I don't have much money to spend and I'm wondering what would be the best 'investment'. Just vote for which game I should get, assuming all are the same price.
COD: WaW Dont buy too many games though. In the long run their all a waste, but buying one or two is fine.
I would without a doubt recommend Gears of War 2. The campaign had alot of great monets, and multiplayer is still phenomenal. Call of Duty: World at War is alright, but it just didn't have what Modern Warfare did, replayability.
Woot! Tie Breaker!! I recommend Gears of War 2 as well. I have no good reason other than that I love it a lot more than Call of Duty.
Well I have played both CoD: WaW and GoW2. Both are great, and completely different. I am leaning a bit towards GoW2 just because the gameplay of CoD4&5 are extremely similar. Gears is just something completely different from any game ever played. Madden is a big scam. And I've heard mixed things about FC2. I heard it's too realistic to the point where you are bored for such a long time. And I've heard great things about Fable II, except that the story is too short.
well, i played gears and it sucked compared to halo and Far cry2 2, and FC2 has a more fun campaign, but not an amazing story, but still, the open-worls style pwns almost every other game, so FC2 is the best
It all depends on your gaming interests, like which genres you like. But I would definitely get Fable II if you like RPGs. The story was fun and the characters were interesting. Character Develop was very unique, and it has great replayability,as there are 36 different character combinations( that I know of.) Watch for gargoyles!
You should probably rent some of the games. - I have Gears, and I only like Horde mode. Campaign is pretty good, but nothing over the top. Multiplayer is my biggest complaint with all the shotgunning from far away and chainsawing. I don't play it unless I'm with friends. - WaW doesn't bring anything innovative to the franchise or gaming in general, but if you don't have CoD 4, then I would recommend buying WaW. But if you are sick of all these WWII games, then skip it. - I've heard Fable II is a great game from everyone who has had it. - From what I've heard, FarCry has an amazing map editor (as seen on this site), but the gameplay is not very good at all. - I don't know anything about Madden, so I can't help you there. If you want some real game reviews, head over to IGN.com.
I own both COD:WaW and GoW2. Assuming that you like shooter games because you have halo 3 i recommend you get CoD:WaW because it more like halo than GoW2,but if you played Gears 1 and you loved it you should get Gears 2.
1st off, I see that you still use the sig I made you I HATE the gameplay of Halo, btw lol. It's just all about reaction times. The thing I like most about GoW is that strategy is key. If you're sniping, you better hope your teamates are providing some cover; on Halo a sniper can win from any range by either sniping or no-scoping. CoD is a compromise. It offers good FPS action along with some strategy in non-deathmatch gametypes. From the BETA, it seems to have very balanced maps where you can be anything- from a sniper to a demolitionist- the maps have balance. I recently bought the first Fable from the marketplace and enjoyed it (while it lasted). I beat it in less than a weak and it now presents no challenge. I defeated the final boss on my first try without even getting hit. And now i get 1-hit kills on everybody and never take damage due to my physical shield. I have started a new game so I can see what it's like if I actually try to be good. Madden is a scam and I'm waiting for something new that sticks. None of this 'trial-and-error' bs that Madden has done for the past 4 years. FarCry 2 seems awesome just because of the open map thing. But I've heard that there are realities that just annoy the living **** out of you, suchas constant gun jambing and random groups attacking you on sight. Also, I heard there is not much stealth involved and the enemy can see you no matter how well hidden you are. I love the use of stealth so this doesn't seem like the game for me. But I also love open maps and map editing so it could be a good fit.
I would recommend CoD:WaW rather than GoW2. Madden is the same as all the others, and my brother claims fable is fun but to short. I haven't heard much about Farcry 2 though. It comes down to Gears of War2 to or Call of Duty, World At War for me. Each has strong points, but I believe CoD is the all-around better game. CoD has many different gametypes that can appeal to anything you feel like at the time. Want to kill zombies? check. Being sneaky in search? check. Flat out killing? check. The gameplay is like CoD4, but more ballenced. I enjoy the maps much more, and there are many more weapons and perks that are more fun to use. It's really a great game. Gears is a good game, but not great. The campaing is average, and can get boring fast. The best game mode is Horde, but it can get repative. Besides, CoD's zombie mode is a better "wave after wave of enemies" gametype. Gears' maps and gametypes while innovative, seemed to get boring easily while I played them. CoD:WaW has more bang for its buck, more replay value, and has an overall better multiplayer system. Get it instead of the other choices.
