**** ZOMBIES? HUH? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yes, you read right. **** Zombies. It's not a 1940s horror movie, but instead it's a fun minigame in Call of Duty: World at War that you can play either by yourself, or with up to three friends. The game has no ending and the goal is to survive for as long as possible against hordes of undead. Plot? Um...You are a hapless unnamed bomber pilot, who has been shot down. You (and up to four other people) have crash-landed in the middle of an open field in the geographical middle of nowhere. It's dark and misty, and all is quiet until...well, zombies emerge from the ground around you, killing one of your wingmen and causing you and your teammates (who make no effort to rescue said wingman) to retreat to an old country house. Well, eventually you get trapped inside the house, and instead of escaping, you (and your teammates) hole up here, fending off seemingly endless waves of bloodthirsty zombies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ III. HOW TO PLAY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A. Unlocking ------------ Before I can discuss gameplay, I should mention that this game is not immediately available to you. You must complete the regular single player campaign mode on any difficulty first. After you sit through the credits, the game will begin. Regardless of your level of success in your first run through the level, which probably won't last long because it begins without warning, the game will announce that you have unlocked **** Zombies. You can select **** Zombies from the Mission Select menu - the level is titled "Nacht der Untoten", which means "Night of the Undead". For information on how to play **** Zombies in multiplayer, check out Section V of the guide. B. General Gameplay ------------------- Your primary mission in this game is not to die. While this mission is not exactly possible to fulfill due to the game's endless nature (well, whether it is truly endless is not known, but the furthest anyone has reached is level 50), you must still try to survive for as long as possible. You only have one life, so when you die, that's it. (In multiplayer, this is only sort of true - see Section V of the guide for more details.) Furthermore, you are apparently the weakest soldier in your army (the sarge must really hate your guts). Unlike in the campaign where you can survive huge explosions and multiple gunshot wounds, it only takes about three hits from a zombie in order to kill you. So you should make it a point to keep zombies from sneaking up or ganging up on you. The zombies come at you in groups (the game calls each zombie rush a round). Between groups, you have about 30 seconds to move around, pick up a new weapon, make any repairs, or otherwise rest before the next round begins. Each round has more zombies, and the zombies move faster and hit harder than in the previous round. Eventually, you will die. When this happens, the Game Over screen will appear, followed by your results. If you get tired of **** Zombies and want to go back to the main menu, you have to quit the game from the pause menu; after the Game Over and results screens, a new game immediately begins. C. How to Score Points ---------------------- Kill stuff. Seriously. You get points for simply shooting zombies. It is a bit more complex than that, though, so read on. As I mentioned, when the game begins, you will spawn in the main room of the map without any warning, armed only with a Colt M1911 pistol. Refrain from cussing at your player character for not bringing a flamethrower or something into a zombie-infested house and find the nearest zombie. You will probably notice a zombie or two ripping apart a boarded up window. As you attack them, you will score points: - You get 10 points for each shot that lands on a zombie's body. - You get 60 additional points when you kill the zombie. - If you headshot the zombie, it immediately dies and you get 100 points. After you kill them, you should set about repairing the window, because for some strange reason your soldier doesn't think escaping the house is a good idea. To do this, walk up to any window that has sandbags under it, and when the prompt appears on-screen, hold the Use button (default is X). Your character will use the Force to miraculously lift boards off the ground and make them fly into place, without nails! - You get 10 points for each board you move back into place when repairing a window. Note that zombies can attack you from behind while you're repairing a window, so try not to spend too much time fixing windows. The zombies are your primary target and are worth more points in the long run. D. How to Use Points -------------------- Points aren't just a meaningless score in this game. They act as a sort of currency, allowing you to expand your arsenal or the map itself. This is fortunate, seeing as your trusty M1911 doesn't have that many bullets, and the zombies are unarmed. Purchasing things in this game is somewhat beyond my comprehension, but to do so, all you have to do is walk up to one of the many chalk drawings or disturbing writings on the walls. If you have enough points, press the X button to gain whatever reward is listed. Now, I have no idea how weapons materialize out of concrete walls, but then again, you are fighting zombies. Spending