Spear Point

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by DeathToll77, Dec 7, 2008.


Should there be a perfected V2?

  1. yes

  2. no

  1. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
    Senior Member

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    created by: DeathToll77, Cheesepuffs96(idiotninja), and Gibber007(catmon)

    Reccomended Players: 6-12


    This was originally supposed to be a "sky diving" map and gametype. Well we were bored a decided to make epic ramps the launched us across avalanche,tossing us around like a rag doll. This DeathToll thought hey!! let make a sky diving map where if you land in the middle you get more points than if you land on the outer rim. That......was epic fail. First off DeathToll, you can't make different value hills/territories. *Smack* So we decided to make this instead.

    How To Play
    There are two teams. Attackers and Defenders. The defenders are "floating in mid air" but are bound to a certain area(you are really inside a double box) The attackers start by a crapload of vehicles and must drive their vehicles around the corner, off the mancannon, and into the territorries. Easy right? Guess again, the defenders brought with them a crap load of weapons to counter your crap load of vehicles. Some fuel cannons, rocket,and brute shots to be exact. The attackers do have bubble shields, a flare,and a deployable cover.

    Geek Speak
    Everybody has a plasma pitol and a brute shot. is 200% damage resistant and have the max gravity and 25 percent speed. This does not really effect the defenders, being they are in a reverse shield door. Go threw the mancannons on foot right? Wrong! Not only are you slower than a cow in a three legged race, if you do happen to make it, you will not reach the territory. 4 rounds, one point per territory capture.

    Tips And Tricks
    1.) Everybody go out at once, this will make it hard for the defenders to stop all of you at once.
    2.) Send one dude out to throw down a bubble shield. Then drive threw it. That split second of not getting hit is an eternity for the defenders.


    1.) Don't shoot around the corner, this gives the enemy a chance to drive by while your reloading.
    2.) All of you should focus on one target if they come out 1-by-1. If the come out as a large group, each pick a target.


    The map (lol)


    The territories


    Umm this dude is inside the floating boxes above the man-cannons. No I'm serious.

    Crap load of vehicles


    Oh yeah there is a tank, attackers, use it as a distraction while the others roll through.


    going off teh cannons.

    Question and Answer

    Q: HAHHAHAHAHA I got knocked out of the map!!!!

    A: Okay first that is not a question, second good luck getting to the territories.

    Q: Will I hit the boxes while going off the cannons?

    A: Nope you'll go right under them.

    Q: Will you guys make a V2?

    A: it depends on how much you guys like the idea.

    Q: How many dudes do I get so this can be the funnest?

    A: The more the merrier

    Special Thanks

    To all who tested, let me know who you are lol.

    Sgt B1ggles
    Public Servent
    Blazen Nite
    Oo SLiK oO


    Click Here To Download Map and Gametype.
    #1 DeathToll77, Dec 7, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2008
  2. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Wow, its nice to see you finally post a map again. This looks really really fun. I mean, the floating territories was a nice touch and that was the first time I have seen that. Very nice idea, the gameplay seems to be really balanced. I will play this once I am not grounded anymore =D Good job also, can't wait for your next map.
  3. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    really great idea.
    Although this looks really good, I think you could have forged it a teensy bit better. It would just stand out a lot more.
  4. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    yay another mini game map by deathtoll, this looks really fun and original and i like the box glitch but maybe you should put one spartan laser in one box never respawns and a sniper one spare clip in the other to make it more varied? still good 5/5
  5. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    i like how they spawn in the box. every forger has prob done it be accident but we never made a map out of it. good job. the game looks relly cool. 10/10
    the only improvement i can think of is to give the attackers flares or something along those lines
  6. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    We posted this one to see if people liked the idea. If People gravitate toward it, then we will maje a super clean V2. Also please post any suggestions!
  7. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    This is a decent idea, Sort of like mini 'defend your map' with vehicles. I might just be jaded by some amazing new avalanche mini-games recently released(or going to be released soon), but in my opinion the concept isn't unique enough to continue with a V2. Maybe there's another element you can add to the gameplay.
  8. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    The attackers do have a flare, I'm sorry I'll add it in