Ya I would get call of duty world at war, but it mainly depends on you and what kind of genres you like as mentioned above. Hed over to ign and check out the reviews
I've checked ign and all sorts of places and checked out reviews. I'm just asking the FH community to help out my decision. But I am now leaning towards CoD. I have played Gears of War many times and it gets boring after about 15 minutes of playing
Hmm whatever you do, don't buy Fable 2, just rent it. I was faced with the decision of Gears 2 and Fable and I ended up getting Fable and I regret it. The story line is very short. With the other games, however, it depends what your looking for. Since Gears/CoD:Waw/Madden are very different games, it is hard to compare them. Gears you get a tactical shooter which takes mastery. It also has an excellent online play so playability isn't too much of a problem. Call of Duty has a shorter campaign but an amazing online play. Although almost a direct clone of Call of Duty 4, it provides new weapons and variety to the gameplay. Madden '09 doesn't have a "solid" story mode. This is a game I would recommend with multiple people living in your house. Gameplay is best with 2 players on the same console and without that, LIVE play can be a bit dreary. In the end, my recommendation is Gears of War 2. Call of Duty and Madden are great games but Gears is simply incredible. The practical clone of Call of Duty 4 isn't too unique so that kills it. The Madden repetitive-ness gets old if you play quite a bit. Fable 2 has a short story line. The Far Cry 2 gameplay has been said to be horrible, and by others excellent. Research that one and then make your decision. My recommendation though is Gears of War 2. I hope this helped
I have decided that I'm getting Battlefield: Bad Company since I know I like that game and it's not as expensive. Also, I know more friends on it. Next in line is CoD5, then GoW2. Thanks for all of your help.
You stole my post! Thats been exactly what I wanted to say lol. I wanted to add that the savings in FC are often not that good, because I found like 10 diamond things and got splattered by a car driving around...
Alright, you've got the following games: CoD: WaW. If you played CoD4, skip this game. It's got the same engine, different perks, different weapons, and it's easier. The only good thing is that it's a different CoD game and it's got the zombie mode after you beat the game. Fable 2: I hear it's good, but not great. Not much to do after you beat the game just like the last one. It's got some cool stuff though from what I hear. Far Cry 2: I have to recommend this game to you. Single player campaign is immersive, it couldn't get better, although I'll warn you that it's VERY hard in some parts. You could take out 20 guys only to have one come up behind you and kill you. The map editor is huge and simply epic. It's uncompareable in a way to anything else you've done. Lastly, multiplayer is a bust, but it can still be fun if you put some time in it. GoW2: I will also have to recommend this game. It's like GoW but better. They impliment new characters as well and enemies and new weapons that develop different strageties that need to be taken during multiplay, which is also very fun too. I still think they could have added a bit more depth and some more stuff to the game, but they did very good in making it. Madden 09: No comment. I don't play/like/care for any sports games. IMO they suck, same crap, different year.
I own Cod4 but my friends who have "updated" say it's similar, but still great. I like the 1st Fable, but it gets boring and it's a bit short. I've heard the same about the new one. People have great things to say about FC2's map editor, but bad things to say about its multiplayer. What good is a map if it's not fun to play on? My friend has GoW2 and we have already beaten the campaign. It's only good if you play it at night in pitch black. Otherwise, it felt lame. But the multiplayer is unlike any other, but it gets very boring. Also, there are so many people who suck at it that you can't expect to strategize or get help from shitty teamates and it just ruins the match. Madden is a scam. I only get it so I can play it with friends. I'm content with my '08 right now. I'll just wait for the next one. What would they call it? Madden '10? Sounds lame; but then again-- so did Madden before the 21st century.