points is the only way to open up new areas for zombie extermination. This is also the only way you can expand your arsenal beyond what you can buy in the first room of the house. However, opening up new areas means the zombies have more ways to get into the house, and as such you should be alert and watch your back. Just remember: you don't have to fix a window completely to stop zombies from coming in, and it's only a stall tactic anyway. Each new area of the map costs 1000 points to unlock. These areas include the Root Cellar, the Balcony, and a stairwell between both those areas. A list of weapons and their costs can be found in Section IV of the guide. E. The Map ---------- Since this is a text file, I can't exactly show you the map. However, the map is not too large and you can't really get lost in it. I'll just detail the ins and outs of each area, like how many zombie entrances there are in each area, what weapons you can find, and where you can go from there. i. The First Room ----------------- Windows: 5 Weapons: Colt M1911, Kar98k, M1 Carbine Doors: Root Cellar, Balcony This is where you start off. Do not spend more than five rounds here or you will be overwhelmed. Where you go from here depends on how hard you want the game to be; I strongly recommend going to the Root Cellar from here, which is the door marked "HELL" (or "HELP" or whatever it says). Going to the Balcony will make the game much harder, but will score you some kick- ass weapons for the trouble. It is also key to an ingenious strategy that is detailed below. ii. The Root Cellar ------------------- Windows: 3 Weapons: Double-Barrel Shotgun, Mystery Box, Thompson Doors: The First Room You will find the Mystery Box and the Thompson back here. This, in turn, is where you will get the almighty Ray Gun if you can get lucky with the Mystery Box. This room has the least zombie entrances, so it may be easier to defend here unless the Balcony has been opened up; if that's the case, then running and gunning will likely be a better strategy. If you are overwhelmed, the side of the room near the staircase and the Mystery Box is excellent for last stands, and, with the right weapons, a breakout is even possible. Note that there is a wall that the zombies will break through; this wall counts as a window for the purposes of this guide. What's amazing is how your character will not only use the Force to repair the wall, but he doesn't even need any mortar or concrete. The wall's just automatically resealed. I need to hire this guy to work on my house. iii. The Balcony ---------------- Windows: 4 Weapons: Grenades, Trench Gun, Sawed-Off Shotgun, BAR, Scoped Kar98k Doors: The First Room, The Root Cellar This floor contains the power weapons, but opening it will open the door to zombie ambushes, because there are four windows up here. You might be able to make a mad dash for the BAR or Trench Gun if you're quick enough, but you may leave yourself or your team open to a zombie rush. Go here if you want a challenge, or if you feel you or your team needs the extra room to move around (usually late in the game, after the 12th round or so). One reason you may wish to open the Balcony is the staircase in the back of the room; if you leave the door from the First Room to the Root Cellar closed, you can cause all the zombies to have to funnel down the stairs, leaving you and your team able to kill them while they shamble down the stairs. This is a pretty good tactic, and several people have pointed it out to me. The only downside to it is that it makes you have to run pretty far to reach the Mystery Box, but there is enough time between rounds that by the time the next zombies begin to appear, you should have your shiny new weapon from the box. However, if you aren't going to be using this strategy, don't open the Balcony. E. Survival Tips ---------------- - Use the Mystery Box. Yes, it may give you a crappy weapon, but there are more non-crappy weapons than crappy ones, and if you still have a weapon from the first room, then you stand to benefit from pretty much anything the box gives you. - Make sure no zombies can sneak up on you. If you back up to a wall, make sure you can escape in case you're overwhelmed, lest you get gnawed to death with the quickness. If you're repairing a window or entrance, be sure to turn around (you can still rotate while holding the Use button to fix a window). - Do not, in any circumstances, let your guard down once you've killed a zombie. Especially in later rounds, some zombies won't stay dead and will come to life, crawling around more quickly than they were running at you in the first place. While they will eventually die on their own in about 10 seconds, these zombies are extremely dangerous and you are advised to off them before any others, if you have the chance. - Don't move through the house too quickly, but at the same time don't spend too much time in one area. If you move too quickly, you'll miss out on some easy points. However, if you move too slowly, you might be overwhelmed by lots of zombies in a very small area. - Zombies need not be in the house for you to kill them. You can kill zombies before they enter the house, and there are even red barrels and gas tanks surrounding the house that will explode if you shoot them. This is very effective in later rounds where there may be