Ghost skull

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by YEE MAN IZ BAK, Dec 1, 2008.


    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
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    Well let me start off by saying that I am new to the forge hub forums,
    so if you see anything wrong with this post,please tell me.

    You may know me from my many other puzzles and my testyoumind series.

    Now for the MAP!
    this is an Indiana Jones themed map,it's very different from many other puzzles you will see. it's a very well thought out and well forged map,
    this is a fairly hard map.

    well I don't know what else to say so Lets get to the fun!









    so that's about it please tell me your thoughts and opinions
    Thanks,YEE MAN
  2. Maestro Monk

    Maestro Monk Ancient
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    You have good forging techniques that i can see. I will DL and check it out and then i will give you my feedback. (Might take a while as i have a lot of homework) Good JOb

    BTW is there a gametype that goes with it??

    PS You kind of forgot the DL link. Might want to fix that soon! :)

    I almost forgot, WELCOME TO FORGEHUB!
  3. lilalphawolf00

    lilalphawolf00 Ancient
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    what is the goal of this map are u supposed to get a skull or just get to the end of the map and looks good everywhere else 4.8/5

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
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    ty for reminding me lol forgot link lol im tired
  5. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    Ummm, you said "ty for reminding me", but you never you never answered the question...I'm confused...

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
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    you are supposed to get to the oddball.
  7. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
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    welcome to forgehub! your post was, well, posted correctly and impressively. on top of that, the map looks great. smooth interlocking, perhaps geomerging I'm not sure, and it looks really fun! here's a tip though: when you put up a picture, also add a caption so that people know whats going on in the picture or to explain a step in a puzzle, such as this one. also, a download link is required. other than that, awesome job! overall, I give it a 4.5/5! and once again, welcome to forgehub!

    EDIT: nvm i see the download link. sry 'bout that!
  8. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Wonderful map for your first post. The forging on this map is definately at a higher level and the map itself looks like a difficult puzzle. The obstacle in the 2nd picture looks purely boobytrapped X.X. Anyway, great first post and map! 5/5.

    Senior Member

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    Yeeman is crazy good

    I have'nt beet this map but played it an its REALLY GOOD!!! This guy yeeman aparently really good he's made over about 25 maps an i played almost all of them an every single one gets harder an more challenging so this guy is REALLY good in my point of view.
  10. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Welcome to the Hub, I hope your time here is an enjoyable one!

    Much to my surprise I have never played any of your puzzle maps. Which truly is shocking when I think of all the puzzle maps I've played in my time. Saying that, I have heard you mentioned before in regards to making good puzzle maps, I've just never played them.

    Hopefully this one is a fair indication of what your puzzles are like.

    over 25 puzzles? I admit that makes me slightly dubious. I'm a quality over quantity kinda guy but we'll see. I judge each puzzle map I play individually, how many puzzle maps preceeded it does not affect me.

    Things I will be mainly looking out for:
    • Number of new/innovative ideas
    • Amount of Turret/Vehicle clipping (Oh how I hate it so)
    • Escapability/Skippability (no, that's not a real word) of puzzles
    • Puzzle variety (i.e how different each puzzle is from the last)
    I try not to judge on how challenging the map is because that's a very opinionated subject.

    Rest assured that you will receive my opinion soon, whether you like it or not! lolololol
  11. Whatupdog

    Whatupdog Ancient
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    Good Map

    My friend and I just finished the map (no, we did not cheat by using two of us) and I was impressed. The aesthetics combined with the challenges made for an enjoyable puzzle.

    We did manage to complete several parts in ways that i'm sure weren't meant to be completed the way we did, but we were not able to skip or cheat any challenges. I give you credit for this.

    On the down-side, the map was slightly easy to complete (for us, anyway), but it was fun. Keep forging and I look forward to playing your maps in the future. Hope the feedback was helpfull.
  12. milummulim

    milummulim Ancient
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    a pics description and the objective of the puzzle would be nice
  13. GMF Painkiller

    GMF Painkiller Ancient
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    I would say that this is a decent map. I found extra ways to complete a couple challenges like Whatupdog. (I did it with him.) To me this puzzle map was easy. I completed it within about 45 minutes of dl.

