Distortion Ø

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by buddhacrane, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    This map supports 2-4 players and is setup to work with ALL the regular gametypes, e.g. Slayer, Team Slayer, CTF, Oddball, KOTH, Territories and Assault. I recommend FFA/Team Slayer and CTF.

    This is a remake of my "Distortion" map. I've rebuilt this completely from scratch and was able to put in the care and attention I should've done the first time (no more gaps!). I've also added a few extra features and design tweaks that make this the best mind-**** ever!

    If you've played Distortion before then I would most certainly still download this. This is the definitive version of Distortion, you'll look back at V1.3 and laugh. If you've never played of or heard of Distortion then I'll ease you in gently...

    Here are some pics!

    Just a regular set of stairs, no? (no)

    Nothing funky going on here, right? (wrong)

    A slightly peculiar design perhaps but innocent enough (lolololol)

    Definitely a bit peculiar putting the plasma turret on the "wall" methinks, or is it...

    Looking "Down" at the "Floor" (yeah right)

    Still just staring down at the floor (Oh, come on, don't tell me you're not at all suspicious!)

    I think It's time I put things into "Perspective" for you :)

    The small distorted room.

    The large distorted room

    This hallway is truly twisted!

    Now to include some players, just incase your head didn't hurt enough!

    Same old room, but now with moar interlockz and better designz.

    The fence boxes of old are gone. Now there is no default Foundry to save your brain juice!

    Ah, the good old "Two turrets, one box" trick. Gather round chaps!

    Lovingly called the "Barmy Bridge!"

    Is it up the stairs, down the stairs, across the stairs? Who knows!

    I'm on ur ceiling stealingz ur gravity!

    "I laugh at your grenades!" - The upside down room is now more than just aesthetics

    So, we're either on the same page now or you're off hurling in the toilet. Don't worry I'll wait here.

    Back? OK I'll continue...

    So, for those that have played Distortion before, just what have I changed?

    New Features

    • Smoother walls and no gaps - I've rebuilt this from scratch so I could interlock all the walls together. Many noticed the large gaps between walls, which would somewhat break the illusion and meant many a grenade would flee for freedom! Now they're gone, sorry grenades!
    • No Budget Glitch - I've managed to cram all this crazy into the realms of regular budget!
    • No more upside down vehicles - Since I was limited to the map's budget I had to remove the vehicles outside, You won't miss them I promise!
    • Where did default Foundry go? - The old versions of Distortion used to let you see "outside" the map to regular Foundry. This really did break the illusion and now those bits are gone. I'm afraid there's no relief from the mind-distortion!
    • Newly envisioned upside down room - The upside down room had the biggest overhaul, it now flows nicer (with the huge ramp) and has a new feature that impacts gameplay. Try throwing grenades at the floor and you'll be in for a surprise!
    • Door-oporters - I didn't like the way I had the teleporters in the previous versions. There are now doors that take you from one room to the next, they fit the illusion much better!
    • Proper CTF Support - The previous versions of Distortion could only support 1 Flag, because I needed to block off the twisting hallway between bases, using symmetry options. Thanks to an ingenious new forging trick I concocted, I can now have Distortion support CTF and Assault much much better. CTF and Assault has the twisting corridor and the teleporters blocked off, making for a far better competitive experience. How did I do it? You'll just have to look for yourself!
    So there you have it!

  2. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Oh dear God... I thought the first Distortion was bad enough... (not the bad as in terrible map, but as in confusing). An upside down room? I have to try this out. I really like the inproved forging in the upside down room, the geomerged bridges and the geomerged mancannons or gravlifts. If they are grav lifts, I am extremely impressed. I thought merging one grav lift was hard enough. Great job Buddhacrane, I'll get back to you with a review later today hopefully.

  3. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Okay I wasn't first... but anyways, this map looks great. To bad my friends hate maps like this, I get to keep it all to myself! You rock Buddha! An upside down room? Really? That's just amazing... 100/5 keep making maps dude!

    EDIT: Alright, somebody is screwing with my eyes cuz I seriously just saw a picture of a guys walking up a flight of stairs, a guy looking down at the stairs, a guy looking up at the stairs, and a guy on the side of the stairs.

    Amazing, I am going to be playing on this map for hours.

    2nd EDIT: 1000/5, just played it. Upside Down room wasn't as fun as I hoped, but the rest of the maps was amazing. I couldn't tell which way was up!

    *Cough* *Cough* *Feature*... *Achoo*
  4. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    wow... This map boggles the sences and give a new feel to foundry... the map is surely capable of a fun gain of slayer... and after it ppl seem to enjoy being back on their feet... I have to admit when i played V.1 i hada tear apart the map on forge... to try and satisfy ever changing ide of what was up and what was done... whereas i like the new gavity room... i think that u should put walls there so u dont no u r truely on ur feet for once...

    Gameplay... 5/5... i cant say i dont love this map... its biggest flaw is my not being able to set up from down... and not being able to play it more than 2 games.... SAD FACE... i love the bridge and the WTF moment when some1 comes up the other side... the turrets are also a WHAT THE... and help gameplay... weapons are nice too... nice work...

    Aesthetic... 5/5 what isnt pleasing about the feel of this map... i mean really apart from the ACHE u have after ur done... nice... i will miss the vehicles... but they didnt do nething back calm my raging head ache lol (why do i ramble on bout my head... i no).... while i like the gav room... for the klooks of it reminds me of a theatre... but ne who...