lots of zombies trying to get through one window. - Try to wait a bit before going for pickups, unless you or your teammates desperately need them. You don't get them too often, and when you do get one, it's tempting to grab it right away. However, it may well go to waste if you grab one at the wrong moment. You have about 30 seconds to grab a pickup before it vanishes. A list of all the pickups appears in section IV.D of the guide. - I've said this a few times, but you don't have to fully repair a window in order for it to keep zombies out. Granted, a window with six boards on it will hold up longer than a window with three, but it still buys you some time to either prepare for the next rush or kill them while they try to enter the house. Apparently, these are meticulous zombies who simply can't climb through a window until every last board is ripped from it. However, they CAN attack you through the walls, and there have been cases of Zombies glitching their way through boarded-up windows, so be careful. - If you are alone, try not to stray too far from the weapon drawings on the wall. That way, you can quickly return to them between rounds and purchase more ammo. Experts agree that being caught in the middle of a horde of zombies without any ammo is a very, very bad thing. Remember - you have about 30 seconds between each round to do whatever you need, and you should have plenty of ammo for a whole round, at least in the early stages of the game. - If you're playing multiplayer, try to conserve your ammo. Pickups are more common here, and you should get plenty of Ammo Boxes if you play your cards right. - Don't buy any sniper rifles. Seriously, they're a waste of your hard-earned points in this game, and the map isn't open enough for sniper rifles to be useful. You might get a few kills if you try to shoot zombies outside the house, but it's likely there'll be another zombie gnawing on your head before you know it, because sniper scopes make you blind to things close to you. - Don't buy the double-barrel shotguns, unless you like being killed while reloading. - If you're playing multiplayer, make sure to communicate with your teammates. The zombies aren't very smart, and a good team can easily find ways to outwit them. Also, if someone dies, you should always have someone not far away, so that player can be revived before being locked out of the game. If you can't, the remaining players should try to get together and coordinate their actions so the fallen player can be revived at the end of the round. The squad approach works wonders here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV. WEAPONS AND ACCESSORIES [#wep_acc] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'll be frank: your initial equipping, a Colt M1911 pistol, sucks. You may as well be firing your bullets from a slingshot. While it is more than possible to kill zombies with it, ideally you're going to want to get rid of this thing with the quickness. Fortunately for you, there's hope. Each part of the house has different weapons and items you can purchase. This section details them all, and includes the pickups that zombies will sometimes drop after you kill them. Each weapon will include its initial cost, as well as the cost of ammo, which is usually half the original cost. The weapons are also rated by effectiveness: excellent, good, fair, poor, and bad. Note that all of these weapons (and more) may be acquired from the Mystery Box, but you run the risk of ending up with an undesirable weapon in the process, plus you won't be able to refill their ammo without returning to a wall painting or picking up an Ammo Box. A. The First Room ----------------- i. Colt M1911 Pistol -------------------- Initial Cost: You start with it. More Ammo: As far as I know, you can't buy more ammo for this weapon. If I'm wrong, feel free to contact me (see the end of the guide). Rating: Fair This is the weapon your poor soldier boy happened to have on him when he got stuck in this miserable place. At least he had the sense to keep it loaded. It's okay for an initial weapon and beats a sharp stick in the eye. However, it should be replaced as soon as possible because practically every other weapon except for the sniper rifles can deal more damage more efficiently. ii. Kar98k ---------- Initial Cost: 200 points More Ammo: 100 points Rating: Fair early on, Poor later This is the only weapon you can afford right when the game begins. It packs a punch, but it's not a great weapon considering that for an additional 100 points (you start with 500) you can have the far superior M1A1 Carbine. The Kar98k simply fires and reloads too slowly to be of much use against the zombies too much further into the game. Its small clip size (5) doesn't help, either. This weapon becomes slightly more useful in multiplayer, when you have teammates watching your back, but even then you should reconsider. iii. M1A1 Carbine ----------------- Initial Cost: 600 points More Ammo: 300 points Rating: Good Great weapon in the early game. You are strongly advised to buy one as soon as you can afford it. It's very accurate, has a larger clip size than the Kar98k, and reloads fairly quickly for a rifle, allowing for some efficient zombie hunting in the first area, and possibly early on in the second. However, even the mighty M1A1 won't be able to hold up