i have the fat (wide) 3rd gen ipod nano, but the touch is coming soon. If the iphone didn't come with the ridiculous service contract, I'd probably buy that. But it does
Skylar, you stalker. But, I forgot to mention I got 2 weeks ago a 2gen iPod Touch 8gigs. It's the best shits ever. btw, skylar, watch out for necros. They could give you infractions for that shiznit.
I have the 80 Gigabyte Zune. I love my current Zune it hold tons of music along with Videos and pictures. That's the biggest picture I could find of it.
I've got a 1st Gen. iPod Nano. And no, my one hasn't caught fire, either. I lo0ve it; I'd never use an iPod touch or a 80GB video one, because I wouldn't use all of that space. I only use 400MB of the 2GB on my Nano. Mind you, I wouldn't mind a video player.
That's dumb. If you had an iPod touch, you wouldn't think about getting smaller memory mp3 players. Instead you'd want more.
I'm getting a purple 8GB new gen nano ^_^ they're soo pimp; same size now with video and a sexy, sleek screen.
I use 1st gen nano. It's basic but it does what it needs to. But I go through headphones like a madman. This year I went to like 7-8 pairs.
Sansa, 2 GB simple, durable, no software to load songs (ooohhh my hatred for iTunes), good for running, plays music. what more could you possibly want? So what if it doesn't play Tetris or.. isn't a telephone?
I have a 2ng gen Ipod Touch right now, but its really not that amazing. I've had seven ipods, and I'm sick of them. This christmas I want to get a Black 120GB Zune with a sick originals design engraved on the back. Now all I have to do is chose which one I want engraved. And thats impossible.
I have a 1st gen 8 Gb iPhone, a newish ipod shuffle, a 30gb iPod video, and someone stole my 2nd gen iPod nano
The 30gb iPod Video... Its well loved and in need of a new one but it still works... I am considering getting a Touch sometime soon...
2nd Generation iPod Nano - 4 GB Probably will get replaced when I get my new phone since it can play mp3s
i use my psp. thats the best. its can hold music, pics, songs, movies, go on the interwebs, and FULL games. the only thing better is really like an iphone or ithouch.
With the Ipod Touch do you have to pay extras for Apps and Web service? because that is the only factor that affects me getting one since im lacking monies at the moment, If anyone can answer this it would be greatly appreciated thankyous I used to have an Ipod Nano 1st generation but due to my low IQ i misplaced in my jeans, which were then found in the washing machine. *epic facepalm*