I would love to know who everyone thinks as the best evil video game character. I would have to say Sephiroth. Anyone else?
I agree with Sephiroth he's pretty bad ass, his appearances in the Kingdom Hearts series were pretty eerie, but incredible nonetheless.
i would have to say tartarus from halo 3....hehe no i would agree with sephiroth and his super long dai-katana that can cut through stuff like it was butter, especially in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (super badass movie!).
Seriously. When I first saw Sephiroth and his evil self, I knew this was one bad, evil dude. When I fought him, he was even more evil. Just looking at him now gives me the chills. I don't think I ever seen character in a movie, game, or computer that matched up to his cruelty and evil.
Sephorth by far the most evil and badass person I have ever seen. I mean he had a chours chant his name when you fought him how much cooler can you get.
QFT. Nemesis was relentless, unstoppable, and above all, ugly and overpowering. The parts of the game where he would mutate and come at you is like wishing you were dead already. Also, sticking with the Resident Evil series, lets not forget about Krauser. He was the most badass and evil character I've ever seen. Anyways, I agree with Silence, Nemesis is the most evil thing in the whole video game world. End note: Final Fantasy is a lame series that should change it's name since they'll never finish the series. Another words, since I don't like many turn based strategy games, I hate the FF series with all my heart. I think it's lame and a waste of time. Sorry if you disagree with me.
Captain Falcon Is quite evil. Oh and so are the walken ducks! Trying to kill cosby I say! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=tZmXZu45L8c
I'm torn between Alex from Golden Sun and Mithos/Yggdrasil from Tales of Symphonia. *Spoiler* Alex is a cool character who uses you throughout the whole game while you believe he his your friend and when you accomplish everything, it was all that so he could take power instead of saving the world. Mithos is really cruel by making you believe that your quest is to please the goddess Martel but instead, he tries to kill you to get a host for his sister.