Foundry Remedy

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Linubidix, Dec 5, 2008.

  1. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Why is it whenever I ask someone to tell me when they post their awesome-winly-map they never do? (Actually, I don't think I asked you to, but you should've!) Luckly I noticed the word "Remedy" and was like "Wait, isn't that Linu's map name?" -I checked it out and was like "Woo--" and then my vocals were like "Hey, no! That hurt's!" --Which in turn made me sadfaic. Anyways, I loved reading that whole post of yours very well done. I checked my mail and got my cookies. They were very good and fresh (must've been a speedy deliver). Once I play the most recent vers. of this beast I'll get back to you with a detailed review. As for now though... I can say this is a ninja's map and that I love it.
  2. yoflorg

    yoflorg Ancient
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    Dude I played this with you like 30 mins till you put it on ForgeHub. I LOVE this map it has a great system to it. I like how the map sort of flows. This will be an automatic DL!
    Overall 5/5 Great Job!
  3. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    Dude, I'm calling it, feature. Especially since Lube can just feature it himself, lol. This is like the fastest a map has ever reached 5 pages. Btw the only thing that bothers me is the blinking texture glitch, slightly distracting, but i guess it was either that or have little grenades disappearing. I still remember the first time we merged in the back alley on pankration and everyone was liek "OMG HOW THE **** DID YOU GET THAT BACK THERE??!?" and what made it funnier was that you explained it in the OP.

    It really was revolutionary, as i took the idea/method, and applied it to ghost town with it's 16 heavenly doors, and watchtower bases with poles sticking out.... (btw, thanks for your help on that map lube..."NEEDS MOAR CANNONMANS! RAWR! THEY MAKE EVERYTHING BETTER!!")

    anyway, cant DL, but sure looks like it would be good, and by the feedback I can tell it is. This is a documentation of when it gets featured, that I called it. That is all.

  4. Sirant

    Sirant Ancient
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    This looks very well made and original I have not been able to try the gameplay or see how the entire map but from what it looks like in the pictures and what you wrote it looks epic and I bet it is good job.
  5. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    great map linou! I already gave you your praise in private but a question, are you going to fix the break i found? And two i got a few games on this and i would like to say bravo! it is a bit awkward walking around in the back, but that is expected because of the part of the map you used. The flamethrower however is a bit too powerful where you put it. I basically camped a corner for 5 min. with that thing. I do have to say that i love the sexy teleporters though.
  6. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    you know linu, you really are a genius. not because your map is "winly >.<
    and not because it is so awsome or lenient, or well-built or blah-blah..

    i love this map because i have recently bought bioshock (3 days ago)
    and comparing this enviroment to that of bishock is staggering.

    the layout of the map first off, is much like the campaign of bio. the Elbow of single opens is so similar to the water pipe tunnels in bio its almost scary.and the same can be said for the window panel...uhh...part... and other small things in the map like the fencewall floor of the Sender node double box, and nearby the foundry pipes peeping on top of the double box.

    i only have one problem with the map though, and that is that there is a HUGE arsenal of weapons and equipment.
    with only four people playing the game and sniper, rockets, and flamethrower, 3 of four people will have the power weapons.

    i dont know why you did stack spawn points something like in gridlocked, but thats probably cuz im spawnilliterite....(don't ask)
    with 40 spawn point on the map, and about 3/4 of them in the middle of the map but out of the lines of fire, you must have completly incinerated the word spawn-killing, woah.. what is that? i think you need to fix spell-check, cuz that word looks like chispanglisenese.
  7. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    lolnohecan't. :p

    Anyways, I played it earlier. 2v2 1-flag. Still winly, even with one bad spawn. I'd write more linu my dear friend, but I'm tired, and I would want to play more on it.
  8. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    I downloaded and went on it. And it was pretty good. Interlocking was good, layout was tight, and the 2 rooms went good with the map. I loved the fence box geo-merged into the middle hallway.

    There was one bad thing though, when I first went into the map, I was confused, I didn't know where to go.


