I have been working on this map along time now, and was wanting to see what you guys thought of it. As you can see it is a small map. Made for 1v1 or 2v2. Any way I want it to be at its perfection so I need help with people who are good at spawns. If you are good, please help me out. I might give you microsoft points or give credit for your help. 1 side other side. Link to test Please comment/rate/etc. THanks, MR. Saget
you stole my map jk Hey this looks good so far, it looks like it would be a great 2v2 map and does have lots of potential cant wait to see this posted: Hint) try to make the post look very nice it helps your map look better
VERY cool dude! I'd love to test, you should link your testing thread to here, I"m too lazy to check it out myself and search. Yep, can't wait when this is ready for download. What are the current problems you have with it?
Well I'm still wondering what gameplays work best with it and actually work. I'm also needing some help with spawns. Its not horribel, but I have seen some unfair spawns. I'm going to post a testing thread, so I will edit the thread when I have it up.
This looks really good, and I felt compelled to reply for this map, cause you gave such a great review about my coming out map, Awwh, Lol. Anyway, it looks good, kinda cramped though, with some real tight corners, which might be good, depending on what weapons, and what gametype, blah blah blah. Can't wait to see the finished product.
love it until i saw that crooked box used for the arch...then i lol'ed, barfed and voided by bowls all at once
ohhhh. Thats actually a first. A lot of people liked the idea of the arch. for the reflections of grenades. But we all have our own opinion, but now that I look at it, it kinda looks messed up.
' ha... me too. If you can I could use some testers click the link on the bottum of the thread. If you want to, I just really need it at its best.
Looks very nice. I look forward to seeing this in the future. One thing though, in the top mid part try to replace the barriers with walls that are only shown about halfway, it looks nicer that way IMO.
It looks like there will be a lot of jumping. You look like your a little to late in the map process to make the map flow better though. Other than that I like the concept of the middle area. I'm looking forward to playing this map in the future.
Hey man, is it alright if you PM like a download link for me? Because the thing is, I'd love to help, but me being in GMT time and all, I probably won't make the test, but I would love to try out the map and give you my opinion. I understand if you feel that I might steal your map, and I understand if you don't want to. But, if you can, that'd be great. Thnx, Monsta Masha