Why is it that you people mope and grope about how the Featured Maps are rigged, so you leave for other sites? And yet, those same sites are even more controlled, and you tolerate it?
Its confusing, for sure. We couldn't make it more obvious how we choose the maps, and have even given people more say than before in how they are chosen. Totally ungrateful is what they are. This site is free to join, is virtually ad-free and has great community involvement in all projects. Some people are never satisfied.
People leave for other sites? I dont even know other ones. FH has a great community, is probably the best map source, it has TGIFs, what does someone want more? I have nothing to complain about FH. Question too: mope and grope about how the Featured Maps are rigged what does that mean? Sorry, no answer for me in the dictionary. grope=touch mope=cricket catcher rigged=made up ?!
Essenstially there are people here who think the Staff who choose the Featured Maps are biased towards other Staff/Premiums/Loyals and their 'friends'. Fact is, a Premium Member is more likely to get a feature as their maps are obviously feature-worthy.
Ah, ok, thank you. I personally think the featured maps ARE feature-worthy. And maps that do not get featured are not. Every not featured map I know is not feature worthy in my opinion, I always look at all of them. Whatever
Agreed. People should stop bitching about their maps not getting featured and stop complaining about staff members being bias over what map gets featured. So far every map I've seen that has gotten featured is completely worthy, and the maps that haven't got featured, regardless of how good they are, just simply weren't worthy. People have got to learn to trust the staff more. They aren't bias and aren't mean so long as you don't get under their skin.
It's a psychological reason: their mothers hate them for ruining their lives/breasts/vaginas and and because of it these kids have to lash out in a misplaced form of "please acknowledge my presence, mommy" when their epic forging skillz aren't recognized as genius. It's actually quite humorous.
Ahahaha ... +rep'd ... owait ... *goes to create some threads about how the Rep System was the best thing ForgeHub had going for it* lol
Bottom line is that forgehub cannot please everyone. Yes, it sucks, but that is just a fact of life. I can give out free orange juice and I bet you someone asks me for lemonade. I don't always agree with maps that featured, but I don't leave the site saying. "OMG my masp is so mooch beater" DELICIOUS!
I think they blame the site for their sucky maps and go to places that their friends own so that their sucky maps can be acknowledged by their friends and other random people with no taste or skill
Well the reason preiums have maps featured more often is because the already have a reputation of making good maps. Its like I'm looking at buying to game one is by Valve the other is by some unknown company. Sure the unknown company's game may be good but Valve your almost garanteed to have a good game. Also way are there no infection classic maps anymore.
I've really never got how people can think this, or its just me. Some though, I can tell its an attention caller. But it still puzzles me how people think this. Most colored created maps are flawless. So much time has gone in to them, and yet still people wonder how it got featured. They then blame the rank. When we are on a Halo 3 forging site, so consequently most of the 'skilled' map makers are going to be higher ranks.
It comes from people not playing the featured maps more than once. I know, I've done. Only looked at a map, only played a 2v2 once. When I started to play a few maps multiple times my opinions changed drastically. People need to stop rating maps based on pictures, which is sometimes why I wish pictures weren't allowed. It also stems from a bit of jealousy people have. "Why isn't my map featured." I do understand it would be nice if the staff told these people what was wrong, but this will be fixed some with RH coming back. If you wanna know why your map isn't feature, get someone to download it off your fileshare and play it on their party lead. I'm betting your budget glitched screwed some things up. As well, you NEED to test your maps. Not just a hmm...maybe thing. No map should be posted without testing and correct spawns. Honestly, about 85-95% of the featured maps I like. Not everything will please everyone, and I'm not a huge minigame/race fan, but I can respect them if they are good.
Can I get lemonaid? I don't like orange juice. Anyways some people need to think that just so they can continue to think they have a chance. I always hear of these kids who are complaining becase their map isn't featured. They need to realize that their map might be garbage. Besides getting a feature isn't really that important. Sure it's nce, but there are other things they should be aspiring for.
So much truth in this. Just because a guy made a map that his three friends like doesn't mean it's a great map. Everyone has their own opinion about how great/not great a map is, but there are some fundamental rules that apply to everything being made in Forge. Map flow, weapon placement, and spawn placement are all critical for a map to be universally successful, and a large majority of the maps posted here can't even meet two of those standards.