    Rating Reason: I got confused on where to go.
    #48 Rated Dirty, Dec 7, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2008
  9. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    This map is good, very aesthetic, and is made really nicely. Although I have played some games on it, and the gameplay Sucks. I'm sorry if I offend anyone here, but the gameplay was straight up horrible, the layout is unfair, and gives one Team a great advantage over the other. On the other hand I was fascinated when I first saw this map, the Geo-merging is insane!
  10. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    Woah, this is definitly the most different map I have seen on Foundry evar. I have thought about using just that back area but I couldnt have done such an epic job. I loved every pic I have seen and I definitly must play on this map. The different levels and slants with the bridges to the fence box merging in the alley, this is very pleasing to the eyes. I must download and play asap. 11/10 by the pics. Must play now.

    FR0ZEN FEARS Ancient
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    OMG! Total epicness! Totally amazing geomerging. So much perfect interlocking, and simply so many things I didn't even know could be done. Most definitely the one of the most impressive map I've seen ever!
  12. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    First off, thank you thesilencebroken for your astounding review.

    I'll be working on the breaks people have sent me in the next day or two.
    Expect to re download it again in a couple days. Although I am sad face about losing nearly 300 downloads.

    Thank you. I really wanted to give this its own one of a kind feel and atmosphere.
    Cheers mate and thanks for helping test. I appreciate the kind words, I'm glad you like it.
    It's not too open at all. There's breathing room.
    Thaks CaMOfo. I spent roughly 2-3 hours writing up the post. And about 2 hours the night before getting the banners and such all prepared.

    Why thank you kind sir Walnuttz. Your sexy accent telling me how much you love it was well worth all my hard work.
    lol, I remember Nemi dieing all the time.

    The weapons are fine just fine. Give it a go, you won't saying that once you've had a game or two. The map flows very well and the weapons fit it exactly how I wanted. If anything at all, the flamethrower lays idle occasionally.
    I stacked some of the spawns to increase the weighting of that point.
    Actually, there aren't that many spawn points in the courtyard.
    I'd like to know what it was you were playing and how many people you were playing with.
    You don't always have to go through the courtyard. There are two sets of teleporters, which really make the gameplay what it is. I hope you respond with a more detailed response as to why you don't like it.
  13. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Time for a short review for Linu (lol, rhymes). My thoughts on ~Remedy.

    Gameplay wise- very balanced. I played a cage match split screen with my brother, a very honorable non-screen peaking game and I must say I could not find more than one or mabie two flaws. The weapons were balanced out well, I was getting plowed by rockets every five seconds though it seemed the spawn time on them was a tad quick. The map itself was well forged. Sexy alley merging. Aesthetics at their best. Very clean, smooth gameplay overall.

    I recommend downloading, it'll last a long while.
  14. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Very impressive Lin. Especially the merge in the back hall, that must have been a pain.

    I have only done a Forge Through and have yet to actually experience gameplay, but I really like the layout and the look of the map. Consider this praise for the excellent build, and if I can get a game in on this soon I will edit with feelings and comments :0)
  15. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Layout - 9/10
    The winding tunnels can get a little confusing at times, though not to bad. I know the main room was supposed to be open, but I thought there could've been one or two more things for cover.

    Aesthetics - 9/10
    I like how you used the back alley way, in new map that breaks out of the usual center foundry area. There could maybe been a few more aesthetics where the fences were at, but that's it. I would say the main area would look better roofed in, but Silence already told me that your going to do that.

    Weapons - 10/10
    The weapons on this map are even and balancing. The rockets' no extra ammo means you can't totally dominate the main area. Every weapon has its place, whether it be combine with a piece of equipment, or just specializing in a certain room.

    Equipment - 9/10
    The equipment was more than fair. They completely changed gameplay, allowing for a brand new dynamic every time one was used. The most prominent being the Deployable Cover.

    Gameplay - 10/10
    I've only played 3 way FFA Slayer, but the match was immensely epic. The scores even seemed to equalize themselves, with no one being able to take the lead until the very end. The Deployable Cover could turn the tables on your opponent in an instant, allowing you to pick off a sniper across the big room with an Assault Rifle.

