MLG Map Callouts The Callouts for every major MLG Map. Created by: (BIG Thanks to them) Narrows Construct Guardian The Pit
Interesting, and good work putting this together or finding it which ever you did. I know quite a few of these already bit learned a lot will help me out in the future in Match Making.
Nice job on putting this detailed guide together. I could probably use this myself. I don't really play mlg, but I still would like to know the call outs.
Yeah, but there is still a lot of work ahead for my MLG FREE Lesson Group. I making some progress as you see.
Took this from, but it needed to be done anyway. I'd just like to see credit given to them.
And remember, callouts could also be different from team to team. Like on the Pit, the Empty Hall is Long hall, and the OS hall is Runway, and on Onslaught the B nades are B tunnel, and the carbines are B-box and A-box, so it could be different for every team, just use works for you.
Well I call Long hall either, Hallway or Rocket Hallway..but also these are not only for ANY team game...these are doesn't have to be I said before, a call out is a call out and if you call out someone it will greatly help your team.
It is true that there is many varieties to the callouts for MLG Maps. Although if you know the basic one's, and you communicate them to your Team Mates, they should understand what you are talking about.
Great job with this. It's very helpful to newer members. It frustrates me how some people under-value the effect of callouts for a team. I'm going to sticky this.
Aahh this is a huge help. I knew some of these but there were some I was curious about. Thanks a bunch!
This only works in MLG though. Try shouting "One shot rockets on the mohawk!" or "flames in the bottom gold" in Social Slayer. You get some funny responses.
I use a different callout for about 40% of the ones you have posted. I'm not saying your wrong, but it's funny that every person has a different callout for the same thing.
This should be a sticky. I've been looking for a thread like this forever. Great job man, greatly appreciated.
Ladnil, big thanks for the pics and the Link. I updated the post with the new Lockdown pics, so everyone enjoy!