a secondary magnum so that the game is more "up close and personal." Note: This game has not been thoroughly tested. Download Doom Conquest ___________________________________ Aesthetics/Construction Well, since I explained game play, I'm gonna say a little about the aesthetics. First of all, The Doom Pit is in the middle (not exactly) of Foundry. It IS a perfect circle - go ahead and try to prove me wrong - and it holds the main power weapon for the map - the sword. The Sniper Tower obviously carries a sniper and is a good spot to control, but has a total of 4 fusion coils making it hard to continuously camp there. There are 5 ways to get up to the Doom Pit. One way is the lift behind the Doom Pit. (Yes I angled it purposely) 2 and 3 are window panels which are sticking into the Doom Pit's exterior towards the base. 4 and 5 are the big stair-like fence walls on each side. The bases are pretty campable and offer a lot of cover. Spawn camping was not a problem even when the teams were uneven. The back hall is cut off from in between the first doors which are closest to the flag area. There are fence walls blocking it off. The Corner Bases include a few pieces of cover, but also a regenerator to even them out with the original bases. The turret spawn has a pretty sufficient cover area, but can be used as an attack point as well. OS and Turret can be quite the combo. The vent which blocks off easy access from base to base is what connects the doom pit to the sniper tower. It is a window-shaped construction which can be used to stop a flag carrier from almost getting to his/her base and to protect your territory one the other side of it. (There are two territories facing each other through the vent. Now.............The moment you've all been waiting for. ___________________________________ Pictures Here's a pretty good overview of the main parts of the map Closer look at the Sniper Tower The "Vent" which blocks easy access from base to base Each base and their way up to the Doom Pit (Notice there's 2 ways for each side - the fence walls shaped like stairs and the window panel sticking out of the Doom Pit) Inside The Pit (No, there's no way out.) The "Corner Bases" for extra cover or spawn for multi team games Back Hall (Sides to throw grenades as a last resort to stop a flag capture) KOTH Hills (The one on and in the Doom Pit is the "Rush Hill") The flag spawns for each team Action Shots - Sorry about the quality And there's one last thing I'd like you to see. The thing that everyone (including me) spazzes about. Completely invented by me, I give you, *drum roll* The power source of the Doom Pit...........THE GEAR!! Yes it isn't much, but it's awesome! First of all, have you ever seen a map with a soccerball in the wall? i didn't think so. Secondly, it spins! That's right! Spins! It spins constantly without you having to do anything. If you wanna make it go faster, then just melee/shoot it and it will! It also, for some odd reason, changes positions slightly and the direction of it's spin. But that makes it that much cooler. Don't believe me? Find out for yourself! Oh and I put one easter egg on the map if you wanna find it. You don't have to be in Forge to find it and it's inside the map. When you find it, you'll know trust me. ___________________________________ Down↓Loads Map Download Doom Pit Game Variants Download King of The Pit Download Doom Flag Download Doom Battle Download Doom Conquest
The Most EPIC Map ever built by Doognit. I wish him luck to become a premium member. So thats Map #76? So thats about 674 billion left to go eh? Soccer Ball is amazing. All smooth and even and straight. DOWNLOADED! 100/5 EPIC
Hmm well let me say that the soccer ball part was epic, and the geomerges was stellar also. I really like the geomerges on this map however I hate your death pit idea. Its pointless and it will quickly demolish the gameplay. I dont like that whole concept but if you turned this into a more competitive layout, you would have a shot at premium I think I'll Dl just to see the socer ball. How did you do that???
forgethrough Edit having now done a forgethrough, i have to say, pretty epic pit o' win there seem to be to many weapons, to close to eachother. in the bases for example, in the space of 3 feet there are 2 battle rifles, a mauler, a smg, and a plasma rifle. also by the turret there is a powerdrain, 2 battle rifles and overshield and a needler. also you have a sniper rifle in the 1 prime sniping spot. i suggest you move that. also, there are alot of equipment all right within easy accses. in the two semi bases theres a regen each. a 5 second walk from there is the power drain. two seconds up the nearby grav lift is a buble sheld. one word. spacing. also, the ground level could see a makeover. add more (climable) structures. also the map has a plethora of free flowing ground space. a single ghost in asymetric games. or 2 mongii in symetric games. mix it up. the deathpit and sniper spawn are way to overpowering. needs more accsesible vertical areas. on a final ish note, the only way to get up to the sniper spawn is by way of the deathpit; which means that if you control the deathpit you control most powerweapons and all the highground. fix that. and yes i do believe this will get featured, but like bayonetwork for example, it will have to wait for v2/3/4
lol I know you already played it and all, but ya might wanna give a tiny review Thanks for helping me test man it's what made it this way. Trust me man the Doom Pit doesn't even come close to diminish the quality of game play. Matter of Fact, it makes it better. If you play it with a couple friends, you'll see what I mean. Trust me I'm not the only one who thinks so. The Doom Pit was simply the theme of the map to make it look cool. And to merge the soccer ball, you have to do the same thing as when you merge a power-up. To make it spin......well that's a secret Yea I might as well. I figured it wouldn't be a problem, but enough people have complained so I'll fix it. Green will be my new color. Dark green so that it's still readable.