    CO0LBEANS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty fun, ima download it
  10. Maestro Monk

    Maestro Monk Ancient
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    Looks like a cool minigame. I will dl and give it a try.
  11. ShreddedDreamz

    ShreddedDreamz Ancient
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    wow this is a very original idea. Im still a little sketchy on the exact details but after i dl and get a couple games on it, ill most likely know. I really like the idea and a v2 will probably be needed cuz someone is bound to find something that needs fixing. The only thing i can think of so far is to make some of the boxes and barriers a little neater for aesthetics but its still a great concept. (*note i dont leave star ratings too much because i think theyve been overused and lost their meanings*) but i really like the fun minigames where each side is balanced out, like this.
  12. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    cool map, really a revolutionary idea. im not sure how you did the box glitch, but the not-knowing makes it even more epic. you got my download.
  13. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    Ooh! New Deathtoll Minigame. I had heard from a birdy that you were making an awsome minigame, maybe this is it. I need to download or just play with you to see if it is actually good or epic fail(excpeting the first)
  14. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    I really liked testing last night (hint hint) and you should definitely perfect the map for a v2. It was the most creative idea for a territories game that I've seen. I never would have thought of spawning players in boxes that you could shoot out of, but you made the perfect game for it. Oo SLiK oO also tested with us so you could add his name to the list.
  15. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    You presented it really well. I loved the testing and forging + all the crazy-ass ideas we came up with.

    Keep in mind people; it's not supposed to be neat. This is a concept check to see if the idea is good.
    I'll get the video done soon too, tons of interesting clips from testing.
  16. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    I know why you would assume that I borrowed some ideas from defend your map. But can you guess who gave him the box idea? And the floating territory idea? Yeah ask him. Anyway I don't see how this can be compared anyway, it is different on so many levels.
  17. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    I never said you took ideas from anyone, all I said was the way the game was setup reminded me of 'defend the map'. Also, I wasn't referencing 'defend the map' when I said other "amazing avalanche mini-games".

    It's nothing personal I just don't really think the concept is very innovative. but now that I think about it, it more-so reminds me of my map mt mongoose(attacking team launches off man cannons with vehicles to try and get to a territory, as the defenders try and stop them). Also before you assume anything else, I don't think you're stealing the concept or anything.
  18. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    Remember who gave you the box idea all the way back in foundry? Man that was a while ago. Do you remember I got stuck in a box? Anyway guys its a concept map like Catmon said. Please tell us if the IDEA works well, not if it looks ugly. We know it looks ugly. (>_>)
  19. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    i would have to say, yeah the concept is cool but there were some problems i would suggest for the v2 ( im aware it was sussposed to be sloppy so im not even gonna bother with the NEEDZ MORE INTErLOCK1ngz!!) ok the top territory was to hard to hit, fuel rod was overpowered, and what about if there were boxes different distances with one weapon in them like a far away fuel rod block and a super close rocket lawn-chair one also the tunnel for the scorpion tank is a good idea but put man cannons in it to speed you along i hated spending 30 seconds in there just to be rocketed in 3 seconds also for the whole tank idea you may wanna put it up in the air and unable to move so it like a turret i ran into it waaaaay to many times thats about it really like the concept
  20. Public Servent

    Public Servent Ancient
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    This game has major potential! I mean MALOR. Just playing a few games here inspired me to try to create my own mini game, but I'm starting to jump all over the place with projects. I need to focus cause my montra has always been, why create 10 crappy maps when I can make 1 great one?! It seems I'll never get to my idea having two secret maps to work on one of them being nearly impossible but not totally, a half idea on foundry, Transfusion typo O- to finish, and now a mini game? Maybe if I give you the idea you can get it done, cause it is good but I swear you could polish a turd when it comes to making things fun! Heck yizzle you should make a version two your idea here is a gold mine waiting to be dug up. I think even as is, if you made it all pretty so nubians wouldnt say NEEDS MORE INTERLOCKING, or NEEDS MORE GOEMERGING and look into how fun it is to play it would be an instant classic. Now get to spit shining!

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