Longer V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Sneilanaught, Dec 14, 2008.

  1. Sneilanaught

    Sneilanaught Ancient
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    Longer V2

    ***Use the gametype on my fileshare!!! It will make the map much more enjoyable... trust me!***

    This took me a bit longer to post than I had first expected. I ended up having a lot of things to deal with for school but here it is. I have updated many things that people were complaining about and some things which I thought would be good improvements. For those who didn't see the original, this is a 2vs2 (or 3vs3) One flag map. I thought it would be an interesting idea for a doubles match seeing that there aren't any one flag doubles games.


    - Various objects interlocked and geomerged for a smoother look and gameplay (will be explained in more detail below)
    - Major rehaul on spawns (thanks to forging101 spawn faqs :p)
    - Various weapon spawns moved, removed, or added
    - Teleporters removed
    - Basically almost everthing has been changed


    Weapon x amount - respawn - spare clips
    Battle Rifle x 4 - 45 seconds - 2 clips
    Shotgun x 1 - 90 seconds - 0 clips
    Sniper Rifle x 1 - 120 seconds - 1 clip
    Plasma Rifle x 1 - 45 seconds
    Brute Shot x 1 - 60 seconds - 2 clips
    Rocket Launcher x 1 - never - 0 clips
    Carbine x 1 - 45 seconds - 2 clips
    Mauler x 1 - 45 seconds - 1 clip


    Type x amount - respawn
    Frag Grenade x 8 - 20 seconds
    Plasma Grenade x 4 - 20 seconds
    Grav Lift x 1 - 90 seconds
    Regenerator x 1 - 60 seconds
    Radar Jammer x 1 - 60 seconds
    Active Camo x 1 - 90 seconds (does not spawn at start)


    Type x amount - respawn
    Ghost x 1 - never

    ***(All the spawn times are set to work with my gametype for this map, please try the map using that gametype before criticising my spawn times)***

    Tour of Map

    The new and improved attacker's base! Their base has now been moved to outside and the doors have been blocked by walls.

    Looking out from the attacker's base, you can already see some of the changes made. The dumpster is now a sunken box, the corner wall has been lowered, and the same for wall in front of the BR at the left. The radar jammer is in the same place but there are frags where the mauler used to be.

    A shot from the other side of the previous picture. As you can see, there is a mauler at the right where the frags used to be.

    Turned to the left of the previous shot. This whole section has been interlocked so the ground is smooth. The brute shot has been moved closer to the frags.

    One of the old teleporter spots. There is now a Carbine and two plasmas there.

    The sniper tower has been almost completely changed. The sniper is now in front of the box instead of on top of it and there is a corner wall surrounding it. The standing dumpster has been replaced with a fence wall.

    The rocket tower has not changed too much. I`ve used interlocking in order to make it smoother.

    The inside of the defender's base. The dumpster here has also been replaced by a sunken box. The flag tower has also been lowered, giving access to it even by jumping from the bridge.

    Not much different here. The grav lift has been moved slightly further away from the wall to enable more success when jumping onto the rocket tower.

    The tunnel is pretty much the same, except there's no teleporter now.

    Back to the attacker's base!

    Shot from the attacker's base

    Shot from the defender's base


    Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Please rate and comment if you have any feed back. Thank you​
  2. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    I remember reviewing the first version of this map, and this one looks like everything is fixed. Thanks for taking some of my suggestions and opinions on what could make it better, such as removing the turret and making the rocket have no extra clips. This map is definitely on the better side of foundry maps. Great job!

    Edit: I just DL'ed and I will try to test it and come back, but my friends hate Flag games so I won't be able to review one of the most key features of this map.

    I also wanted to say that this map did not have interlocking before, and it was probably very hard to add it, so appreciate the effort.

    Edit: Ok, I just playtested it. Here are some things that I would fix for a v3.

    -There should be one more way to get to the sniper spawn. It is unfair how the rockets have very easy accesibility while the sniper does not.

    -I would add some walls to the top ridge, because it is easy to use the grav lift to get up there.

    -Maybe add one more structure in the middle, because the ghost can be unfair when the same team has both the ghost and rockets.


    -There should be a little more cover up on top of this wall.

    Other than that, it was a great map to play on, and it is completely inescapable.
    #2 AItius, Dec 14, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2008
  3. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    I actually like this, i like one flag maps and it is clear that you use interlocking and geomerging well. I never saw the first version so i dont know many of the changes, but this map is good. 4/5
  4. xLMSxTRiLoGY

    xLMSxTRiLoGY Ancient
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    I remember posting on the v1 of this and the improvements are amazing, mostly the neatness and no teleporters otherwise most of the map is the same except for some parts where they have drastically changed. 4/5 since the new improvements.
  5. Sneilanaught

    Sneilanaught Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback. This was also mentioned in my V1 post a few times and I never explained why I left it how I did. I've played quite a few games on this (new and old versions) and I've found it extremely easy to stop the other team from getting rockets. It all just depends on your approach. Right off the start if you grab a BR, you can easily throw a grenade straight into rockets to either kill him if hes just going in or just keep him out. While doing that, your other player can easily come in to flank with invis or whatever else they grab. The whole reason why it's easier to get the rockets than the sniper is because the offense team has a lot of weapons while the defense team does not. Rockets is like their only power weapon off the start. The sniper is supposed to be somewhat hard to access because of how well it can control this map. It's nearly impossible for the defending team to grab them so it's more like they're trying to defend the sniper from the offense but not use it. I'm sure there are some modifications that I could make to make it better but I find that it does work pretty good. Also, the reason there is an incredibly less amount of cover near the defender's side, is to make it harder on them for defending. If I added too much cover, it would be extremely difficult to attack. Anyways I'll stop rambling :p but thx for the feedback, I'll definately take into consideration some things you mentioned.
  6. Sneilanaught

    Sneilanaught Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This has nothing to do with elongation (it doesn't even look similar) and I believe that it's pretty original; I haven't seen many maps similar to this. The name being slightly similar to elongation is just a coincidence, it's named longer because... well it just makes sense :p.
  7. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    it looks okay. the interlocking looks really smooth.
    it looks nice overall. i really dont like the turned over dumpsters. idk why but they look wierd. also, i think there should be some cover and a bit more closed. i say this because it looks like just a straight-away to the flag and back. it doesnt make very good gameplay.
    the map has major petential but some flaws. u should make a v2.
    for now; 9/10

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