I was just wondering what everyone will be doing. Are you going to get Halo Wars or wait a week to get the maps. I personally think that Halo Wars looks pretty epic but thats just my opinion. k thxs bye
I'm a game collector, and especially a Halo collector so I will get Halo Wars the day it comes out. I'm still in search of getting Halo CE and Halo 2.
I was going to get Halo Wars anyway and for Europe, it comes out 2 days after my birthday - so I'll have some money lying around. The LE will just be a bonus I guess.
I will be getting the Legendary Edition the day (or if has the night release) it comes out. For sure! Hopefully I wont be disappointed with the game but even if i am at least i get the Mythic Map pack, so I'll get a little bit of joy out of it. =]
I could either buy a new Xbox 360 now, or wait until I ship it off and get it back. Meh, I could wait more than a week for the game. Because I have to.
Actually, I don't think I'll be buying it. I'm going to hate seeing all my friends playing the new maps, but I'll have to live with it. I don't have the money for another sucky game :/
**** Halo Wars. End War is the ****. You fight WWIII in real-time online multiplayer with thousands of other players.
I say you should wait. Unless you are really into game collecting, or you just like Halo Wars THAT much.
I'll get it. I loved age of empires and ensemble made this so i'm sure I will like it. I also really like RTSs and I havn't played on in a while
Everyones going to be all OMGZ sandbox inv insane54, but then you wont be able to join and it will be the worst week of your life...for real
Wait wait wait... You have to buy Halo wars to get the Mythic map pack early? hm.... How much for it?
Yeah , I'm gonna' get it but not for the maps. I'm genuinely interested on what Ensemble do with it. Especially with the recent shitty strategy games, other then RA3, I really want to play an RTS again.
I'm getting it even if didn't have the maps simply because I like RTS(thats right I said it) games. Ok let the hate flow on to me.
For me waiting a week is not an option. I love RTS games and I love halo. So its win/win for me. Plus the addition of the maps is a plus since I am going to get those also. Buy Halo wars right now. EARLY. now. Force bungie to give it to you. Now. I would not wait.
i actualy want halo wars not just to have mythic. HW looks awesome if this game can pull of a good console RTS then this game will get nothin but good reviews. Limited Ed. ftw btw chombie ill sell u my halo 2.