AR15.COM :: Forums :: Firearm Mounted Anti Zombie Device WITH VID!!
That's completely pointless. Also, I don't see how this should be in gaming discussion. The only thing that this relates to is one gun from GoW. This has nothing to do with actual gaming.
Wow. Does it actually work? The only thing that makes it look like a lancer is the chainsaw. Othere than that, it is basically a whole new gun.
****ing lancer noob. Use the shotgun. Edit-Gaming discussion. ^=spam. It's pretty cool, but he must be a noob. Why don't people build shotguns like the GOW2 one; or torque Bows. They require skill and would be mad epic.
That doesn't really look at all like a lancer other than the chainsaw though it's too long. Shouldn't be too hard to strap on a chainsaw onto an m16 and BTW, he has red eyes so he must be a vampire zombie hunter.