I kind of like the other Prince of Persia games. I mean I've only played them a little bit but I mostly watched my uncle play it and it looked great, of course this was Sands of Time and other old Prince of Persia games. I want Prince of Persia for the Xbox 360 for Christmas and was wondering, has anyone played it and is it any good?
I'm not into it, but i can tell my the vids I've seen of it it's an athletic game. It's by the people who made ass. Creed right? It looks like the same style, so honestly I think you should get Mirrors Edge instead. It's like a modern day dersion right?
I plan on getting a lot of games for Christmas so Mirrors Edge definitely be one of them, regardless of whether or no I get PoP. I did like Assassin's Creed though so I'm sure I might like PoP.
Rent it along with mirrors edge. Why buy mirrors edge and prince of Persia? after you beat them are you seriously going to go back and beat it again? I thought so... But, if you bought games like cod 5, left 4 dead, gears 2 and pretty much any multiplayer game you would play it for years instead of winding up with a game you'll beat in a few hours and never play again. an exception to the multiplayer games is a game with TONS of reply value such as guitar hero world tour but that's the only exception to multiplayer games for me thus far. So pretty much just rent single player only games so you can get games you'll want to play over and over again and you'll save money. Seriously paying 60 hours for a game that will last 5 hours and you'll never play again... That's ridiculous.
Get it. It is awesome. Comparing it to Mirror's Edge is a farce; they play completely differently. The gameplay is similar to Assassin's Creed, being that both games run on the Scimitar engine. I bought it, and I do not regret it, even though I beat it already. I plan to go through and play it again, starting tonight, actually. Some things to note: if you are expecting it to be just like the Sands of Time trilogy, you will be disappointed. While the platforming aspects are similar, the combat system is completely different, which is by no means a bad thing. The game is more focused on platforming, which is good, considering the root of the series was in the platforming genre. If you try to button mash in the battles (which are few and far between, unless you go looking for them, and that's a good thing) YOU WILL FIND IT VERY HARD TO WIN. Speaking of the battles, the combat system is amazing. Best cinematic fighting I've ever played. And the beauty of it is that you control ALL OF IT. Not a single thing is automated in the battles. Elika is a great supporting character (as well as a great weapon) and the AI for her is perfect. Get the game. It's great.
You make a very valid point. If I beat the game, there's nithing more to do except maybe go for achievements. Most single player games do get boring after you beat them but there are exceptions. We'll see. You definitely insinuated a good point though. You also give a good point. You seem to really know what you're talking about. I have inspired me to get the game some more. Both of you gave good points but I am the video game collector type of person so usually when I beat a game, I like to keep it for collector's sake. I've still got a couple weeks to decide though.
Hmm. Even though you are a video game collector type you should take into account how long the game is. If the game is 20+ hours long such as oblivion, final fantasy and fall out 3 then in your case i'd consider a buy because some people donlt like to rush within the rental period. But, on the same note if it's a 5 hour game such as mirrors edge or prince of persia then 60 dollars is a little much for 5 hours of gameplay. So i would say buy long and fun game such as fallout 3 if you must buy single player games and leave short 5hour games to the rentals.
i haven't played it, but it looks pretty crappy. the graphics don't even live up to assassins creeds', and they seem completely different. assassins creed seemed more like a western game with cool ninja physics and stuff, whereas the new PoP looks like one of those crappy japanese games with ninja physics. plus there's combos, so it's nothing like assassins creed. i say get gears 2, it's awesome, cod5, also awesome, and endwar, also awesome. i just got those 3, and they are just all so ****ing great. it's like masturbating, only you're playing a video game. that's how good they are.
While the new Prince of Persia game is colorful, and less gloomy, from the original series I have heard it was a great game to play. It got high ratings, and some of the boss battles are extremely fun. You'll also have a girl by your side that helps you throughout the game. No, she is definitely not a character that holds you back. In fact, she saves you throughout the game, and has skills in magic that prove very useful. I'd say get it.
Judging by how it is a sort of short game, I may not buy it because of what's been said here. I asked if it was a good game, and many answers came in, however I am now leaning closer towards no. I may rent it and get all of the achievements, as well as Mirror's Edge but we'll see how many games I put on my list before I decide. I want around 3-5 games at least so chances are I won't even get PoP or Mirror's Edge.