ok so i bought an xbox360 last year on boxing day and i just got the rrod and now i want to know if i can keep my hard drive, please help
Yes. Call 1-800-4MYXBOX, they will take you through some easy steps. Then you'll be told to register your xbox as a repair. They'll guide you through that, then they will ask you to remove everything (Hard drive, cables, games, faceplates) and ship it to them, to be returned in 2-3 weeks, fixed.
ok thanks but i have a 3 year warenty from future shop(canadian best buy) so should i go to microsoft or to future shop to get it fixed?
Ah. Go to the store first, they may give you a replacement. Remember to take out your game and Hard Drive.
ok thanks =) my friend said that if you send it in and its not completly busted they keep it is that true?
You can keep your controllers and your HDD. Sometimes they send you a new HDD for your troubles ^^ To sync your controllers with your new Xbox 360 (if you get a new one), press and hold down the small white button on the controller (between the bumper buttons on the front of the controller) and the small white button on your xbox 360 (on the face of the 360 to the right of the memory card slots). Both the xbox's ring and your controller's ring will spin around quickly and the controllers should sync. you should sync the controllers one at a time. Alternatively, if you have a play n charge kit, just plug your controller in to charge and it will automatically sync with your 360. Good luck with your red ring!