Me and the wife. Where is Cosmic's avatar? I have his comparison pic... VVV Also, one of my favorite avatars so far has to be Titmar's. That **** is hardcore, lol.
No.... I have. That's why I posted it and said that it was hardcore. Good job on the pic. Very funny, despite the many typos.
I changed mine. All I did was take away the goatee. I don't have one anymore. I know teh other post of mine in this thread will have the same avatar but Ill just keep you all updated
Fine, be that way. I'm only 16 btw; I don't have that many spots, and I'm only smiling and wearing shades because I couldn't find a good mouth or eyes. You can't really make your avatar look bad.
You're right of course. I'm just kidding around. I believe that everyone's avatar looks somewhat like themselves if they intended it that way.... well except for Speed e cakes though. I can't see any similariteis between him and his avatar
This is actually a pretty close likeness of myself; the skin tone, preppy style, perfect nose, and hair.
I need to work on the hair... Edit:Wait, wtf thats not me! Lol wrong gamertag Edit2: There we go lolol.
This actually looks a lot like me (yes i do have that hair). i even have that same jacket and white button up.