I know its old, I saw it a couple years ago. Just remembered about it now and thought that I would share. There's always the people that have not seen it^^ they deserve to experience teh lolz this video has to offer.
I was like omg omg omg here it comes!!! Nooo not yet... "Remember when you ****ed with my computer yesterday?" (and i'm like omg its here nao) "yeah?" "Well thats what you get!" and then I was like, "lol"
Such an old Game console; But, I still get laughs from this. I find it funny when the kid puts his head close to the Game cube trying to see if it's working. Spoiler Guy: "Remember who ****ed with computer?" Kid: "Yeah?" Guy: "Well this is what happens." *Throws Game Cube on the ground* *Picks it up; Then throws it high into the air and watch it break.* *Guy walks over to it and kicks it* Kid: *Starts to cry* Guy: "Hey come here; The Game Cube's not yours.* Kid: "Then where is it?" Kid: *Continues to cry* I really like that part in the video; Within the spoiler.
No he didn't COMMANDERMATT1 never fails ever. So no U. <3 Matt. I really want to pull something like this on one of my brothers some day. It would be superb.
Haha, his reply above (the one I quoted) had the spoiler messed up. So I pointed it out. We were talking about fails the other day, so that's why I pointed it out.
Yeah, I noticed when I Replyed that I messed something up and I quickly tried to delete the post. <3 you more... Yep that's right no one can mess with me without getting great members of Forge Hub on you. Beware. I should try this on someone. But, where would I get a broken xbox?... Oh wait that right when my Xbox broke and Microsoft wouldn't fix it I just kept the old broken Xbox. lol.
Oh **** I need to do this to someone, I have my E74'd 360 still. That would be a right kick in the nuts if I broke their 300$ console.
I personally never saw this before but this has to be one of the best things on the video forums in a while. I was laughing so hard when the kid was crying. Although, I was waiting more for the kid to tackle his brother and kill him. But hey, he was in a sweater vest, what was he gonna do? Love, Zachary9990