Complex This map has been remodelled. Look for the map 'complexity' for details and the download link. Also if a moderator could delete this thread, that would be great. Thanks.
This map is really good 4.5/5. The interlocking is clean and test your vertical senses. The name isn't the best though. Other than that great Idea I'm going to DL right now keep on forging.
First of all I like the name; it made me take a look at it. The map looks very nicely build, from what I can tell from the pics. The layout looks simple and the maps looks like it will play well, that is saying without playing or looking at the spawn placement. By the way in the 9th pic, too me that looks like a good camping spot that may make for bad game play, but I am not sure. I am DL right now and might make a future comment latter. Great map from what I can see.
This map is great. THe interlocking is clean and smooth, although the weapons choice could have been better, i feel the sniper will dominate. Is there a longer respawn for the sniper?? If there is, maybe its not bad. Great overall, 4/5.
Rather Impressive, Ive yet to see a Wolfenstein remake on here yet. I would volunteer for testing, but I have RRoD, so that wont happen. It looks like you got crafty with your Interlocks to perfectly recreate the map. Im impressed. 5/5 on pictures, Whenever my box gets back, you have a DL.
I think the title pretty much sums it up. 'Complex'. This map is so very complex, but sexy. Interlocking is great and looks like a well built map for objective gametypes, probably FFA or one-sided gametypes.
All of these judgements are based on your pictures, as I have the map queued for download and haven't the time to play it yet. If anything about your map that I say is untrue, I apologize! First off, let me say this: EXCELLENT use of vertical space. Many people could learn from you, especially in terms of map layout and 3D geometry. You've created interesting elevation differences which will lend themselves to more memorable gameplay, and less stale gameplay at that (because elevation variation lends itself to trickier gunfights and BR 4-shotting becomes much more difficult). Your weapon placement looks pretty solid; weapons seem to be plentiful from the screens but not excessively so, which is a good thing. From what I can tell, your layout is pretty solid. It's interesting, unique, and best of all not square and "boxy" like most Foundry maps these days. You get some style points as well for the interlocking, which looks pretty proficient. As for spawns and gameplay, I can't tell (because I haven't yet done a Forgethrough), but there's one thing I noticed from the screens that could hinder this map's gameplay. Movement throughout this map seems to be largely based around jumping, yes? Having to constantly jump to get around a map breaks its continuity and flow somewhat, as suddenly lower positions are at a disadvantage. The Rocket Spawn area on your map seems like it would end up being a "kill pit," kind of a no-man's land where all that enter are easily mown down by those in better positions. Ramped escape routes from the area would help the place's mobility significantly; a ramp up to the flat double box near the back corner of the warehouse (by the windows), as well as one by the flag spawn you've shown, and the staircase that protrudes a bit higher than your floor walls' level would free up the bottom area significantly. In case you haven't noticed, Bungie's maps rarely force people to jump unless it's to an important and powerful area (IE Guardian's center platform when coming from Gold Lift, Wizard/Warlock's center platform). Your pit in the middle isn't a powerful area; it's one in which players will be at a disadvantage and you should therefore provide them with plenty of ways out for it to be balanced. Other than that, I noticed a few elevated perches that don't seem to be connected to the rest of the map by anything other than teleporters (I assume), and I'd recommend adding at least one physical way up to each of these places (other than teleporters). Halo 2's Terminal map played out poorly when people would get a "Hive Spawn" and be able to camp in the attic where others couldn't reach them. Team Snipers was devastated by this. Anyway, I legitimately look forward to Forging through your map and seeing how it plays!
