MLG Shadows 4v4 2-Base

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by G043R, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    MLG Shadows

    This is my First MLG map completed. The map was Themed and fitted around a few core Ideas, first, being themed in a real place in halo. Second, I wanted it to keep very close to many maps Bungie has already made. I keep very close attention to all the fine details put into many loved MLG maps of today and With out further waiting I present you Shadow.DownloadLink

    This map takes the Default layout of Foundry, thought to be broken and unusable by many forgers; both for Competitive level of gaming such as MLG and for Casual gaming, to a working level.
    I first dreamed about making a map with Coolants Pelican, WAY back around the time he first posted it, when halo first released. I was quite excited when he was featured on both the front page of Bungie as well Promoted to Mason on FH. I quickly gathered up permission on to copy his idea and one day present this in a map.
    The map is focused on 5 points of interests.
    Them being: 2 towers in the back corner of the map, the mini bases on each apposing side of the map, and a Massive Hanger for repair of a Pelican Stripped down for engine and control panel Error.
    If you have a chance you'll notice that The pelican is almost completely copied and pasted from Coolants build All rights reserved ...(Thanks for the wonderful and Creative Idea Coolant. As well the rights to use it) When I first play tested it I heard many players comment..." Why not have the Pelican Open and for players use?" After many testing, the choice was made. Moving the custom power up to inside the pelican made a very interesting game feeling as well a very artistic add to the map.
    There is no official Call outs for the map yet but I left that as the Player to decide. From our testing I found that Towers and Colors Often guided the team to where the enemy was. Top of Pelican! Or Under Pelican was also a favored Name. The Call outs are what ever you feel that they should be.


    The Map is set for all game types. Shadow was tested for more then a week and set for very close competitive gaming. I'm proud of what I have made and again Hope to see it do well for the Entry for the Pro Forger Contest.

    Weapons one maps-

    • 9 Battle rifles
    • 2 Snipers with 1 extra Clip {8 Shots Total} (These weapons can be found in the corners of the map near the towers.)
    • 1 Rockets 2 Clips (Found in the back hall ways of Foundry)
    • 6 Carbines
    • 8 Plasma Nades
    • 8 Frag Nades
    • 1 Custom Power up (In the Pelican)

    I would suggest that ONS Vr of MLG Flag be played on this map due to the short distance for flag captures as well the flag at home to score maps the game setting much more competitive for any Foundry map.

    Special thanks for Layout suggestions.
    Matty,Ivory Snake, Running Chron, Sage, Gollum, TenderBisquit... and Orangeremi.

    Special Thanks for help with Geo merging.
    TenderBisquit and Sage

    Thanks to all that helped tested...!



    #1 G043R, Dec 9, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2008
  2. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    No MLG map is supposed to contain an aesthetic Space ship in it. And the construction is really poor for this map also. By the pictures, this map seems like its going to have horrible gameplay, and its just an overall poor map.

  3. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    I bet you just looked at the first picture and saw that it looks somewhat ugly and then just scrolled all the way down here to reply, didn't you?

    And to G043R, I DO think that the first picture you have up is not a very enticing image and might cause people to just skip over your map. Maybe move this one first?
  4. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Alright whisper Thanks I'll do that now...
  5. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    I actually looked at all of them. I understand that this is your first MLG Map G043R, but the simpler an MLG Map is, the better.
  6. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    That is not at all true. Do you think amplified is simple. Do you think that lockdown is simple?

    It does loook pretty good. Maybe messy in some spots, like by the doors near the crane, there are two boxes with a bridge on it and the boxes look crooked and you should merge them into the wall.

    I like that you tried to incorporate an aesthetic piece into an MLG map, which makes me want to try it out. Be back later.
  7. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Thank you for DL I would like to note that they are Geomerged, as well anything on the bottom floor of this map. That was an old Image of the map I keep updated on GoO Sorry I will remove it once I have a good IN game shot ...
    This could be my first MLG map but not my first Map all together.
  8. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    All I'm trying to say is that this map isn't great, but its not bad. Its good for a first, better then mine at least, although it does need some improvements.

    And what I mean by simple is the layout for all MLG Maps, not the actual Geo-merging or any part of construction.
  9. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Alright Shot... What makes it complex? I still have 3 weeks to improve that map...I have 24$ left for budget.. I have it working fine... SO by all means if you can make it simpler let me know...
  10. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    I would love to, although I cannot because my Xbox is being sent back to me right now from the repair center. As soon as I get it back, I will try to contact you.
  11. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    that simple, basic layout is exactly what is wrong with 90% of MLG maps forged today. The mold NEEDS to be broken, because all there are are just re-makes of Onslaught and Amped. Its sad really. You are also incorrect that MLG maps cannot have aesthetics. First and foremost its not completely aesthetic, and is a fully functioning part or the map as well as a focal point and strategic position. Also, there are more MLG maps than are built on Foundry. What you are saying is that MLG Guardian shouldn't have looming trees all over the place, MLG The Pit shouldn't have a voice playing in the background over the speakers. I tihnk you should perhaps lay off the guy who is actually trying to make his map come to life. A quality far too uncommon within Forge.

