Step up.

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Blaze, Nov 30, 2008.

  1. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    people can form whatever opinions they want, i dont give a ****. however, before saying a map blows, they better god damn well try it first.
  2. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    He is a Moderator therefor allowed to tell people rules, and explaining the rules is not spam. I've seen plenty places where you have posted embed your picture posts and whatnot so don't even start on him for relaying the rules to you sir. It is constructive to the thread and he is planning on giving me a review. Now please stop the argument.

    By the way, you say my map isn't as good yet you have still never played it... umm.. you don't know that.
  3. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    im gonna give this map a go.
    It cant be horrible if you created it and I dont see why people arent playing it first so ill get back to you with a full opinion.
  4. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    WTF is wrong with everyone, you try and geo-merge on standoff! but unfortunately you didnt add interlocking, n33dz moar int3rlocking! lol but seriously this looks pretty good, but really needs something to make it really different from standoff heavy apart from tactics you can do better than this but its still pretty good
  5. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Y35 is absolutely right.
    However, while the map looks fun, and I'm sure a lot of work and planning went into making it, its just not the same amount of effort that would go in if it was a Foundry or Blackout map. However, I will crit what I see.

    The geomerged Mancannon looks like it was a bit of a chore, and honestly, that's really all I see as far as anything requiring "Forge Skill" to do. The rest just seems well planned and well tested, nothing more. I like what you are trying to do Blaze, trying to bring these other maps to the Spotlight, but I'm not so sure about this. Knowing this crazy community, this will probably get featured, although I definitely don't want it to be.
  6. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    All right, enough is enough. If anyone has any critiques about the weapon set of the map, the flow of the map, the tactics of the map, or the overall feel of the map then feel free to comment.

    If you decide that you need to *****, complain, point out, or downgrade anything about this map from this point on without actually playing a match on it then I will infract you. Seriously people? You have clearly gotten away from what forging is all about and that is playability and gameplay. Not every map released needs to be a 100+ hour super interlocked Foundry map. If you are a fan of heavy games then he created the map for you. If you are a fan of 100+ hour super interlocked Foundry maps then go find one in the sea of them laying around in the Maps sections. Leave Blaze alone, he should be able to make and release whatever he wants without having to worry if all of you will approve based on the way the pics look.
  7. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    So if Blaze doesn't merge anything and everything, his map is ****? Honestly, piss off if that's your attitude.

    Blaze decided to take a different turn and make a map on Standoff, he's done a heavy variation of it. That's his choice, but you CANNOT compare Blaze's previous work to this; you can't compare work on Standoff to work on Foundry, the two maps are so vastly different.

    On topic now, Blaze. I haven't played it but I had a quick run around on it, and I liked what I saw. Plenty of variety in the heavy-ness. The man cannons were very nice, it makes the map very quick access. Flying all over the place, driving all around, hovering, slow peaceful walk, however you prefer to travel, you can. Sheild door I understand, restricts the shot from a camping sniper. Also, I really like seeing a sniper actually placed on Standoff, it works too well for it not to be on it. The chopper and hogs intrigue me, they sort of cancel each other out. Hogs can easily rape anyone and everyone yet can easily be destroyed in one swoop by the chopper. Only thing I'm kinda concerned about is the Banshees, they'll be devastating but I don't know until I try.

    I've got it saved, so whenever I have a large party together I'll throw this up.
  8. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    I can see why you made this map Blaze... In my opinion, default Standoff is just horrible, it totally depends on the hog, and there's hardly any chance of taking it out unless you wait for the laser to spawn... But I've never played Standoff Heavy, so I won't be able to notice the changes you made, but hey, it's obviously a lot different then Standoff Heavy if you put time in to make it.

    I myself have made maps similar... I just never released them. I've made a map on Snowbound with a totally different weapon sets and tryed to reconstruct the respawn system myself, And I've done a map on Valhalla very similar to the snowbound map, but I also added some more geometry to the map.

    I'll download it and give it a forge through, and I'll try to play it if I can get a big enough party. I'll be back with a review then.

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    Pretty nice, I've know you for a long time blaze and i know a lot of your maps include great game play and aesthetics, its Very hard to achieve on standoff but it doesn't look to bad, my only point would be to add a video, that way people could see how great it is ans shut there squeaky ass voices.

    The man cannon looks pretty nice and works well in standoff, i have yet to play a proper game but i can see why it looks great.

    The hammer is genius, with all those splatter whores it could be hard but it creates strategy, helping teammates across the map etc.

    good job blaze, hope you read this and take it inconsideration.

    P.S to anybody that says im kiss assing up, well Blaze is a good friend and like he said, a lot of planning went into it so show some respect
  10. Sgtkillstuff

    Sgtkillstuff Ancient
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    This map might not look great but the gameplay is awsome. I would like to see a list of weapons/vehicals and maybe some pictures of actual gameplay.4/5
  11. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    I don't see what the big deal is here guys. I for one am a HUGE fan of heavy maps. I can honestly say I would download them over most of the maps here at forgehub because of their sheer amount of playability. Seriously, if you haven't played on it yet, don't ****ing criticize it!

    Now, I would say I would download and get back to you with a full review, but I wouldn't want to get your hopes up. I'm kinda lazy with that. But, I am downloading now, and when I play it, I'll try to come back here. Again, big fan of your maps, and everyone else, STFU and GTFO!

    And, I'd say the mancannons are the best aesthetic you could have added. And they look to work amazingly for gameplay.

    JASONYO Ancient
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    i agree with this comment, it seems that this map got attention because of who u r. i think that any random member who would have posted this with no one to back it up would not get a quarter of the comments this is getting. personally i choose not to download these types of maps even if the gameplay is said to be really good. I also understand that every weapon was placed for a reason, and that may be the difference between ur map and other non-foundry maps. anyway nice job going out of the box

    and personally, those geomerged mancannons r a thing of beauty, i have no idea how u pulled that off
  13. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    I will try to get a list and pictures as soon as I get an xbox to use.

    I have a vehicle list that I updated into the post a few days ago. The weapons are similar to standoff heavy just tweaked for gameplay.

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