O.K...well christmas is comin around and (this is rather embarising) I was thinking about getting this girl in my class that I like a present.sounds simple enough right?wrong. the first main problem is that she already has a boyfriend,the second main problem is that i don't want her to know it from me.(were not enemies or anthing,in fact,she's one of my best friends.) should I even get her any thing? if so (this is where you come in squidhands) what? I was thinking amethyst earrings. any suggestions?
Whatever you get her, don't hide it. She may have a boyfriend but don't hide the fact that the present is from you. Express your feelings. Doesn't mean go overboard an give her a hint that you like her (It might be embarrassing) but she is your best friend right? So I don't see a problem with this. Her boyfriend doesn't hate you does he?
That's not something you wanna give to your best friend. Plus, it's not a carnival, you can't buy something that might cost 2 bucks. It's a girl.
There's no system to it. If you want to give someone a present, just give them the present. I still stand by don't make a big deal out of it, otherwise it seems like you're trying too hard. And that doesn't apply to just this situation.
Just get her something she would like, or an inside joke, I did that one year for one of my good friends, she thought it was funny, and her boyfriend didn't mind at all.
this reminds me when i was in 5th grade i wrote a note and put a $1 bill in the note,folded it up and stuck in her backpack lol anyway on topic sure maybe some earings or a bracelet pfft i was gonna ask out this girl bought her a $50 necklace,the next day i found out she was goin out with my best friend!
dont get her something expensive. she might get weird around u. i wouldnt get her jewlery cuz thats kinda overboard if u dont want her to know that u likez her. and give it to her urself. cuz (this happens alot) if u buy something for her and give it to her without her knowing its u she'll mostlikely think its her BF. so giver her like a stuffed animal. like a plush animal er something.
Go with those earings, you're the one that knows her, you'll pick the best gift. Since she's your best friend she'll be okay with the present as long as you don't overplay it and make it completely serious. Come to think of it, I might actually take some of my (and your) advice and get a girl I know something like that.
ah, this brings back horrible memories from grade 6(i was 11 for all u mathimatically impaired) and i liked a girl alot. she had a girlfriedn so i guess i was in the same situation you are cuz she was one of my MANY friends :lol: anyways i did the thing where you give the chick the present and she doesnt even know its from you and then you get mad and kill yourself... my only advice GO BIG OR GO HOME LMAO AT NORLINSKY...thats actually what i was gonna get my mommy
I would just get her something small and nice. The best thing to do is to not make a big deal about it because you might run into trouble with her boy friend and that never ends well.