Distortion Ø

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by buddhacrane, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    2 features for the same map...
    dear god it's the apocalypse!!!! jk, it's just Buddha!

    the aesthetics are better than any ive seen, Unique (even tho it's V2) design, great forging.5/5, and queued.
  2. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    i freaking love this map. i downloaded the original distortion and it was epic, but this is a whole nother level of EPIC. i don't know if you can get featured for 2 versions of teh same map but DAMN! nice job on the twisty hallway, i really thought that needed some fixing up when i played teh original and teh window panel idea was an engenious fix. 10000/5
  3. o LiGHTNiNG o

    o LiGHTNiNG o Ancient
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    The twisted hallway and upsidedown room are far and away the best new features. This needs to be featured, NOW. I'm also really impressed that you kept it within budget. Maybe Bungie will accept this for their all-forge playlist (whenever they actually launch it).
  4. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    When i dled the first one i seriously had to quit the game, get a glass of nice cold water and go back into the map before the world stopped spinning, nice map buddhacrane!
    *coughing fit*
    *coughs again*
    *coughs and splutters after nearly vomiting over the confusion of the map*
  5. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    *Jaw drops*
    *Stares at screen for 5 seconds*


    I'm glad you made another version of this epic map. The first one did need some work, and you just did it. The new one is like 2-3 times better then the old one. I have played Loyal Snipers on the first Distortion and it is fun so I can't wait to play it here.

    I'm a little worried though because you said that this map supports 2-4 players only, so how can we play 8 player FFA here or something? I will definitely download this and delete the old one =)

    Very very very GREAT job. I cannot wait for your next map.

    (Please VM me about my question.)
  6. Gremlins

    Gremlins Ancient
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    Rating: 5/5

    When i saw this thread, my eyes popped out. I was happy. xD

    I have been waiting for another map like Distortion! It's so fun to play something that's confusing yet still very fun. I love how the twisted hallway looks. The upside down room also looks really great. i say this really deserves to be featured. You've got my DL. Can't wait to play some FFA on this.
  7. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    i dont even know were to start, distortion was my first map downloaded off forgehub and my favorite map, i swear it never gets old, trying playing 1v1 with someone who trash talked you in matchmaking, lol now youve taken every gripe ive ever had and corrected them, plus the doors are epic win i didn't really mind the teles though the inclusion of a sniper is epic win although i miss the mauler cubby and dont get me started on the anti grav room in the previous room they would always run to the room it's replacing because it was the most normal now i can float over there heads for a whole game lol and now we can do ctf,and youve interlocked the winding corridor this map is smothered in epic win
    a 5/5
  8. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    wow from the first few pictures i though you were spaming.anas readyto go off on you, but from the last few pictures itis a diferent one from the featured one. i was thinking abt making on of these before ut i just gave up. nice map i love it! ill dl now it looks better then the one by the wafor l of you ha played the first one dont play thismap too long, or else your eyes will pop out. trust me. lol
  9. S-Pac

    S-Pac Ancient
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    I remember your old Distortion map(I still have it) and it was hella fun. Hilarious when playing with friends. I'll try this one.
  10. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Dude you just gave it away even more. I just figured it out and I haven't even been on the site in the last 4 days.
  11. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    This has to be one of the best maps ever created. Tag the file guys so it can get noticed over at Bungie.net too mkay?
  12. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    I hate you.
    You're punishing my sanity.

    Nah, only joking. God, I love Distortion. Seriosly, it's the Gradient of this generation (Original, hard to work out and perplexing to n00bs).
  13. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    I've downloaded but I'm sure I can play it for a couple weeks seeing as my grandpa's staying with us for awhile and he can get vertigo pretty badly. Pretty sure I know what plans you have for this map, but I'll try not to spoil for anyone out there still scratching there heads.
  14. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    OH NOZZZZZZZZZZZZ it strikes again! DLing. :D I'll report back with thoughts sir.
  15. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    awsome! out tme this was done.

    although i am a little dissapointed, because now in the upsode down room the default foundry floor is used, which REALLY messes that up. perhaps you could delete the custom powerups and create a floor? as those do cost quite some...

    props for the twisted hallway, it was awsome at first but those window panels are the icing on my chocolate-covered,strawberry-bannana sundae-shake.

    nice job buddha, your posts are great as they are few and much more instightfull then most hubbers. props for a thoughtfull 300+ posts
  16. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    It was a tough design decision I had to make. It's not just the budget that's the problem (deleting the custom powerups btw would not give me enough budget), it's the lack of objects I have left. I literally have no walls, no bridges, no anything that could be used to create a floor.

    It would be far too much of a re-design (again) to create a floor for that room. I would have to re-design the ramp, I'd have to re-design the twisting corridor to not twist downards, I'd have to re-design the ceiling to fit the new scale, and my man-cannon trick wouldn't work anymore (the trick requires the mancannons to be geo-merged through Foundry's floor).

    So, OK, you can see default Foundry's floor and it requires a little bit more imagination to "feel" the illusion, but I think the benefits in design, and the flexibility I had with the more objects it gave me, far outweigh the loss in illusion. Personally I still feel that room looks more "Upside Down" than it did in my previous versions and overall I prefer the new room.


    I'd like to thank everyone for the positive comments so far. I wasn't sure what reaction I would get to essentially just creating a new version of an old map, since no one has really done that before, or at least they've never gotten away with it, lol. Thankfully you've all appreciated that this was more than just a simple version change, that alot of extra pain and attention went into remaking this map and finally achieving the vision I wanted for this map the first time.

    Needless to say I didn't just remake this map for kicks.
  17. dckilla96

    dckilla96 Ancient
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    Nice big post ahead of me ^

    Anyways, I love the changes and i played it last night with a couple friends and a couple times we couldnt evan find out where we were. Great addition to an already awsome tastic win suase map, Cant wait to have a noscope battle here........

    OH and..

    *cough* *cough* FEATURE *cough* NAO *cough* *cough*.
  18. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Anyone who knows me knows I only do large posts, erm, except for this one...


  19. Caseyken

    Caseyken Ancient
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    I once had a few friends play the original with me. They all were so freaked out by the map that they just left!

    You, sir, have seriously improved on the last one, and I didn't even think that was possible! I love the door-a-porters and the grav lift room, but the aesthetics are really what make this map great--you get the feeling you just stepped into an M.C. Escher painting.

    5/5, but please stop ****ing up my mind! It's twisted enough as it is! :)
  20. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Tommorow... ;)

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