to the later, larger zombie rushes. Until you can buy an automatic weapon or get the Ray Gun, this is the best you have. B. The Root Cellar ------------------ i. Double-Barrel Shotgun ------------------------ Initial Cost: 1200 points More Ammo: 600 points Rating: Poor Don't buy this. Sure, it has a huge amount of power and will kill virtually everything you point it at, but it has too much going against it. First of all, it has a clip size of two slugs. Furthermore, it takes an absolute eternity to load two more when you've spent the first two. This gun also has less range than, say, the trench gun, but if you're using a shotgun as a mid to long-range weapon, then you have other problems. At any rate, this weapon is not recommended, as it will simply leave you in a bad position when you need it most. ii. Thompson ------------ Initial Cost: 1500 points More Ammo: 600 points Rating: Good This weapon is highly recommended, and should be purchased as soon as you can afford it. Assuming you're going to the Root Cellar first, the Thompson is the first automatic weapon you have the chance to buy, and it's quite a good one. It has a clip size of 30, a decent rate of fire, and modest range. The only downside is that it's not the most damaging gun in the world, and it takes a few bullets to put down a zombie, but you can still kill zombies pretty quickly with this gun. It's also hard to get a headshot with the Thompson, but that's not exactly what automatic weapons are for anyway. So this is a good weapon as soon as you find it, but later in the game, the MP40 and the Deployable FG42 will trump the Thompson, and you're encouraged to pick those up when you have the chance. C. The Balcony -------------- i. Grenades ----------- Initial Cost: You get 4 grenades at the beginning of the game, and 2 at the beginning of each round. More Ammo: 250 points Rating: Fair You begin the game with four grenades, and you get two more (not exceeding the original four) at the beginning. However, you can't get any extra until you reach the balcony. Even then, you have to ask yourself: are grenades really going to be that helpful to you when you (by this point) have very large hordes of zombies breathing down your neck? In certain situations the answer might be yes, but you might want to save your points for more effective weaponry. ii. Trench Gun -------------- Initial Cost: 1500 points More Ammo: 750 points Rating: Good For the love of God, buy this (or get it from the Mystery Box) as soon as you can. This is the best shotgun, and one of the best weapons you can get outside of the Mystery Box. It has a clip size of 6, the damage and spread of this weapon are both quite good, and one shot will likely kill whatever is on the other side of the barrel at the time. However, it isn't perfect, and as with all shotguns, it suffers from very short range. It also takes a while to reload, being a shotgun and all, and contrary to what I thought I found in the game, you can interrupt this process should a zombie run up to you while you're reloading (just melee or fire to **** the weapon). Still, this is a great weapon to have until you can pick up a MP40 or flamethrower from the Mystery Box, and even after you get those, it's still a very effective secondary weapon (unless you have the Ray Gun, of course). iii. Sawed-Off Shotgun ---------------------- Initial Cost: 1200 points More Ammo: 600 points Rating: Bad This is essentially the Double-Barrel Shotgun all over again, but this version has even shorter range. It still has a clip size of two, and reloading still takes forever. When you consider that for 300 more points you could have the trench gun, which trumps this thing more than you could possibly imagine, the decision is made - avoid this gun like the plague. iv. BAR ------- Initial Cost: 1800 points More Ammo: 900 points Rating: Good The BAR is a pretty good automatic weapon. It doesn't entirely trump the Thompson, but is still overall effective against large groups. Even with the small clip size, the BAR can mow down the opposition, and it also has more range than the Thompson. However, its power is a bit lacking, but the added range can make up for this in the right situation. Basically, the BAR is more powerful than the STG-44, but is weaker than the MP40. However, there is one additional problem - the cost. The deployable machine guns (MG42 and FG42), and the MP40 trump the BAR in terms of effectiveness against large groups, and those only cost 950 points, since they are found in the Mystery Box. The BAR will hold you until you're able to get one of those, but don't hold onto this for too long. v. Scoped Kar98k ---------------- Initial Cost: 1500 points More Ammo: 750 points Rating: Bad on single-player, Poor on multiplayer Don't buy this unless you're either playing multiplayer or asking to die. Even if you ignore the fact that it's a sniper rifle, aside from that it's the same as the regular Kar98k in every way. Given your other options in this area, you should really think twice before dropping 1500 points on this thing. On multiplayer, this weapon isn't quite as bad. You can camp somewhere and take out zombies as they enter the house, or provide covering fire for a teammate. Still, even in multiplayer you have better options, and the house just isn't big enough or open enough for a sniper to be