So, 2 people quit out of our team and I was about to quit but something led me on to play the game and so i did. it was 2 v 4 and we won. (Someone on the other team quit out in the last minute. This just goes to show that if you have the right set-ups you can win. Link to game: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Game Details So, Has anyone else beaten a full team whilst 2 or 3 people quit on your team?
I once had a game where we played 4v4 Team BRs on The Pit. The score was about 20 - 19, other team in the lead. The other three members of my team quit, leaving just me versus the whole other team. I won 50 - 44.
I actually remember one time, when I really sucked at the game, I played Team Slayer 4v4 and the whole other team quit except one guy. My team had all 4 and the opposing team won 50 to like 25 or something. I was quite upset.
Yeah, it's actually not that tough to pull off. Especially if it's like snipers or something of the sort, then you get in a groove. Good job though.
Oh btw, im not trying to boast. Just wanted to see if anyone else had done this. Although it looks hard, if you concentrate, it becomes really easy but people just quit left right and center when just 1 person quits. It really annoys me in MLG when the opposing team gets a flag capture and then our team quits. Literally, Someone on the other team scored and two seconds later i scored but in between those two seconds someone quits. Its blatant bragging rights though if your down on people in MLG and still manage to win.
Yeah, I was down like 35-25 in 4v4 one time when two of my teammates quit. The two of us started getting really tactical and we actually gained the lead with two or three seconds left to win.
well, mathematically, if you dont get double-teamed, its never harder to win, yes you cant get as many kills alone, but the enimies can only kill one guy, once i actually beat a team of 4 with me alone (we were down 10, i won with a lead of like 20)
Basically yeah, this is the crux of it. I've beaten teams of 4 on my own (albeit generally not parties of 4 who tend to work together a lot better) since all you have do is play careful until you have a 1 or 2 point lead (not that hard since you are the only opponent, they come looking for you and it's not hard to abuse this if they're not smart), then go 1 kill for 1 death, simple. The fact is that often you end up getting 2 kills for one death, thus pushing you further into the lead. I much prefer to be the one guy on his own (saving, of course, coming up against a good party who know how to work together and take down an opponent without losing one of their guys) than the larger team. I hate trekking around maps trying to find that one guy on the other team, struggling against your own team mates to get kills and not be bored out of your skull, and constantly having to be watchful of that single player ambush. It really sucks imo, and, as I say, I generally prefer to be the one on the smaller team in these cases, much more entertaining.
Most games you are at a disadvantage with less team mates, but not halo. In gears of war, for example, all your teamates die, your F'd. In halo, it just means more targets.
Playing with one, or two, men down is only a disadvantage against a tactical team. If you have a team of kids trying to rush the opponents and snag the kill, they'll keep tying 1-1 or even grab 2 kills before dying. Being a man down means that you have to try to find 1v1s instead of going out in the open trying to beat all four.
Are you serious? The question was ment to spark some conversation. You just say "Yeah, I think so." Reported for a spam post, You didn't contribute to any part of this conversation. Back on topic, Yeah people will rush in a lot because its funny when there team think your at a disadvantage. Actually, Last night all my team quit leaving me on my own and i just gained the lead and got up a few kills and grabbed the sniper and stood in the water, Wasn't hiding! They all kept rushing me and rushing me, it was quite funny.
For slayer its not too hard but objective it is pretty difficult and oddball is like impossible. Also, you can't usually do that in MLG at a high level.
It happens a lot, it annoys me so but i love the feel you get when you own at a 4 v 1. On the other hand I know you get an easy EXP when you are on the larger team but having a scavenger hunt isn't my type of game, especially when they hide. The most frustrating times are when you are on a very large map, there team is in front by and we cannot find and kill there guy enough to win, but what truly grinds my gears is the trash talk after. Honestly if they didn't hide like a ***** and fight than otherwise Stfu, lol sorry for the rant. Like most people I enjoy being that one lone soldier that is constantly outnumbered, it tests your skill to the limit but to achieve and come out on top is the reason why i play games.