    Layout... 4.5/5.... while the layout is hard to judge b/c it is truely unique... and all the space in the level is utilized i dont semm to like the tunnels.. that connect the rooms... manya time nades are thrown from unseen contenders... and wipe out a recovering person... the twist and turns give the ppl the feel of nvr knowing where some1 could be... ur looking straight up at times... and after finaly orienting urself gameplay goes VERY SMOOTHLY.... nice work on the layout...

    Weapons... 4.8/5 where as i love what the turrets do for the effect they some times damage small team gameplay.... nice tho the rest is fairly balanced and well'ly positioned... nice job on the weapons ...

    Overall... 5/5 well what u have done is an improvement... and i cant wait for my next game on this... the map itself helps u forget all about foundry and pop into the dream world of budah's imagination... really where do u come up with all of this... u most be some talented super human... with inovative ideas... lol... u should be an engineer lol... okay im done now... but really hats off to u... and i hope u get back to your puzzle building... and looking forward ot ur next creation

  5. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Wow dear god this looks way more confusing then the original in a good way. I see amazzzinnggg gameplay coming from this map, I can see how there are less gaps and you did this all on a normal budget..


    Nice job
  6. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    well **** downloading to see how bad you can give me vertigo this time. Great job once again budda
  7. Gun Down

    Gun Down Ancient
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    I loved and hated the first one. it gave me a headache but was sweet. The tricks and sideway stuff were cool but know A upside ground room? STOP MESSING WITH THE LAWS OF PHYSICS. I thinking oh god My brains going to hurt 5/5.
  8. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I see this in the near future for something special :)
  9. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    wow, one of my absolute favorite maps, seriously, and the only one to impress my friend, who said "dang man! this is trippy!" and then proceded to hurl into his mik. i loved the first version, but as you said, i was a little sloppy insome areas, but this looks so sick i can stand it! everything looks so clean and polished too. great job buddha!
  10. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I had hoped someone would make a version of this map with more interlocking, and who better to do that than the original creator? Loved the first, sure to love this one. Its so fun to play with friends who have never played it and listen to them marvel at the fact that they have no idea where they are. Excellent map. 10/10
  11. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    Well, I've got to hand it to you. This is now the biggest mindf*ck ever!

    I still remember the original Distortion clearly (what's that you say?) and boy was it fun! I think by bringing back this old classic, you have re-vamped forge. Fantastic designs can still be made - and improved.

    The interlocking you have done it amazing. To get everything in-line with everything else at those angles is something to be marvled at. The hallway is more twisted than ever and every room will seem like a new experience. Removing the fence box's has don it for me... It was my salvation. Now it has gone.

    In the new upside down room there are gravi-lifts. Not only the time you have taken to geo-merge them is impressive, but their function too. Stickies flying everywhere! It's no longer abreather anymore...

    On the whole, 5/5 and this is going to be on my HD forever.
  12. Micr0Snip3

    Micr0Snip3 Ancient
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    WAY better then the last one i love it this should get featured like the last one. 5/5 I like the lift room the best! downloading
  13. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    A well thought out map. Well it looks like we'll have to compare this with the other Distortion and see which one's better. Excellent aesthetics on this one and seemingly more confusing if you ask me.
    #13 Dr. Chombie, Dec 7, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2008
  14. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I have one word for you ifreakingloveyoubuddhacrane.

    Can't wait to see more of this. You should totally add to gametypes Loyal Snipers. :p

    Also, I'm very happy that you updated this map and I'm glad you added a few things such as the sniper, mancannons, and the 1-flag blockers. Gameplay is epic win. Any map that makes some ones head hurt makes it auto-winly.
  15. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    BuddhaCrane, the first Forge HUb user to be featured twice for the same map... :)

    I'm really glad you fixed that "twist" room. I hated how bad it flowed, and now it looks like it flows much better.
    That new former upside down room looks awesome, and the mancannon geomerging idea is just fantastic.

    Yup, migght as well feature it right away...
    Awesome, and I definitely downloaded this one.
  16. atc cvhawley

    atc cvhawley Ancient
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    oh my god and i thought the first one was confusing man you gave this map a whole new meening of confusing and great merging man 6/5
    great job
  17. ShreddedDreamz

    ShreddedDreamz Ancient
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    oh yes Buddha you did it again! one of my most favorite maps distortion. I loved almost everything about it but the gaps and irregular bumps. now youve fixed them to make it more smooth and aesthetically pleasing? this will definitely be one of the best maps ever. The way you redid the original upsidedown room looks amazing and the gravlifts to push gredades upwards is just shear genius. all-in-all i think every change you mentioned is for the best and obviously i will dl. Maybe FH should re-feature Distortion for this version as it is even better. I cant think of anymore to say about this as i am mezmerized almost as much as my first encounter with Distortion!

    EDIT: I think I can speak for almost everyone when I say that you have totally convinced me now, and I'm converting to Buddha(Crane)-ism.
    #17 ShreddedDreamz, Dec 7, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2008
  18. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Dont worry about featuring guys, we have something special ;)
  19. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    Insane how dare you give hints to these people who will go crazy for 3 days to figure out what it's for! lol, I'm probably not supposed to know why buddha remade the map, But he was talking about something very specifically that gave it away...

    Testing this map for the last several days has been a real pleasure. I had a couple laughs with some buds playing the map. It just provides plain fun. I can't say too much really man. The only problem was the occasional spawn issue which only happened near the beginning of games and seemed to fix itself throughout. There's no real way in fixing that I believe. Otherwise, the map is just plain fun and truly deserves what's coming for it.
  20. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    How the bloody hell did you make the gravity lifts change the grenades direction like that. That is revolutionary. Dear god my head hurts. The twisted tunnel; make it stop.

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