effective. D. Pickups ---------- Given that zombies are just randomly carrying some of these things, it's a wonder they're not more dangerous than they are. Pickups are fairly rare, and disappear about 30 seconds after they're dropped. i. Bomb ------- This little baby will obliterate every last zombie in the house, and for some reason the zombies will never think to use this thing against you. It's a great trump card if you're in a bad situation and will buy you a few seconds of breathing room, although it will not necessarily end the round immediately. Try not to let it go to waste. Do note that you won't get any points for using the bomb. ii. Ammo Box ------------ This pickup will fully refill your ammo supply for any weapons you've bought. It's rare, but when you get one you'll be damn glad you did. This thing will save you the trouble of going all the way back to a particular weapon drawing, and there's also the added bonus that the ammo refill comes at no cost to you. It will also make weapons like the Deployable MG42 seem like they have infinite ammo, which is a plus. iii. Double Points ------------------ Need a new weapon? How about some ammo? Or maybe you want to take a chance at the Mystery Box? Well, with this pickup, you'll have enough points to spend twice as quickly. This will double your point intake on any action that would normally give you points. This is great if you have the M1 or any other weapon that allows for easy headshots, because the Double Points item will make every headshot worth 200 points! The effect lasts for 30 seconds. iv. Insta-Kill -------------- When you get this, you will instantly turn into a killing machine for the next 30 seconds. The effect of Insta-Kill will cause any shot that lands on a zombie to kill that zombie instantly, even if you're using a pistol! If you are in a room with a large group, have an automatic weapon, and are lucky enough to score both this and Double Points, then sit back, spray the room, and let the points roll in! E. The Mystery Box and Its Contents ----------------------------------- Initial Cost: 950 points More Ammo: N/A Rating: Who knows? For some strange reason, there is a weird box with question marks all over it in the Root Cellar. Apparently, this house was once owned by the Riddler. Anyway, the box is certainly interesting because when you drop the 950 points on it, you will get a random weapon or item. You might get something useful that you wouldn't normally find elsewhere, but at the same time you may get a horribly crappy weapon that will do little more than accelerate your own gruesome death. While the weapons you can find in the Mystery Box are generally worth your while, note that they all share a severe drawback - the only way to refill their ammo is by picking up Ammo Boxes as you go along. Even if you get a weapon from the box that can be found elsewhere, you're going to have to find that wall drawing and pay full price for the weapon before you can get ammo refills for it. i. Deployable FG42 ------------------ Rating: Excellent Despite what I say later about the Ray Gun, the FG42 is one of the best things you can get in this game. If you are lucky enough to get your hands on one, you will become a force to be reckoned with. While it has a high fire rate (it is a machine gun, after all), the FG42 has a great deal of power and accuracy, allowing you to mow down zombies with wanton disregard. The only downside is that it doesn't have a great deal of ammo, carrying a total of 192 rounds. Still, combine this weapon with the Ray Gun or a trench gun and you will be nearly unstoppable for quite some time, especially in multiplayer where the Ammo Box pickup occurs much more frequently. Definitely a must-have for any multiplayer match. ii. Deployable MG42 ------------------- Rating: Excellent The MG42 might be even better than the FG42, as long as you know how to use it properly. The MG42 is more powerful than the FG42, but with the increase in power comes an increase in recoil. This makes the MG42 difficult to aim unless you fire in short bursts. However, the MG42 will generally put a hail of bullets right where you want it, regardless. This, like the FG42, is a weapon that will seem to last forever as long as you or your teammates keep picking up Ammo Boxes throughout the game. However, the increased power of the MG42 is more effective in desperate situations where you're backed up to a corner, with a seemingly endless stream of zombies running at you. iii. M1919 Browning ------------------- Rating: Good The Browning is an excellent weapon, but the unfortunate thing about it is that it is trumped by the other two machine guns. It's powerful, but it has a much slower fire rate than the MG42 and FG42. It's also heavier, meaning you will move around at about the pace of continental drift with this thing in hand. However, it's still a fairly strong weapon if you can't get one of the other machine guns from the Mystery Box, and it at least comes with a huge supply of ammo that won't be gone in less than a minute. Hang onto this until you can get something better. iv. M2 Flamethrower ------------------- Rating: Excellent The Flamethrower is superior to all other weapons in one respect - it never, ever runs out of ammo! Yes, you have a magical flamethrower that never seems to run out of fuel. This is good news for