Screenshot Guides - Forge Hub Halo Forums check out here there are some lovely guide written by experienced members
Well, i learned how to make some really good screanshots from a guy who learned from a tuxedo cat. But I'll just give you some basics. First: you can always shoot a guy with a Brute Shot. That will give you a few good effects. And try to throw a few of grenades in, doesn't matter what kind, just mix it up! Second: if your using a brute shot make sure the guy your taking a photo of is standing against a wall. Third: The "actor" needs to do a bunch a stuff so you can get lots of different angles (swaping weapons, switching weapons, dropping a flag, looking down/up, etc.) Forth: You will need multiple people in order to do this And lastly: Use a good armor in you screenshot, people don't really like screenshots with Mark VI armor. If none of these work for you contact my GT: MGC Nightshade. I can also help people out with machinima making, and forging.
1. explosions are your friend 2. campaign offers unique lighting in many areas 3. filters are way overdone, add your own affect with a filter and you've got somethin' special 4.Generally, if you like funny pictures, splatter someone 100 times and see what their body does. it can be hilarious.
OK A few steps for you... 1 BE PERCEPTIVE 2 avaulnche is your best bud for screenshots ( so is ghost town) 3 See an effect and ya want to know how, find out what map its on and keep trying 4 when going inside explotions, be carefull of the brightness.
Since all the screenshots I see nowadays are just blending together, this is what will make me happy: Only post a screenshot that is completely original. You can take screenshots, sure, but if you want people to really notice, use a new effect that hasn't been down. Comedic screenshots are easy to do something original, unless it's someone's body all stretched out because of a glitch, those aren't funny. And as if this paragraph didn't have enough comma's...... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
shield doors are ur friend. if anyone is pretty good at screenshots ill trade some of my effects for some other ones add my tag eh eh eamonn
I have a couple tips one correcting one of the other guys.1.Bruteshots: The poser doesn't need to be next to the wall.2.Try taking some in forge and just put on a force color.3.Matchmaking you CAN get good pictures.4.Stay original no one wants to see copys of heavenly hog anymore or any other effect.5.When your taking one type of screenshot try to take a different kind also.6 Campain offers alot of effects.7.Mixing effects looks realy cool so do that.Well thats all I have to say.
Completely agree. But tips: -Use explosions -If you set somthing up closer than somthing else it will look biger -Dont work with idiots Kthxbai