    Overall - 94%
    Amazing map, I definitely see a feature coming your way in the near future. Maybe a couple changes in aesthetics, but there's not much room for improvement here (in a good way).
  16. Dyepb07

    Dyepb07 Ancient
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    I have played about 7 or 8 custom games, FFA slayer, 2v2 slayer, and a few CTF games, on this map and I have to say this is a sick map. I love the idea of only using the back half of foundry (i used it in my last map) I honestly sometimes didn't notice i was even playing in foundry, or didn't know where I was in relation to foundry.

    Great job. 9.3/10
  17. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    Alright Linu, first off I would like to say this is one of the best maps I've ever seen. I unfortunately am unable to download due to my parents confiscating my xbox, so all gameplay oriented comments will be made from what I can see and from what I've read.

    Aesthetics: Remedy has some of the most impressive aesthetics I have seen on a map to date. The first thing I noticed was how you incorporated the part of Foundry separated by the wall. The flow from the back room and hallways into the central courtyard area was ingenious. I also find it amazing that you could build such a large floor out of boxes. It almost seems like you went over the item limit for them. For the actual aesthetics of the map, there are very few flaws. The courtyard is the most eye-catching of the sections in my opinion. The walls around it are very nicely made and the floor is smooth without any bumps or rough spaces. The bridges at the end with the rocket launcher are also quite impressive. The way they are made as a jagged incline as opposed to a solid slope looks very nice. The other sections of the map are also amazing. You're merging in the back hallways skills still amaze me now even after seeing the map days ago. The entire map is smooth and well forged. Great job on that. As expected, you have churned out another beautiful map to go along with previous masterpieces.

    Layout: The layout of Remedy looks absolutely phenomenal. The back merging of the back rooms and hallways with the rest of the map separates Remedy from other maps before it. The way the map spirals around the most often blocked off section of Foundry is amazing. I have to agree with thesilencebroken too on the fact that Remedy reminds me very much of Cold Storage. The open rooms and connecting hallways give it that same feel to it. I like the way you made a ramp to the higher levels in the 3rd picture. The window panel wall is also a very nice touch there. The layout and flow of your map is excellent and there are no flaws to speak of.

    Gameplay: This is the one part of Remedy that I am not 100% sure about. The gameplay looks like it should be excellent but without testing I am not completely sure. Based off of the flow of the layout, Remedy seems to be a more strong gameplay map then many others. There seems to be great incorporation of different gametypes including infection. Rarely do you see a competitive map that is truly well made for normal gameplay as well as the more casual infection. Remedy looks to be a strong gameplay map with a creative weapon set and motion based gameplay.

    Overall: Remedy is one of the better maps that I have seen. It boasts a refreshingly new layout as well as some of the most interesting and unique aesthetics around. The whole map seems to flow in a circular motion but with the insertion of the teleporetrs it also breaks this up a bit. Great job on the map Linu, it is becoming expected from you now.

  18. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I wanted rockets to be a big factor in gameplay yet not be too dominant. So with no clips and a 90 second respawn, I believe I achieved what I set out to do.

    Splendid, I'm glad you like what I've done. One really tough thing was that A Sign, no matter what I did, it refused to straighten. But it was where I wanted it, albeit a bit angled.
    Thanks, I really appreciate the great review. I wanted equipment to be a big unique factor, I'm glad you picked up on that.
    Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I didn't realise until testing how well CTF worked for this, I'm normally building with Slayer as top priority.

    You've really picked up on everything I was going for and what went through my head with this. I did ge fairly close to the item limit a few times and on the plus side, I'm not that far away from the budget. So, it's salvagable to edit and submit for MM under the budget.

    My current status on new versions: A new version with a roof over the courtyard is under construction. Nearly complete but I've run out of walls and fence walls, so I'm just tossing around ideas to fix it. And since Remedy has been a movie in the past, I'm going to edit this, push it under the budget with a few compromises and alterations and submit it under the name "Lithium".
  19. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    if you ever need help man im not that bad at blocking and i can test for any and all breaks before you post so keep in contact and send an invite to me if you need help with the forge or break test. Later Linou
  20. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    OMG epic win sauce! i seriously showed this map to an annoying kid who was following me and his first response once he saw the fence box was HAX epic haxor and he left to go report it! epic win 100000000000000000000000000000000000/1

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