Halo 3: ODST armor

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by AfroNinja117, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. AfroNinja117

    AfroNinja117 Ancient
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    I recently have heard that the Recon armor will be both useable in Halo 3: ODST and regular Halo 3, but will the rest of the armors be usable on both games?
  2. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    I didn't know this. All I had found out is that you would get Recon in Halo 3: ODST if you had all of the vidmaster achievements. If this is true then that's pretty cool. The entire armor will be available in H3: ODST for sure but I don't know about Halo 3
  3. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Please revise your post add more its spam

    I dont think bungie has officially released what armor they are going to use but im pretty sure that they are realeasing recon.

    Who knows, check with bungie on there weekly updates
  4. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    They actually did announce that it would be Recon and that you'd get it if you got all of the Vidmaster achievements, including the ones in Halo 3: ODST. It's somewhere in a weekly update. Sorry I don't have a link. Maybe someone else will supply a link, or me later.
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    if you get the video master achievements, that will unlock the Recon armor for use in HALO 3.

    There is no new multiplayer with Halo3:ODST. It is merely an extension of the campaign. WHY do no one seem to understand that?
  6. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    YES please listen to silence everyone. There is NO multiplayer. This is where you may have gotten your confusion from:

    Is there a multiplayer component to Halo 3: Recon?

    There are multiplayer maps that will appear as a part of the Halo 3: Recon package. This includes the aforementioned Mythic Map Pack in addition to a few others. You can also experience the entire Recon campaign cooperatively with up to 4 players.
    Bungie.net : Inside Bungie : News
    ^here is the link to the update.
    Bungie said the maps will come with the game, but there will be NO multiplayer for ODST.

    At first I thought there was multiplayer in ODST too but then I checked up on it again and realized there wasn't.
  7. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Well the people who do understand this really don't post about it, and those who aren't aware of this constantly keep making new threads about it. This would probably be why it seems as if everyone doesn't understand such a simple idea.

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