Thanks for all the comments so far guys. I agree qith you debo on the fact that that pit may become a trouble spot... at the moment I havent really had a chance to play throught it. Although that is the attackers spawn, so getting the rocket should be fairly easy allowing them to progress past the front wall. As for the elevated perches, im not sure there are any that are unreachable except for the one spawn point, but its in a poistion that would make any camper very suceptible to death. I only put it there to give attackers one last refuge if theyre being pummelled by the defenders. If you guys have any other tips/feedback on how to improve the map, please do tell. I'm good at the building blocks, but weapon placement is probably something i lack so yea. Anyways thanks again guys, and if anyone is interested in playing through with me let me know. My gamertag is the same as my name here.
this map is very good and very creative there is a few spots that could be geomerged and interlocked but its very creative and has some good gameplay
Nice. It has very clean interlocking but i could not see any geo-merged parts. You should add more pics because it looks squished from my point of view (even though there's only one point of view,lawl) anyway it looks great. IT NEEDZ MORE INTERLOCKS! 3.5/5
Looks like you spent a lot of time into this. It surely paid off, because this map is nice. My only complaint is that you could have interlocked the big border that separated the bases. I see a lot of unique structures and expect unique gameplay. The base was awesome, nice interlocking. I look forward to playing this, good job.
Map looks fairly well constructed. I really like the way you made many different paths around the whole map. To me, it somewhat resembles Code Impulse or High Voltage. A couple hindrances to the map are that it seems like you have to jump around a lot to get around. The interlocking seems fairly well put but I think some more places could use it. If I have enough time I will make a full review on it. Im pretty busy though so dont count on it.
Nice work man this looks very good. Aesthetically, it's at a 8/10 so far. I think if you made a v2, you could fix a lot of "uninterlocked" places and unevenness. I personally HATE "glitchyness" - not a real word - which you can see in Pic #3. It's where 2 items are reaaaaly close to perfect but barely off making it glitch and look like a piece of glass or something. Other than that, the map itself is pretty well-built. I like those maps that are like gradient where they're not just all flat and boring. I usually don't have the patience to do it myself, but playing on them is fun sometimes. I don't know where the door teleporter leads to, but I'll DL and find out in a little bit. After I DL, I'll give you a more in-depth review. And yea that means more text :O EDIT: Ok so I played it and I realized you got a lot of stuff to work on man. Mostly gameplay though it was still aesthetically pleasing. Gameplay-wise, you should make some major changes. Spawns are one big thing to fix and weapons are the other. Spawns should be fixed because I was spawning either in the exact same spot every time or behind other people so spawn camping was easy as pie. Also there were no spawns in the middle - or at least none that I noticed when I played it. I suggest you check out somewhere that teaches you how to use respawn areas so you can fix it up with ease. Weapons should be fixed because there are waaaaay too many power weapons for this area. The power weapons IMO include 2 shotguns, hammer, rockets, turret, flame thrower, mauler, and a sniper. You gotta remove some of those and replace them with short-range/not so powerful weapons like SMGs or spikers. You do have some variety like plasma rifles here and there, but you need more. Also, I think having more than 2 types of grenades in a map is a little over the top for halo. But again, just my opinion. So with better weapons, spawns, and smoothness fixing (interlocking where it's not already), this could make a pretty epic map. If you ever make a v2 lemme know! EDIT 2: I just found a semi easy way to get out of the map. If you get the brute shot and jump on the wall corner right next to it (sticking out of the box) you can brute shot up to the B sign and jump out. Just something to consider. Oh yea and sorry for the wall of text. Wait nevermind I found an easier way - on the very top platform, you can jump on the crane and jump out. No weapons necessary.
This is spam please change or remove your comment.(and learn to spell) Anyway.... On to the map. It looks very aesthetically pleasing, but it seems like thats the only great part of this map. The game play is not so good(weapons,spawns ect..) I would love to see a V2 that is focused on game play as well as aesthetics. 4.5/5
Great job! Clean interlocking and smooth flow, but i dont think gameplay would be very fluid on the map. sorry. 4/5!
The map is breakable, you can jump onto A-Sign then B-Sign onto the raised platform, if someone where to get to that location with a sniper they would have a potential spawntrap on crane side. The low sniper amo makes up for this but that location can still be too advantages with a battle rifle. Bubble shield spawn could use some minor interlocking onto the lower boxes for a smooth floor.
If you could be more specific that would be helpful as I double stacked the B-Sign so that in v1.5 this is no longer possible.