I feel the need to note this inconsistancy/misconception,

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Daedalus, Dec 11, 2008.

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  1. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    This topic is ****ing hilarious.

    The game is a tribute to the movie. The game is called Tremors. Get over it please.
  2. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    One of the better FH threads of all time, methinks.
  3. Daedalus

    Daedalus Ancient
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    Did you even read my post, or did you just skim through it? My beef with the gametype is not the name of the gametype, it's the incorrect naming of the opposing team.

    If you're going to make a game type based on a movie, at least get things right.

    The only reasons the hosts of the game would call it any besides what is should be called are:

    A: They got the game from a friend, and have no idea of it's origins.
    B: They got the game from a friend, and they saw the movie, but they didn't really pay attention/forgot because it was a long time ago.
    C: Or well, the person who originally made this game got things wrong, at least in regards to the movie, and because of that, it spread like a virus every single time someone copied it.
    #23 Daedalus, Dec 11, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2008
  4. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Oh, I read your post in it's entirety, believe you me.

    I just don't think that anyone beside yourself cares at all. Game being the Gametype and Map together, the game was called Tremors in Halo 2 as a tribute to the movie and so it is with the Halo 3 version of the Halo 2 classic.

    If you're too opinionated to hear out what I'm saying though, here's a simplified version: I think it's great that you're taking time out of your day to educate strangers on the small detailed errors they've made to a customized gametype inside a videogame. Good for you.
  5. Daedalus

    Daedalus Ancient
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    According to this post and the last, it seems you did not read a single of my posts.

    I have problems with the name of the gametype

    Now that you realize this, go and read my posts again, and maybe you can actually grasp what they say.
  6. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    According to this post and your last, it seems you're far too opinionated (as assumed) to take my (our; ForgeHub's) point of view into accounting.

    We don't care that you have a problem with something pointless.

    Now that you realize this, please either merge yourself with the community outside of this topic or leave, keeping your argumentative banter with you.

    Welcome to ForgeHub.
  7. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Whoopdidoo. I'm still gonna play it.
  8. Daedalus

    Daedalus Ancient
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    If you don't care, then why are you responding?

    Secondly, true, I am complaining in this thread, but I am also clarifying a small bit of information. Also, try speaking for yourself, you have no idea if the entire community doesn't care.

    And finally, to put it in plain english seeing as how you didn't bother reading my other posts:

    I am not talking about the name of the gametype, I am talking about the name used to table a team within the game type, ie, human/covenant. In this case, the accurate labels would be Human/Graboid. That was my entire rant.

    I realize I said 'finally' a moment ago, but, just to reiterate:

    If you don't care, don't respond, just go on your merry way.
  9. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    A. No one cares its just a game we play
    B. No one cares its just a game we play
    C. No one cares its just a game we play.
    D. Oh and did i mention no one cares its just a game we play

    So if you want to preach to us saying we should not call them tremors than complain to bungie and have them tell us but seriously IMO tremors sounds way better than Graboids anyday.
  10. Daedalus

    Daedalus Ancient
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    I don't care if you're going to play it, try and actually read what I had to say, I was simply noting a misconception, I was not asking everyone to change every instance, to remember to say things correctly, I was simply noting what the labels should be.

    As I have been telling everyone else, if you don't care, don't respond.

    Secondly, it really doesn't. The meaning of the word doesn't change, so it just makes it sound poorly worded/as if the creator doesn't have a good grasp of english/to anyone who knows the movie, stupid.
  11. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Go ahead and ask many users if they care. Seriously, see how many you find do outside of jokingly saying yes. Lol.

    Other than this, your points are valid. They are called Graboids, and we're idiotic for not calling them so. Thank you for educating us in the error of our ways, both by your wonderful private message and this wondorous topic of topics. My also valid point of "nobody gives a ****" is also quit relevant to the topic, Sir. Good day.

    Stealth did bring up a wonderful A.B.C.D. chart, though, I'd advise checking that out.

    I also have to point out; if only people that cared responded, this topic would have no posts. I'm sorry to tell you, this kind of pointless argumentative spew is better found at bungie. Go start your petition there.
  12. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    im sorry but i am going to have to report you because you just double posted. i hope you like infraction pie with a side of ban and eggs
  13. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Accuracy Shmacuracy. The creator of the gametype and map can call it whatever they please.
  14. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    You just said what I've been attempting to better than I ever could convey it.
  15. Daedalus

    Daedalus Ancient
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    Well, here's the thing, I haven't asked yet if anyone cares. You didn't have to respond, you didn't need to post that you didn't care, so why did you?

    I know, as said several posts above, I am simply noting it, I'm not calling for a change.
  16. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    hey have you ever thought that we here dont like change? why dont you take our feelings into account before you try to crush us and bring us down.
  17. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I believe you suggested the description be changed.
    The map and gametype were made roughly this time last year.
    So, it's been a year, thousands of downloads, it's just too late. It'd be like renaming the Dark Knight, Batman:2 six months after its release. It's just too late.

    We're merely talking in circles, everyone has put in what needs to be said.
    I can understand and appreciate that you wanted to point point out a small misunderstanding in the tremors gametype but everyone knows and loves it as tremors and there's a 0% chance of it ever being changed.
  18. Daedalus

    Daedalus Ancient
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    Have you ever thought about learning to read?

    I said I wasn't calling for a change, get your facts straight.
  19. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Imma just ignore the above of your question because I don't feel like arguing my way against something that doesn't relate to the original topic directly.

    If you're simply noting it, the "notation" doesn't need a new thread. Post it in the Featured map post next time, this kind of thing only accumulates spam and flame.

    Call lock, says I, seeing as you're only accusing people of being illiterate instead of caring about what they have to say. Do the honors, Linou?

    Hope you've enjoyed your stay at ForgeHub thus far, xxSpartan 99xx.
  20. Daedalus

    Daedalus Ancient
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    I'm not talking about the gametype name, but the name given to a team in the gametype. I'm perfectly fine with the gametype name.

    I keep accusing you of such because you don't bother even reading what I write.

    In your post you quoted me saying that I wasn't calling for a change, and yet you respond with "we don't like change".
    #40 Daedalus, Dec 12, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2008
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