you, as the flamethrower is a very good weapon against the zombies, and is great for dealing with zombies at the various windows and entrances to the house. The only catch is that the flames will not kill a zombie immediately; it takes about three or four seconds for a zombie to realize that, yes, it is burning to death. So all in all, as long as you do not let it overheat (because it takes a bit for the flamethrower to cool if you do), the flamethrower is an excellent weapon, but only if your team has a good handle on the battlefield and isn't about to be overwhelmed. v. MP40 ------- Rating: Excellent Very excellent weapon that trumps the Thompson. Despite appearing to be similar to the Thompson, the MP40 is actually more powerful, serving as a more effective way to deal with large groups. The MP40 is also light, allowing for good mobility compared to the larger (but more powerful) machine guns. And if that wasn't enough, the MP40 is also easy to aim (easier than the Thompson), allowing many opportunities for headshots. You can combine this gun with the trench gun for excellent close- to mid-range effectiveness, or with a FG42 or Ray Gun for mid- to long-range superiority. The MP40 is a very versatile weapon that you simply can't go wrong with. vi. .357 Magnum --------------- Rating: Good It's another pistol. However, the .357 Magnum is much more powerful than your rather useless Colt M1911 pistol. In fact, it is almost as powerful as the Ray Gun, felling zombies in as little as one or two hits. It's actually about as powerful as the Trench Gun, but has longer range and can be used when you've been knocked down by zombies, allowing you to get some sweet revenge before a teammate comes and revives you. However, the reload time is fairly long, about the same as that of the Ray Gun. So it's a fairly decent weapon, but the reload time and lack of ammo (it is a revolver, and a clip only holds 6 bullets) may make you reach for a different weapon in the end. vii. M1 Garand -------------- Rating: Poor You might think the M1 Garand is a good weapon, like the M1A1 Carbine was. Sadly, that isn't the case. The M1 Garand is very underpowered compared to most other weapons you could have at the time. It takes a disproportionately large number of shots to kill a zombie with one, and its iron sights make headshots a tall order. It also has a small clip size (smaller than the M1 Carbine). You may also encounter a version that comes with a rifle-mounted grenade launcher. Despite what you may think, one grenade will not kill a zombie, and the grenades are even less powerful than your hand grenades. So basically, this is a fairly poor weapon considering what you could be using right about now. viii. Scoped Springfield ------------------------ Rating: Poor About the same as the Scoped Kar98k, only a little less powerful and a little easier to aim. Unless you are playing on multiplayer, a sniper rifle is not going to be very useful to you, because, as I said above, it will rob you of your ability to deal with close- or mid-range targets. While the Springfield might be useful in a few situations, by round 10 or so there will simply be too many targets for this weapon to be worth your time. Skip it. There is an unscoped version of the Springfield, but it's even worse because the damage it does is fairly little. Skip it as well. ix. Panzerschreck ----------------- Rating: Poor Yes, what zombie-hunting game would be complete without a weapon solely designed to serve as unnecessary overkill? The Panzerschreck is just that weapon, allowing you to wipe out the opposition in one shot. However, power is all the Panzerschreck really has, and it isn't worth the trouble it is to get. It occurs very rarely from the Mystery Box, and when you do get it, it only comes with four rockets. These rockets, for some reason, don't do much splash damage, and won't kill as many zombies as you might like. Furthermore, the sheer size of the weapon will slow your movement if you have it out, and later in the game you can't afford to be carrying such a heavy weapon if it can only get very limited use. Oh well, at least it's good for some spectacular suicide attacks. x. STG-44 --------- Rating: Fair The STG-44 is an okay weapon. It isn't very powerful, though, and the other automatic weapons trump it in every way. However, it does have a good supply of ammo and a modest fire rate, and is easy to aim. You may indeed find yourself getting a few headshots with this weapon. However, there are much better weapons than this, namely the MP40, and you're advised to try to pick one of those up instead. xi. Molotov Cocktail -------------------- Rating: Fair A grenade by any other name... Basically, the Molotov Cocktail provides the destructive power of a grenade with the splash damage of the flamethrower. However, the impact damage of this weapon is somewhat less than that of the normal grenade. This doesn't mean that this thing isn't worth your time, since the flames created by the Molotov will do some pretty decent damage to any zombie dumb enough to walk into them. This is a good weapon to toss at windows when large numbers of zombies are trying to get into the house. It should also be noted that if you get this from the Mystery Box, you still get to keep your current weapon. xii. Gewehr 43 -------------- Rating: Good early, Fair later