    By decent, I mean that it was decent in the following things: Creativity, originality, and being non-cheatable. I would say it was averagely creative. There were original in parts but I felt it got a little repetetive after the few first challenges. I didn't find cheats, persay, but I found different ways of completing certain challenges which is still bad.

    I agree with Buddha that difficulty is just an opinion. I find most puzzles easy so I try to lay off that subject.

    The main thing about your map was, like I said before, it got repetetive. I mean, not to spoil anything, for the most part you just find a weapon (mainly snipers) and shoot a fusion coil, or you switched a piece of equipment a certain way. It got old.

    Overall it was decent. I do enjoy puzzle maps so I thank you for making them and everything I say is to help you become better because it benefits both of us. Keep forging and try to focus more on those three points I stated before.
    #13 GMF Painkiller, Dec 7, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2008
  14. dreamwarrior

    dreamwarrior Ancient
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    Wow this puzzle is just incredible,i love the unique design of this map,looks realey challenging.I like how you pay attention to details on the map, with clean merging and mabey geo merging it looks like,u rarely see this in puzzles maps.your the best ,i look forward to playing more of your maps. 5/5!
  15. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    I agree with this review.

    My main criticism would be the repeating theme for the majority of puzzles. I did feel like once I knew how to complete 1 puzzle I knew how to complete most of them. This is almost always a problem with "themed" maps to be fair, you're always going to be stunted in your creativity. So I shouldn't be over critical I suppose.

    There was a fair amount of originaity in terms of twists on existing ideas but in the end it was stuff I'd seen before, just done in a different way, which is no real criticism to you because most puzzle maps are like that.

    There was just a tiny bit too much turret clipping, although I did notice they weren't used as puzzles, just as go-betweens (the fence walls made that point clear) so I guess it's not too bad really. (I just have a pet-hate of them)

    I did come up with quite a number of alternate methods for completing puzzles but I never skipped entire sections or break the map entirely, so not bad on that front. I always consider keeping the map break-proof the hardest part of building a puzzle map. It's still prefered if you can make people complete the puzzles the way you intended though.

    I wasn't too sure about the second(?) puzzle with the custom powerups and the dumpsters. I could see you were trying to do something more than the basic trap, but it wasn't really a puzzle. All it did was slow you down a bit, there was no trick to solve.

    Overall though a well constructed puzzle map and an enjoyable one. It didn't frazdoozle my brain jelly but it gave me something to do for 30 mins.
  16. GMF Painkiller

    GMF Painkiller Ancient
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    Well to be honest I don't agree with you (Dreamwarrior) or your view on puzzle maps. What it sounds like is all you care about is the aesthetics. That is stupid. This map is posted is mini games not aesthetics. Therefore aesthetics is not the rubric in which you should be reviewing this map. You should review mini game maps on creativity, playability, how it works, and overall on how much fun it is.

    Now normally, this is not a big deal. However this is a PUZZLE map. That is a big factor. You see, in a puzzle map the only thing that really matters are the challenges. Now I agree that aesthetics are somewhat pleasing to the eye but, they don't matter if the map functions properly. Though if you do care about aesthetics greatly, then at least rate the map with some sort of base like rate the aesthetics, then rate the challenges, then rate the originality and so on and so forth. That way the creator can take your rating on everything and improve on the things that aren't up to par. (which is obviously NOT aesthetics for this map)
    #16 GMF Painkiller, Dec 10, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2008
  17. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    Wow YEE MAN made it onto Forgehub finally! I remember way back in like January me and friends had a puzzle craze and you made the "Test you mind" maps and we loved them! Well i'm going to download this and try it out right now!

  18. daranged5

    daranged5 Ancient
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    yes there is a download link and a gametype they are just placed at the top rather than the bottom
  19. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    This map is great! I downloaded and played it all the way through(I said earlier I would download it) and it is fun. It's a bit easy in my opinion(usually depending on difficulty I have to go into forgemode to find the puzzles answer, kinda cheating) but I didn't on this one. It took me like 1 hour of straight playing(4 hours total but I played games in between) and it is awsome. It's still easy but fun. Definatly a good puzzle map ppl should DL.

    YEE MAN IZ BAK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, Zach.
    Whats your GT?

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