Connotation Created by Destroying ace Supported Gametypes: Slayers, ffa, King of the hill Recommended Players: (4-8) Map Description: Connotation is a map based on an abandoned supply warehouse created by the UNSC. connotation uses about 3/4 of foundry, and is impossible to escape from (as far as I know). The map has plenty of geo-merged and interlocked items.The map is designed for long ranged weapons, so I highly recommend slayer, since the map was made for that gametype. But connotation is also compatible with king of the hill. Also, a special thanks to STK MonkeyMike since I used the crane idea. List of weapons: Battle rifle x2 Shotgun x1 sniper rifle x1 needler x1 brute shot x2 carbine x2 beam rifle x1 machine gun turret x1 _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Download Connotation All fixed!
I am not sure. I put them on photobucket, and they won't become bigger. Im currently trying to find a solution.
hmm... So you did use photobucket and copied the IMG code? If not copy the IMG. If you didn't I think I know what you did.
your photo bucket reduction settings may be defaulted to smaller. if you change it once it will stay like that normally with most browsers. upload them again, and make sure the reduction size is to either medium or large (best)
Here's a great guide that should help. Now that you have fixed your screenshots, I can see that this map is quite sexy. The interlocking and geomerging is superb. Curious, did you make the entire maps angled on purpose because it actually looks kind of good with the whole map angled like that. Anyway I will download, test at a friend's house and get back to you.
Actually I was just playing with a few friends in forge making random things. But then I thought of some ideas and.... this was the result.
Well, don't mind me noticing that the tower is exactly the same like from one of the countless made Scarabs. Iffy, not accusing anything. I like the map layout, especially the full back part. One more thing. The fence-wall thing. I doubt people will be able to get through that center, its kind of small.
The asthetics on this map are great! The only problem I can see is that there are parts of the map (base,and the thing in the 2nd to last pic) might not be used that often. They just seem kind of boring and there is no point in going there because there are no weapons. Maybe I'm wrong I'll have to Dl and see. How many people do you recomend to play with on this map? 4/5
Actually, there are weapons there. I accidently turned weapons off when i was taking the screenshots.
I see a good use to it. Grenades can be chucked onto the center of the platform from directly below. Therefore, I assume this is the hill, right? Anyway, as far as the map goes, it looks fantastic. Good use of geo-merging and interlocking especially in the arch going into the back wall of foundry. It's a little open but that's ok for a KOTH map, although it affects the slayer gameplay a little bit. 4/5, good job.
yes, I did take the crane idea. I think I mentioned that.... Or maybe i forgot..... But anyways, Is is actually very easy to get through the fence walls. I spent a while fixing that.
The interlocking and geomerging are great, I really like the archway in the back. This does look like it would be alot of fun for slayer. Could you add a weapon list or locate some of the more powerful weapons? I like how the map is open which makes you use long range weapons. I can't really tell where any of the weapons or equipment is, so try to make a list or something so I could know what weapons are on the map or where they are. Still looks like a great map 4/5.
This map is SMEXY!!!!! The interlocking and geo-merging are awesomely cool, and i see the tunnel used in one of Matty's maps used, makes it look smexy, and it is rather curious why everything is created on an angle, is this deliberate? So overall very nice 4.7999/4.8 FTW
Wow, the geomerging on this map is fantastic, but on some parts it looks like you rushed the interlox. I really like your bridge/crane structures and the cones on top. Also in your second to last pic, I didn't get a good look at it, but those walls looked to be curved, which I think is awesome
I like the center piece but right now my map que is full. I've subscribed to it and once i empty out some older maps ill come back for this one. well done.
did you take the idea, or did you start on a Scarab map, and deleted everything around it. If so, then this is techincally map stealing. kthnxbai
No No No, I didn't delete everything around it. If I see something that i likie, I'll play around with it, find out out to make it. Then I make another one. So, no, I didn't steal it.
Well then sir, I guess it's completely okay, I would give him some credit, but if you don't IMHO I guess its okay too.
You have some skills my good sir. Everything you have built on this map seems unique, and that impresses me. It just doesn't seem to fit together though. It looks like all these awesome structures should be signatures in differant maps; not all built into one. It is aesthenically pleasing, but, well, idk. I'm just saying there's something about it that seems a little off. It is a great map, and you are a great mapmaker. I hope to see more of you.