I love these songs so much... They have a very strong meaning to them and it they are my favorite genre; Indie Rock. So here they are, all by Cold War Kids. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rfDvpfC2bw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyhkQzPLjcA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrrGKR8Xii4&feature=related Please comment on how you like them I may add some other indie rock bands like MGMT or The Nationals. Well hope I got you hooked onto some good music.
[stereotype]I hope you die. You're listening to my exclusive music that is only for me and the band to listen to! How did you find out about them? Seriously, you're intruding on my special connection with the band![/stereotype]
vietnam fishing trips italian opera this cd came out a while ago. i believe they have a new one. I was going to see them over a year ago when they were going to tour with the white stripes. that tour did not happen
I kept finding this band while trying to find the song umm..hang me out to dry by bit shift. It annoyed me. MGMT for the win...though I only really got addicted to Electric feel (see status) and time to pretend. Nothing else caught my ear.
i <3 MGMT said oo girl, shock my like an electric eel baby girl, turn me on with your electric feel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxKzgZtREo4 ^ this songs my baby as of right now
I actually don't like Electric Feel that much. For me, Time to Pretend, Weekend Wars, Kids, and Pieces of What are where it's at.