I agree i dont like the pit idea. it could make the gameplay not as good. But for the rest of the map its epic. For you to say that you didnt worry about the athestics that much you did good. Its original and the games on this map seems like it would be fun minus the pit that is. which i dont know maybe the pit will make the gameplay even better. Ill have to download it and try the game.(once i get my xbox back that is) The soccer ball is amazing. I dont understand how thats possible. Great map 5/5 keep up the work
Well to me, the main reason why the Doom Pit doesn't diminish game play is because It's pretty damn hard to fall in unless you're trying. It's not like there's gravity pulling you into it or anything it's mainly there to be the theme of the map. I understand why you'd think otherwise though trust me I thought that over as well, but when you play it I hope you feel differently.
There is a power weapon above the pit. The main goal is to control the top of the pit not to fall in and hope someone doesn't kill you. To get the sword, you have to jump from one side of the top of the pit to the other by using the doors that stick out. You don't even have to crouch jump so falling in is very very rare. Sorry for replying a lot I'll die it down from now on.
Great job man. I've seen that soccer ball from some guy before except it was in the ground (ZOMG). Nice Aesthetic part of the map with the power up marks and the doom pit (very smooth and clean). 4.9/5 almost perfect score
Well i find it good that you think things through. and I understand the pit in your map and trust me I understand why you want it there, you've persade me through the last post that this was a decent idea. I just read you other comment that you will die down the replies. You shouldn't it shows that your really proud of your maps and that you care to try and persade people to enjoy your maps. once agian i like the map 5/5
To tell you the Truth, when i looked at this first it looked like a piece of ****. But after reading everything (Like no one ever does) and studying the map, i can see how you incorporated a large mechanism into a competitive map. The only thing i'm concerned about, is the amount of cover. You could be running around in the South end of Foundry (Use the AR) and someone could shoot you, then you will have no where to go! Other than that, your Interlox is great, and your geomerge is perfect! I love how you merged the Powerups with the Flag spawns, it gives it a nice asetic touch. 5/5, great job!
Dang I thought I was the first but thanks for noticing the smoothness of everything I always try to make everything as perfectly even/straight as I can. Cool well thanks man it's good to know. I thought this map was done for since everyone kind of assumed the actual doom pit would be an epic phail without playing it. Thanks for showing interest in my maps man that's great to hear I don't know quite what you're saying about my map in that first part, but I think you mean aesthetically it sucks, but game play works. If that's what you're saying, I guess I'm glad you can see the gameplay work. Not too proud that my map looks like crap to others, but I guess it's your opinion. As for cover, yes it's lacking just a bit, but it's that way because I want the top of the Doom Pit to be a power spot. Kind of like Valhalla. If you mancannon to the middle and someone else is controlling the middle, you're pretty much screwed. I incorporated that into this map by not cluttering the sides with a bunch of cover. It worked out perfectly when I played it a while ago so I hope it plays the same for you. Oh I forgot! I added an easter egg in the map as well. Just there for those who don't like DLing but can't help themselves since curiosity overwhelms laziness When you find it, trust me you'll know. So far the only one who has found it is ShearMe.
I remember testing this with you. and the pit really doesn't effect gameplay that much. it has a very good design and is extremely fun and i didn't remember the soccer ball being there i guess i just didn't notice it. Lol
ok before i start one question, im running low on hard drive space so whats the difference between the recommended gametype and normal ones? the ascetics are good but not great especially the spinning ball (pm me a tutorial for one of my maps pl0x ) witch is so epic its hard to talk about without haveing a forgegasam although the wall corner double box looks kind of weird but whatever all in all a 4/5
Yea I remember testing with you too that was a pretty good game if I'm remembering correctly. And yea most people don't notice it until I tell them. Well for slayer, it's just a BR and AR start. For CTF, Recover time = 10s Reset time = 15s BR and AR start, 12 minute time limit For KOTH, 200 points to win, BR and AR start For Territories, time limit = 15 min. territories don't lock. Secondary pistol spawn. So yea not much
Me, Trilogy, and Solo92 were just playing on this map, did you steal it. JK Trilogy DL it, anyway we did a forge through and the map is really nice. However it lacks cover and there is almost too much aesthetics that the map can handle. The chutes, or whatever you called em (the double walls) were really a pain, cause that cuts off a good route. Although you probably put them there so peeps would actually have to run up to the pit and cross. Good job overall, Come on Doog, Be the Youngest Premium on FH, in days I mean
Okay, I will tell you now that this has a good chance of getting featured since the only problem is it is totally un-origional. Like every map on forgehub used to be a full foundry map with a pit of instant respawning fusion coils. I wish you luck as a premium and i hope you get a guide for that soccer ball up soon.
Doog, your forging skills keep improving and your doing great so far. I love the constuction of this map, it looks absolutely wonderful. The geo-merged soccer ball is a new feature too (never seen it before or heard of it). The whole concept of a death pit is a bit noobish, but I'm not complaining about it. I'll download this and get a game going over the weekend (because this week is exam week for me before the holiday break). Great job.