Are you sick and tired of playing competitive games? Would you like to stop, chill, and play something purely fun? Do you want more crazy hijinx and uproarious pratfalls? If so, welcome. I am currently making several "friendly" minigames designed specifically for you and your buddies to goof off on. The kind of game that if someone had never played halo before they could just grab a controller and get into it. In addition to this, after several violent and not-so-friendly threats from certain members of forgehub, i made this one look much better in comparison even though it didn't need it. Enjoy it folks, you know who you are. AND SO... enough of the random chit-chat. Hammerfall (2-8 Players) this is a view from a corner spawn point this is a view of the roof from the same spawn point this is the death pit, i wouldn't go in there if i was you. another view of the roof, OMG PROJECT HALO DID AESTHETICS? i suppose so. RULES N' THINGS Various details.. GAMETYPE: Slayer, but definitely not played the way you think. SCORE TO WIN: unlimited LIVES PER ROUND: 1 ROUND TIME: 2 minutes , or last man standing NUMBER OF ROUNDS: 5 The point system.. POINTS PER DEATH: -1 POINTS PER SUICIDE: -1 NUMBER OF LIVES: 1 POINTS FOR A SPREE: 1 Character traits etc.. DAMAGE RESISTANCE: 2000% DAMAGE DONE: 25% SHIELDS: N/A WEAPON: Gravity Hammer GRENADES: N/A INFINITE AMMO: Yes WEAPON PICKUP: N/A RADAR: N/A How to play.. Basically you start off in this cage and you have to survive whatever the cost. Your enemies lose a point if they die in any way at all but so do you. As well, if you manage to kill off 5 people in one round personally, you get a bonus point. You can kill your enemies by either assassination or knocking them into the pit. You will not get points for your kills but it puts that enemy one more point back if you understand what im saying. You can download the map below this sentence. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details And the gametype below this incomplete sentence. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details And remember, this map as well as bruteball is purely for you and your buddies to play on custom games. No serious biz.
Hmm... I don't really understand what you do... I read the post so i'm guessing that you hit the people into the deathpit or assassinate? The score system looks like it is going to keep the score really low and one person really high but that's only if they are good. How long did you work on this anyway? Last night you posted 2 maps and in the morning BAM another. You forge like crazy fast dude... I'm going to try this if I have more room in my halo custom game thing(you can have a limit of 100 maps/gametypes/films) so if I do i'll play it if I don't then I wont be able to give a full review. For now 3/5.(No gameplay added in this)
in english please, that was totally incomprehensible. and i THINK in there you told me i rated my own map 5 stars? why not, i like it and i can rate it as i wish.
Project halo your new so ill let you in on something rating your own map makes you look bad please dont do so n e ways your map is not every original i think it sould have more merging 2/5
*double sigh* everyone at forgehub <3's merging. if so, good, you'll <3 my next map, which btw im releasing in the next hour or so. it's made for infection, however so it will be in the casual maps section.
Why has everyone gone crazy with interlocking/merging, its not an essential to game-play, think of anvil, that had no interlocking/merging and it got posted on matchmaking! Its not an MLG map, it did enough for the gameplay. That's all it needs. Overall, the idea is only semi-original, but it is still fun so 4/5.
Sorry about being so rude about your other map. Did you find anything good in my suggestions? Now about this map: - Good idea. Not a very original concept, but I would say that it is well executed. - Well forged for not much interlocking. - I like the ascetics. Good job on those. The double boxes that form the outer wall should probably be turned inward on their sides though. In your roof, the single boxes should probably be interlocked with the walls so there aren't any visible gaps. - Like with your other map I sent you a message on, this could work with may other gametypes. You just have to make them. It would be cool if you had a KotH gametype where the hill is above and in the death pit and people have to be jumping like crazy to get any points. That's just a suggestion though. - You shouldn't take pictures from the forge. You can see the spawns and it makes it look bad. Just start a custom game and use the video from that. That is my constructive criticism. Hope it helps.
I agree... I have played this map with Project Halo and his friends. It is a pretty good map. So what if this map doesn't have merging? try it out with couple of friends. The whole object of the game is to make the opponent fly or drop into the center "hole" by where the teleports are. Its fun because you are trying to save yourself from being assassinated and trying to save yourself from being pushed into the teleports at the same time. I do agree that merging requires skill and time but that doesn't mean all gametypes and maps need merging. Maybe if you were making a skate park or a racing map, of course merging would be a requirement but not for this.