Breakthrough! I had Geomerged a fence box in the back hallways, into a ramp form that wasnt pasable. Then the box became invisible. I was wondering if this has happended to anyone before, and or if you think this might be a one time glitch. Dl link for anyone who doesnt believe at the bottom. in the bottom picture, i threw an nade at it for extra evidence DOWNLOAD
When I was making the attacker's base on High Voltage (coming out in like a week or so) this happened to me while I was making low geomerges in foundry's bases. I also geomerged a fence box in the attacker's base exactly how you did. That didn't happen to be. It would be cool if you somehow made a minigame out of it or something!!
yeah, that would be bitchin, any ideas? ill proly do something with needlers, kinda like splazer evader
This always happens to me on Black out. If you try to geo-merge a box down through the center, underneath it will be invisible.
Yeah, when i merged a bridge in the back hallway, in sunk through the map, but I was able to move like it was out in the open, with nothing blocking it. I put it where i wanted, but when I saved/quit and rejoined I found it was invisible. I just shifted its spot a bit and it went away. I wonder what needs to happen to objects back there to make them invisible?
I think you might have geomerged it a bit too far, cuz I did that too and redid it but not so far in and it worked, try that
well, i was just fooling around/and or practicing, but i think ill keep it and make a minigame from it i hvae some ideas
Omg you found it! My friend Morphine had made a map with invisible boxes, and I asked him how he did it and he would never tell me. He is not a modder either, I am so telling him to give it up already and share it with everyone.
so far we have concluded you can do this by geomerging boxes to far in foundry's back area, on blackouts buildings. cool
Its funny how you set up mini-advertisements in the past 20 posts you have made. Anyways, its actually really common. You cant really predict when it will happen but when it does you sure are lucky.
lol gd, this is an intervention. weve been watching you advertise, ask to colab with every ****ing well known forger; i myslef a victim of this travesty, its time you changed. jayks jkjkjk lets get this ***** back on topic
my firend moyset made and infection map like a fat kid map and you had to jump in an invisable box to get out of the hallways, i wonder if you can do it out of the hallways.
after it becomes invisible, can you move it elsewhere and the item still be visible? or will it only be invisible in that certain spot? anyways, nice find
hey ya i did this before to and i was pretty amazed at what i did and i thought that i came up with a way to prank your friends when they are going down the back hallway. but no unfortunatly i guess your not the only one who found it
In pic 2 you can kinda see where the boxes outline is but other than that this is just so epic cool all your noob friends will be like MODDER to you it will be hilarious. do you think tihs is how bungie makes its barriers i don't but im just asking ??