Took this picture on The Covenant on Normal. Lighting was achieved via careful evasion of the pissy brute's bullets and a simultaneous detonation of a brute shot round and a frag grenade, without affecting the brute mind you. So, tell me what you think :happy: If you like it enough, you may download it below.
dude for a sec i thought that was concept art! tight as hell picture man! best quality i've ever seen
It has extreme detail. Very well placed and angled. The orb of light reflects very well on the image. Good Job.
This rivals that of Meleemaster's pics. Although, this is one of the best campaign pics I've ever seen.
That really is one good-looking picture. The brutes armor gleams awesomely and the jackal's shield looks epic. The whole theme and the effects on the picture are amazing. I agree with Xanon, one of the better campaign shots I've seen.
you know.. ive always hated all of those "Staged" pictures. Finally an action shot, and this one looks sweet!
yup, i swear this wasn't staged. I was going through some film and froze it to go grab a soda and that was on the screen. As well i am editing the first post to have a link for a download
hey, i love staged pictures! Any ways, this is a really awsome find, i thought it was one of the screenshots bungie released before Halo 3 came out.
ya know you're kinda right, i vaguely remember seeing a picture in an old "gameinformer" that resembled this fairly closely.
xanon how could you say that lol jk this pic is pretty cool for a campain picture but I think maybe you should've gotten a better angle. good job though 4/5
thank you for the constructive criticism ^_^ i appreciate it, i'm always looking to get the perfect shot.
I have a couple of pics like this, will share soon (I hope) Great pic, good use of explosion, but have you ever used the "Nuke" effect where everything looks all orange and red and yellow, you do this by getting close to a brute shot shot while it is exploding and then turn around, hard to achieve.
that surprised me as well. i wasn't host at the time so maybe that had something to do with it. this was co-op i believe.
Holy crap, this picture has the best lighting i have ever seen. It looks like a professional painting. The glare on the brutes armor and the opacity and saturation of the jackels sheild are amazing too.