looks pretty cool. although i would try to get a full body shot next time instead of just the head/weapon. (edit) sorry u did. my bad
I love this screenshot. The explosion is great and works with the armor colors. Also I love how you can see the rest of foundry in your helmet.
Dont listen to CD Shot. It Looks sick! Maybe Do the same thing in a Legendary map, and turn on the Gloomy and Juicy effects, it makes fire and explotions look really cool. Nice screenshot tho 4/5
That's pretty cool. The fire looks nice in the background and the helmet looks good. I have almost the same armor, all orange with the same helmet and Katana. I used Security shoulders though.
What's that spot just below his katana? There's no explosion there, but what is it? The screenshot looks good with the armour colour. Good job.
Thanks for the good feedback. l used a map varient on foundry which had non stop expoding fusion coils with shield doors covering it.The bottem right hand courner is the shield door ( l tried to take it out, but if l moved too far up then l wouldent have been able to get a centre image)
I love fire screenshots! Nice Pic, but I think this type of Screenshots are used wayyy to often ( no offense ). Still a very nice pic. 4/5 (not based on originality).
i had a screenshot resembling this on my old profile EVIL STICKMAN. hang on i'll post it so u can see. theyre eerily similar. EDIT: dangit nvm i can't find it >_<
l was hardly going to call it "blue cold" was l ? l was stuck for names at the time but l think it suits the picture well enough.
It's all good bro. You cant rate a screenshot based upon the name, you can always change the name. Keep it up.
This is actually pretty cool I like the reflection on the guys helmet i wish i knew what it was reflecting that would be cool to know. Good screenie i like the Name its fits it perfectly!
Cool, next time try to reflect someone else into the visor instead of just foundry, maybe even someone holding an oddball, that would be awesome!