Ijiri Marsh

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by DunkinMyCookies, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    By LetalisCarbine9
    vigorously tested by the FH Testing Guild & others

    2679- "Ijiri Marsh was brutally attack by the Gecklion commando squad 223. The
    Gecklion meant to hit a Spartan Military camp stationed on the Autumn, but were mislead
    for reasons unknown. The Gecklion leader, Reckliff, demands to see Sergeant Major
    Avery Johnson, if this fails, Reckliff has promised to hunt each Ijiri one at a time. In
    other news-"

    Shut that bullshit off, he'll hear us. You know damn well that douche Gecklion can't see
    for ****, but he'll hear us. Turn off that god damn radio-

    -Nothing else is heard other than screams and the sound of flesh being peeled from the

    The Game: Hide n' Seek

    The Zombie, or your Gecklion friend Reckliff spawns on a crate under the lower section
    of Guardian. In front of him are a bunch of tele receivers which in 20 seconds boxes
    spawn upon allowing him to enter the Sender at the opposite end of the chasm. Upon
    going through the Sender, the zombie will be tele'd up to the giant ring above
    Guardian's center platform allowing him to now go about his hunt. Traits are as
    following- foced color: Zombie; Invincible; Energy Sword primary weapon; infinite ammo;
    no radar; slightly less gravity; only way to kill him is either become the Last Man or

    The Ijiri spawn all around the regular Guardian playing field and take advantage of the
    20 seconds in the start of the match to well, hide. Several of Guardians glitch-spots or
    HLG spots have now become easily accessible due to pre-DLC forging! Of course that
    isn't all I threw in other little tid bits here and there, houses of barrels, that one pallet
    you always wanna hide behind and so on. Now traits- Forced color Purple; no shield;
    starting weapon shotgun, with 12 extra shots; good Camo; 0% damage modifier (this
    means you can't blow **** up, wah); kill Zombie with Assassinations.

    *Last Man Traits- no camo; instant kill; infinite ammo

    ~It's 10, 5 minute rounds of vicious manhunt fun, enjoy.~


    Beginning of Game

    20 Seconds through

    Center of Marsh

    Box Stairs woo!

    If I gave you grenades- you'd die!

    Room for one more?

    Today's technology allows boxes to plug up holes

    Crate forttt

    Pallets = ghetto platforms

    Action Shots


    Patience is a virtue

    Olly Olly oxen free!

    Why not to confront a man who's invulnerable


    Endless attempts lead to failure

    Almost got me, nice spot by the way!

    Last Man Standing Prevails!!!

    A map floating above impending doom... huh.

    TurkeySlaps can make **** boom

    Download Ijiri Marsh
    Downlaod Hide N' Seek Variant

    There you go, download it. This one is for all of you guys out there who loved old
    school Halo 2 hide and seek games and still do. More to come, and thanks to all of you
    for testing it and to my brother, TurkeySlaps, eager to play basically all of those
    I'd also like to thank eguitarplaya33 for similar reasons.
    #1 DunkinMyCookies, Dec 7, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2009
  2. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    hmm, credit for testing?? lol
    I remember when you made this i was in the party lol

    I remember how much fun I had sitting in the middle and commiting suicide with the fusion coils lol
    Anyway nice map I like the concept
  3. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    lol, sorry Alex forgot who was there. It was like months ago when I made this one and just today I edited the Gametype and retested numerous numbers of times. As for that fusion coil, I do remember deleting that...
  4. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    woah I remember playing this map, like a couple months ago. Don't understand why you never posted then? It was perfect!
  5. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Ohhhhhhhhhhh, so that's what was goin on when I joined. It looked pretty cool. I used to love it back on Lockout in H2. It seems like you made a bunch of nice hiding spots. Looks very fun. needs moar interlocking 2/5
  6. pUn15h3r

    pUn15h3r Ancient
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    This looks great. I loved hide and seek in halo 2.
    It looks like you did a nice job with the gametype, time limit and everything.
    I think I might use this gametype to make some variant for the pre dlc maps.
    I like how you made it easy to acces some of the hiding spots.
    Edit: Would be better with some interlocking ;)
  7. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Interlock on this? Stop hitting that crack pipe, aint good for you. Anyways I'd like to give street an answer-

