Rock guitarist Joe Satriani accused Coldplay of copyright infringement in a lawsuit filed in a Los Angeles federal court on 4 December 2008. Satriani claims that the title track, "Viva la Vida", incorporates "substantial original portions" of an instrumental song he wrote in 2004 called "If I Could Fly". Satriani is seeking damages and "any and all profits" from the alleged copyright infringement. Enjoy these youtube videos: Coldplay's "Viva La Vida" Satch's "If I Could Fly" Comparison of the two songs Music theory comparison Mashup of both songs Discuss...
When celebrities sue, it's usually a desperate attempt to regain social status or gain back money from some drunken night in Vegas. I say kill 'em.
Seriously, this is the problem with intellectual property. With so many people making so much music, eventually every melody, every riff, every sound will have been heard and copyrighted. So, **** you, Joe Satriani.
Sure, I would agree with you Whisper except that they both sound the same if you take away the fact that different instruments are used. As far as the case goes, i think coldplay already lost this one. And this doesn't sound like the artist is trying to regain fame, I think he actually thinks that ColdPlay have taken his melody and used it for their song. The similarity is way too close.
Theres a slim to none resemblence. And as Norlinksy said, hes most likely to get in the limelight for a day or two, then crawl back to where he came from. He'll be lucky if he gest a penny.
Exactly. It is close because if you do a million repetitions of something, two of them will sound the same. (Shitty explanation, but I can't think)
They seem to sound a bit similar, they are just played with different instruments (Only on some parts though.)
lol I really doubt it. If somebody released a song that used a lot of my song, I'd get really pissed. And, this case looks very bad for Coldplay. Extremly bad for them. In a court case, they will be getting experts on the subject of music and as the music theory link in the OP says, their pretty much the same. The only way Coldplay may get out of this is with a really good lawyer. And that will still probably not tip the balance their way. No. If you do a millionb things, yes, something may be the same. But, in music, there are a lot of things you can do to change a song to make it soiund completly different like change the tempo, changing it to a jig, a reel or whatever else you can do in music to change the sound.
NOO!!!! Coldplay!! NOOOOOO!! who is this Joe guy, thinks hes all cool and can sue coldplay and there best song ever. when you hear something from along time ago, it CAN be imprinted on your memory and you can unknowingly use it, like ive been talking to someone before, and then give them a stron saying or advice in a situation that i thought might make some sense to them, and then them say, "well ya, i already knew that, i told you that six months ago." so i dont think coldplay actually did copy it, because they would know theyd never have a chance to not be noticed. but sadly, i dont think they have a chance at winning the case either.......i love coldplay, why coldplay...........why?!!?! *EDIT* ya know, i just looked up both songs, and i really think joe doesnt have as strong a case as everyone says he does, ever comparison has shown only what the two have in common, but if people listened to both songs, then youd reallize how much isnt. embed new threads to both of the songs intirety so people can hear ALL of both pl0x.
Lol, I don't know what you all are talking about. This video here has Joe Satriani's guitar playing in the background with Coldplay's lyrics. They sound VERY alike. I know music is considered copyright if it uses a similar 4 measures in the notes.