    And as for your rating of the map, as well as your comments on gameplay, save them for when you actually have some experience with the map, because a rating like that made not even 2 minutes after it has been posted is a disgrace, and a horrible attribute in many FH'ers that needs to stop. There's no basis for it what-so-ever. If you wish to comment on what you see in the pics, so be it. But you should most definitely NEVER make uneducated assumptions regarding gameplay, and you should NEVER rate a map withought, at the bare minimum, giving it a forge through (I emphasize bare minimum). Please keep that in mind when you post at ForgeHub in the future.

    Back on topic.

    I have had the pleasure to play this map a few times already during testing, and while it is a very unconventional MLG map, it plays very well for what it is. G04 did a great job of using the whole of Foundry in the best way since Triumph. Great use of elevation and ground cover make this an awesome KotH map as well as an exciting CTF map.

    G04, did you end up switching around the Flag score points like you were thinking of doing?

    In any case, this map is a ton of fun.
  12. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Yes I did... Lights I created a 1st level wall Riding from the Double open box to the tower making it yet another way for a flag run.
  13. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Here is my forge through review.

    Some pros:
    I like how there is a lot of verticalness added to this map. It seems it will play nicely. Not to many MLG maps add to their map vertically.

    I like the pelican a lot. It is not too flashy but at the same time, you made it look nice.

    I like how you actually used the drop spawn. A lot of MLG maps forget to use it.

    Now cons:

    There is a bridge that acts as the ceiling to the pelican. If you start at the cockpit (note you are on top of the pelican) and walk forward, you will walk towards that wall that goes down the middle of foundry and there is a fence wall right there. Well, there is a bump inbetween that fence wall and the bridge, as the bridge ends well before the wall.

    There are scattered bumps that could send people flying off of the structures, can't really explain where though. They are mostly up really high though if that helps.

    If a team gets stuck in their base, It seems it will be difficult to get out, but I can't really say much on that as that is gameplay.

    Due to the height of the map, I think the rockts will be overkill.

    I'll come back later with a gameplay review whenever I can get 7 people.
  14. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    remember that the back hallway is open
  15. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    You are completely right, and I know I was being a jerk, I apologize. Although I still believe that something like a ship shouldn't be standing in the middle of an MLG Map. I know I cannot judge the gameplay without actually playing a game on the map. Sadly I do not have my Xbox in my possetion, thus meaning I tried to give the map's gameplay be best impression, and giving it a rating from there on.
  16. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Oh crap COMPLETELY forgot that. THen ignore that part that I said.
  17. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Well I'm happy to finally see a great piece of aesthetics incorporated into an MLG. Downloads all around! I've seen this pelican before (along with a matching phantom in the same map) and I always thought that it would do wonders if it were added to a map. Looks like I was right. I won't rate until I play this map but I can already say that you did a good job.
  18. Xx BEHEM0TH xX

    Xx BEHEM0TH xX Ancient
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    First and foremost I would like to say that this has the makings of a great map. I think the pelican and hangar are original ideas, and add to the aesthetics. However, I agree with IB u IN N ii on his points.

    MLG maps are better when they are cleaner, and have a much more simple design. All so called aesthetics in MLG maps, such as the overshield and camo merged into boxes on Onslaught for example, actually serve a purpose. They define specific callouts and make it easier to describe a specific location on the map. These aesthetics do not affect gameplay. Maps such as Guardian, with the trees being a major theme, already have such aesthetics built in. The placeable objects themselves leave the map quite bear. The aesthetics do not affect the gameplay whatsoever.

    Now back to the map. What I am basically saying here is that the pelican directly affects gameplay and is an unnecesarry aesthetic addition to the "MLG" map. I like your originality, but MLG has a tradition of simple maps with great gameplay. I am not saying your map doesn't play well, I am just saying you shouldn't call it MLG. I think this is an excellent competitive map, but a poor MLG map.
  19. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    I'm so sad I don't have my xbox now G04. You've got some amazing projects in the works and I've been wanting to see this finished for awhile now. You are truly a rare breed of forger... forgers are meant to break new ground and that is what I see you do with every idea you have.

    Keep doing what you're doing man, 'cause it's awesome.

    Oh, and about time somebody puts a shock into the MLG community. All the same tired level designs and gameplay... it's so stagnant and lifeless...
  20. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I see where both Behemoth and IB U are going with the pelican but I view this with a certain point of view... besides the fact Sword room is sword room because A sword spawns box is because it is green ... I noticed that Pelican is also in the same note a way to tell players what and where some one is on the map... Thou generally since MLG has not created maps that feature such places they were forced to pull up new ways for call outs... Gold, purple Yellow, A and b sides... I feel that this isn't challangeing MLG but trying a new method for call outs... almost falling back to a more basic to halo game play....

    I know that the Pelican isn't a usual map for players to play on..but I know Fritz wanted to see something new for MLG ... Its balanced both sides have fair play on it So like in turn Midship had a strange bouncy platform in the middle of its map... mine has a stripped down skin of a pelican...

    I can't think of any thing that would really interest the center of the map i have built as of the moment because the pelican serves many points... Blocking lines of sight... opening new pather for the player to reach new hights as well serve as a wonderful spot for support fire during objective games...

    I understand where your coming from that Looks do not equal Gameplay but I ask is it hurting game play ...or is it changing how you play?

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