Yeah. I am. My friends all suck, and I'm good. So basically I'm starting an insane Gears Of War 2 raping team. We (forgehub) will play elimination together and dominate the public games. We'll rank up and be unstoppable. We'll all have a specialty weapon and use well thought out strategy to beat our oponents in skill and outwit them. Though that last sentance wasn't well thought out, our play will be. Message me, we'll play online, we'll win. Yupp, I forgot. But I remember now. I added who volunteered to play, so if you're still down will play a few tonight or tom. Depending on when we're all available. If you want out, just let me know. Anyone who wants in, also, let me know. Pinky swear. Bloumbas Iced Frappucino Rusty Eagle Christphrbrnnn Th Kn1ght
I'm down with it, so long as I'm not playing with my other friends. I can be pretty sick when it comes to sniping.
I will join... Once I figure if I'm good or not lol... I am getting it tomorrow so I will get back to you when I play.
I kick a decent amount of ass, though same as rusty..if im not playing with some others, ill join. GT is name.
I will have to admit that I don't suck in Gears, so if you need another player hit me up. I r MLG pro wit da snipz.
I'm not sure you guys are going to be the best ever. My friend, xGeometrics, is an absolute Muther Truckin pro at both Gow 1 and GoW2. I would like to see you guys beat his team, other then that, I wish you guys the best of luck
lol. Well we have yet to play together, but I happen to be muther trucken pro as well. It's fun playing other good players, rather then lancer noobs. Ef he ever wants to play any of us that would be awesome, let him know for me?
That's cool, I will do. But I promise you, he is an effing Beast. The best person I have ever seen play Gears of War.
lol, that's cool. I'm a good sniper as well, though I'm not as polished as I was in Gears 1. I'm not saying I'll win or lose, I'm not a cocky bastard nor do I lack confidence, just for fun game eh? he has some nice pop shots in there as well as blindfires. I cant blindfire as well as I used to, but I'm still solid.