    -I didn't post it back in October or whenever because I had a lot going on between getting **** straight in school, and here at my house not to mention new games like Far Cry and Rock Band 2 came out, Iwas a little tied up. Not to mention yesterday when I revived it, there was some issues with the gametype so I set it in stone and posted it finally. Yea as far as the rest of you guys I'll most deffinitely be making some more, don't expect a Foundry game but more than likely some pre-DLCs. Thanks for the feedback.
  8. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Although I like how you added the ability for less skilled players to get into more elaborate hiding spots, the concept itself is very old. I don't know if the game type has ever been posted here but I've been playing hide and seek with my friends since before the heroic map pack's release, with very similar if not these exact settings. I'm not saying the game play isn't fun, you just don't score any points for originality.
  9. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    ok, I actually went in and changed basically most if not all of the game's set hide and seek settings to emulate the golden days. whether or not you went and played a similar game is besides the point, this was an easy make for anybody who wished to play a quick, fun game. idc for originality and all that, inf act i don't recall seeing to many hide and seek maps based on guardian so I find it pretty damn original, keep your opinions to yourself, cause I'm not hearing anything helpful.
  10. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Wow, no reason to get so defensive... When you post a map on here, there is a basic understanding that it's open to criticism from anyone and it's not your choice who gives you feedback(weather or not you find that criticism constructive is up to you). Also it isn't besides the point if I've played a game like this before, that's the entire idea behind the concept of originality.

    I'm sorry if you don't respond well to negative criticism but for some who don't care about originality you seem to argue the point very vigorously. Why don't you chew out some of the more positive reviews that don't provide any 'helpful' feedback?
  11. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    You aren't being helpful. Set aside all the originality in the idea of "Halo-Hide n' Seek" people liked it.

    I'd also like to mention, in regards to your first post here, more specifically-

    -I added this so the Humans, who don't start with grenades and have no health in the first place can reach some of Guardian's obvious and some not so obvious spots. Some people don't know them, so why make a game unfair to noobies? Obviously there are other glitches on Guardian reachable without my help, and sure you can just play Hide n' Seek without my map but I figure it was a cool idea.

    The plasma batteries up top were pretty original, they were meant to be more showy and for tactics considering you knew what were doing such as the zombie notices a bunch of people int he middle he blows one up ohhh three people dead. They aren't close enough to cause a lagtastic explosion either, and occasionally they can blast the zombie off the map. If you took some time to not find **** to critize me on you'd have noticed that.
  12. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Wow ok originality is all we look for in maps now days dont we? ok..well wrong.
    We just want a very nice map with a good concept using very clean forging basically this map has those concepts making it a very good map. Plus who wants to see another map on Foundry its nice seeing a map on guardian.
  13. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Oh why thank you sir, glad to see these words. ^_^
  14. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Umm, alright you guys are right this map is amazing. I'm sorry for even mentioning originality in my post because it's off limits. and regardless of what I said positive about the game play that means nothing in light a few originality comments. but, clearly that's all I look for in a map which is why that's the only thing I mentioned in my post... Oh and I forgot to mention this before but I only like maps on foundry.
  15. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Wow, sarcastic much? That whole post was totally unnecessary.
  16. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    if you love it why did you give it a 2/5? anywho i cant wait to own people with my hlg wrath, now i would give the seeker shotguns because its hard to kill someone with a sword because of no auto aim, also the fact that its pre dlc and original is epic
    a 4/5
  17. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Know what... you deserve cookie. I just rethought how unfair it is to the poor wittle zombie cause I made last man have instant kill. Which means... scopin wit teh shotty. Ima edit that. Thank you sir!

    *Expect Zombie with a shotgun.

    EDIT;; Done. Re-download.
    #17 DunkinMyCookies, Dec 8, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2008

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