The Gewehr 43 performs almost exactly the same as the M1A1 Carbine in this game, only it has a bit less ammo. It's an okay weapon early, but suffers later on for the exact same reasons as the M1A1. xiii. PTRS-41 ------------- Rating: Fair Yes, the king of sniper rifles can be found in **** Zombies. This is one of the most powerful weapons in the game, and will kill a zombie no matter where you happen to hit it. The power more than makes up for the other, far less powerful sniper rifles. However, powerful as it is, it is still a sniper rifle (well duh, I've said that more than a few times), and suffers from the same shortcomings as the others. Furthermore, it takes a very, very long time to reload this weapon, and you may well find yourself dead by the time you're able to reload it, unless your team has a solid handle on the battlefield. If you prefer to use sniper rifles, you may well want to hold onto this weapon, because it will be very, very useful to you. The choice is yours. -------------------- The Mystery Box is also key to unlocking an easter egg in the game - the all- powerful Ray Gun. F. The Legendary Ray Gun ------------------------ Initial Cost: 950 points (only through the Mystery Box) More Ammo: N/A Rating: Excellent Yes, a ray gun. Apparently the aliens came to Germany during World War II, because here we have a tacky laser gun that looks like it came right out of a 1950's sci-fi movie. Despite its goofy appearance, the ray gun is the best weapon in the game. It has deadly accuracy thanks to its "iron sights", and one shot from it will kill a zombie in no time flat. The only downsides to the gun are that it's semi-automatic, and has a long reload time. The reload time is slower than the M1 Carbine, but is still faster than the bolt- action weapons you can end up with in this game. If you take a chance at the Mystery Box and happen to score this weapon, hang onto it for as long as you possibly can, even if it runs out of ammo. This weapon WILL save your life if you're in a bind and need the firepower. By the way, it should be noted that the Ray Gun counts as a pistol, meaning that if you've been knocked down, you can use it to clear the way for your teammates to come revive you. Granted, you'll want to avoid being knocked down in the first place, but still... ---------- NOTE: By the way, you do have a melee attack, and it can kill a zombie in one or two hits depending on which round you're on. It's not the greatest thing in the world, but it can help you escape from the clutches of an offending zombie long enough for you to kill it with something more effective. However, later on, your melee attack will be about as effective as a wiffle bat against the zombies, and you are advised against using it if you have some other way of dealing with your enemy. It will, however, kill in one hit if you have an Insta-Kill pickup active, though, so keep that in mind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V. MULTIPLAYER [#multi] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yes, you can play **** Zombies with your friends! You can team up with up to 3 other people on XBox Live, split-screen, or system link and see how long you can last against the undead hordes. This is actually quite fun, and is one of the more popular XBox Live playlists in the game. Standing up to the zombie hordes is a true test of teamwork, as the map is not very large, and there are way more of them than there are of you. To access **** Zombies, choose Cooperative from the main menu. From here, pick which method you're using for multiplayer (most likely XBox Live), then choose **** Zombies. Note that if you're playing on split-screen or system link, you will have to go into the Game Modes menu to play **** Zombies. I mentioned earlier that multiplayer contains an exception to the "it's over when you die" rule. When you die, you have about 30 seconds where you're lying helpless, waiting to be revived. Dying in this game is similar to the Last Stand perk in regular multiplayer - you are lying down, fending off the zombies with a pistol. Until the 30 seconds runs out, any one of your teammates can revive you by running up to your bleeding body and holding the X button. As long as you keep being revived, you can play indefinitely, although if no one revives you, you die "permanently" and have to watch the rest of the game from the sidelines. However, even this kind of death is not truly permanent if your teammates are on their toes - if they can make it to the end of the round, you will respawn alive and well at the beginning of the next one. You keep all your points, but lose any weapons you picked up before (you will magically gain a new Colt M1911 pistol, however). I strongly urge you to make a dash for the nearest weapon or the Mystery Box if at all possible after respawning. Other than that, basically follow the tips listed above and coordinate your actions, and you should be able to survive at least 15 rounds easily. *This guide is copyright (c) 2008 William Weaver. All rights reserved.* This Guide helped me out alot, most of it is common knowledge. But the more you learn the further you can get.
I skimmed over it and it looks really good. I will read it all when I get my xbox back and play zombies. This must have took forever for you to do. I love COD WaW, we should play sometime.
