Ok, I just got 1000g for Halo 3 and yet my Katana isn't there and neither is my security helmet, why? do you need to get 49 achievments as well has 1000g? please help
You have to get the original 49 achievements that was shipped with the game, which adds up to 1000. The ones added as DLC don't count.
^Exactly What he said. A lot of people used to think you just needed 49 achievements but nope, you need the original 49, not just any 49. In fact, I jusst learned that now. Thanks Bread. Question answered and thread will be locked.
Nope, I got mine with DLC. And only likr 44 of the original. *on topic Get more achievements. This is what happened to me and then I got a couple more acheivements and it was there.
For me, I got it at about 1100 and then it disappeared when I got the lightswitch achievement. Then it came back when I got to 1125. So for me, it comes and disappears randomly.