since Xmas is coming around I was wonder what what you uys and gals got your girlfriends or some of you,boy friends,or forthe rest of you,just your friends for christmas.I would just like to know.
Lulz, nothing like giving your best friend a bottle of shampoo and saying "Use it." XD As for me, I really don't have friends to give stuff too. I could get my Jewish friend something, but cmon, he's jewish. I will be getting something nice for my family I hope though. An xbox for my brothers, a blue ray player for my dad, and I have yet to figure out what to get my mom.
Haha, well, I don't know if I can pay for all that stuff, I might have to figure out a way to raise cash... But I can make you a handmade Christmas card =D
(No joke) I got my friend summin' free. I got him a cucumber slicer (It like slices cucumber into a spiral) free from a demonstration session, and I plan on wrapping it on the bus to school. In the free newspaper we get on our public transport.
Got my girlfreind the rest of the Twighlight series. She had the first one, loved it, so I got her the last three.
Stick with the second. Although the second and fourth can be used interchangeably if you know how to work a light bulb.
I just came in from christmas shoping and got my girls a stuffed animal (and to get a little creative) also wearing jewelry that I bought them. turns out that there was to sets of stuff,an emerald set and saphire set. they were soposed to be $230 dollers or so apiece,but they were marked as $50,and they were 70% off,what luck,97% savings.
Orly? I have commitment issues... Maybe... or I'm just extremely unlucky with relationships =/ Gotta keep your bitches in line.