Thanks for this. Why didn't you post this in Gaming Discussion? The weapons part seems to be the most useful, as you pointed out a few key facts about weapons I never noticed.
This guide was a big help except for the weapon ratings. I think that the double barrel shotgun was a big help in all situations. It freaking owned with the trench gun from round seven to 13. Then i dropped it for the ray gun and my friends and i made it all the way to level 17. I really recommend playing it. It's awesome.
The PTRS is a brilliant multiplayer weapon, it's deadly accurate and kills zombies in 1 shot; the perfect support weapon. A good setup (assuming there's 4 of you) is: Everybody has ray guns or magnums (whichever first), one person has a flamethrower, use this to look through a door and squirt all over the place before GTFO-ing outta there, one person has a PTRS and the other two should have autos or a shotty. You have 45 seconds before you die, same as campaign. I think he is wrong about the Kar98, it is an extremely useful weapon at the start, it is accurate and will blast a zombies head off with ease, otherwise, it's only two shots to the chest or stomach to take one out. I rarely use the weapons on the wall, the mystery box is much better, considering the weapons on the wall are expensive and full of faults. Always travel in pairs, if you have gone upstairs but need to use the mystery box, take a buddy with you, assuming you have setups, take the one with the most ordnance. Another simple but effective tactic is to repair barricades while reloading and facing the opposite way, this cuts time and you can cover your back, this also works with the mystery box. Take note that once you use the mystery box, only the user can take the weapon. The weapon doesn't need to be taken, after around 10-15 seconds, the box will close again.
I have read this guide somewhere else before... oh that is right, Gamefaqs. Lulz But really it is a really great guide helped me out. I just played **** Zombies last night with my friend and we got to wave 21 but we died cuz I ran outta ammo for meh ray gun =(
Lol great guide thanks to the guy who wrote it...'bout time lol I got to level 21 by opening up the stairs, not the help door, and while one person with a flamethrower and ray gun covered stairs, me and one other guy (there were three of us) worked on the room....repairing, shooting, switching, etc. Pretty good strategy....
When I saw the title of this thread the first thing that came to mind was Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Why was this posted though...? If someone needed a guide for this they would look it up. Since you didn't write it - it seems useless to post it.
Usually what I do with my friends is we first buy the upstairs and then we go around to the other stairs and buy that. Its much more efficient then just buying the help door because its easier to watch the stairs personally. We got to Wave 19 with that method but I had to leave so everybody else died. Hehehehe. GunSlinger is so pissed about that.
Yes, it is. In fact, I wrote it. Next time please ask me permission before you copy and paste my guides like this.
Yeah, let me check the IP and whatnot first. If your the same guy then i did give you credit already, stop complaining. But i doubt it, and your just a random guy looking for attention.
ive gotten to 19 by myself, and 24 with 3 players when it first came out. heres my thoughts best guns: ray - best gun in the game. not until about wave 18 can zombies take multiple hits, you loose only when you either run out of ammo, or kill yourself when shooting a zombie too close. either deployable turret - solid damage, incredible fire rate and clip size. bullets penetrate multiple zombies so guys in the back get chewed up while shooting zombies in the front. plan your reloads. uber sniper - most damage in the game. 1 hit kill body shots until wave 20 i believe (headshots will insta kill even beyond that). every pull of the trigger should drop at least 3 zombies. the more people you have, the more you can risk experimenting with this gun. good guns: magnum -1 hit kill until about wave 14, reloads quicker then trench trench - becomes out dated about round 15, when zombies start taking 2-3 hits, and the reload becomes unbearable (have to put shells in 1 at a time) flamethrower - you can sprint around wildly flaming until round 15 if your lucky. after that, you just get humped by a wall of flaming angry undead who dont seem to care that they are on fire. places to be: random room 1st floor. 1 guy guards the windows+ cave wall, 1 guy guards random door. dont open staircase grenade room, 2nd floor. dont open grenade room staircase! come up through random room's staircase instead. everyone guards the single window and doorway. near the trench gun, 2nd floor. all players with their backs to the broken wall, zombies run in a straight line down the sniper hallway. just check the single window to your right. donts: dont throw nades. it just creates crawlers who randomly down people because nobody notices them. dont kill everyone. leave 1 guy alive at the end of each round and lure him around in circles so your teamates can hit the random box with their 20,000 points. dont use bombs unless you need to (no bomb early on). you need points to hit up the random box. 3 teamates with ray guns is better then 2.