Hey I dont know if there is a tuturial or not on this put I have some experience with gimp but I still not have found out how to make pop out sigs like i have seen throughout the forums. Thanks
Ok I think i have the idea but there is still white around the sig, I made spongebob for my brother. lol
You have to use transparency. Such as, when you make a new file go to advance options and change the background color to transparency.
You can't anymore. Unless you do the following steps; Save as PNG. Open up PNG. Color select. Select white. Use eraser.
ok i have the sig i copied the whole thing and pasted it on a transparent layer now how do i get the sig so that it isnt that big . The transparecy is 500x600 and the sig is 400x100 with popout spongebob
Use select tool. Put the select tool over the sig to the size you would like it. Then go to image > crop to selection.
hey thanks frag I figured it out i actually copied it and then pasted it as a new image and saved as png This can be locked