I took this picture a long while ago and forgot about it. Ya, perspective is awesome. Can't let you in here! Taken: 8/15/2008 B.net This may be a repost, but I doubt it.
Oh wow. That's pretty funny. For a second there I honestly though you hacked and made giant street cones. No lie. Funny dude. Funny! XD
OOOOH! Tricky Tricky. Very nice effect, it confused me as I saw it. Then just thought about it. If only that screenshot competition for cones was still on. This would be perfect.
If you want to kill someone with those monsters I should upload my next picture! Scratch that, I lost it. Short but sweet Hack? ME!? Never! (Sarcasm) Thanks man Yes, you will find I can be very tricky... =P Thanks... Wait... competition for cones!? Darn it...
Put a cone on a crate and delete the crate, the cone will stay up for a couple seconds and in those seconds you take the shot
No no, silly child, this is perspective. A trick of the eye.... you get it? And you get a Gold Star... "Gold Star" not valid in US or Canada.
Lol that is so funny. Did you work with someone to do this? Because there are two cones. Again, this pick is epic win, very nice. It's also Bfaves worthy for me.
I haven't seen a perspective shot for a while. It's refreshing. The only thing that breaks it, for me, is the lack of a shadow on the cones. It would be better with no warthog shadow.
I did this by myself, just delete whats under the cones. Thanks man. You are the first person to notice the shadows... even before me... good eye.
That's a really cool perspective shot. I love these types of shots, there always funny. The whole idea of the giant cones is pretty cool. Great job on the shot.
Congratulations [insert screenshot owner's name] on your [insert adjective here] screenshot. You have been selected to win one free cookie! Ehhh...just screwin' with you. <3 this pic :haha:
Nice Screenshot. You have just inspired me to do a Perspective Screenshot,but it will be epic fails like my others so would be as good as yours. 4.9/5 (looking at the picture it looks like you can still go around the cones)
This is so cool, it doesn't even look like you are closer to the cones. It looks like the cones are strait up hog sized.
Thanks man... what else can I say Screeny..... Ok. If you like it, Anything works. =) Hells ya. Thanks man. That's to bad, you where gonna get a free cookie... than again.... The cookie is not valid in the US or Canada so...... Thanks man, good luck with your pic. Hellz ya, dunke (German for Thanks.... it may not be spelled right.)