Foundry Verbatim

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Nov 8, 2008.


    Senior Member

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    Appreciate it, sir. Glad you like it! This was actually the first map I somewhat planned out, and it helped TONS. Also the first time I co-forged, which also helped TONS. Creep and I make a damn good co-forging team if I do say so myself.

    Thanks Whyher. And thanks a lot for helping us test it out. Hopefully we'll get some more games goin soon. Cheers.

    Senior Member

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    Appreciate it. Aesthetics were never a goal of ours, as they never should be. Its a budgeted map, within foundry's $700 limit.

    Creep and I plan on submitting Helvetica to the matchmaking group ATLAS in not too terribly long. Wish us luck, and expect an updated version in the near future as well.
  3. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Best of luck, LIGHTS & Creep.

    I can see how Land Grab would work so well on this map. It seems, in this gametype, to work a lot like High Ground. Several noticeable landmarks with distinguished appearance, each with many access points, and the defense has to work together to flush out many points of attack. I can see this in Team Objective, with One Flag, Multi Flag and Land Grab. I can also see this as the only time I'd ever fight not to veto land grab. Great job again guys.
  4. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Thanks bud, and by the looks of it we have some stiff competition coming from Fissure. The fact that Shishka hasn't locked yours yet is definitely a good sign.
  5. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Thanks Creep. I'm very disappointed I had to update it after it had been posted because a problem arose that never happened in testing, which may deprive me of a second look, but hey, it isn't locked! It wouldn't be the end of the world if my map didn't get in, I could care less about the fame, I just look forward to custom maps in general entering Matchmaking for a better experience.

    I played it again for Multi Flag, and I was again very impressed. The only flaws I could imagine are:
    - Maybe a slight overdose of equipment, I'm not sure quite how much there is, but I found it making a noticeable difference in gameplay.
    - The attacking team (1st pic) always seems to spawn by their flag. There were instances where I would kill their team in between their base and their deck, and they would spawn immediately looking at me, from a few feet away, inside their base. Maybe it was just a rare occurrence, but the probability of the attackers spawning by their flag was fairly high.

    Again, best of luck guys. Those were the only two, minor things I could find fault with.

    Senior Member

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    Appreciate the feedback, Nevz. Spawns have been re-worked several times, including once since the version 1 that was posted here. We are happy with the way its been playing and spawning players. There is always a possibility of something like you described happening on any map, including Bungie's own. So it's nothing to worry about. Glad you enjoy it though.

    Version 2 is now posted. Most changes included are geared towards fixing the many, many breaks we found. Its still not 10002524534% unbreakable, but its MUCH closer than before, and there are no practical breaks present. Spawns also went through slight make-overs, most notably in KotH.

    Glad this is receiving such positive feedback. Helvetica will be posted on ATLAS very soon. Look for it there and please support it. I'll edit in a link to the thread once its up.

    Cheers hubbers
  7. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Ok well here is my promised review of the map. I tested this with 4v4 multi and 1 flag.


    The aesthetics on Helvetica were quite bland. The
    map appears to be solely forged based on gameplay.
    This isnt bad because you stated this in the description
    (yes I read it.) The two of you seem to have forged
    the map very neatly. I was right though about the 2
    or 3 crooked merges. The attackers base or the base
    closest to camo has a single box open merged quite
    crooked. It isnt extremely noticeable but I just wanted
    to clarify.
    Score: 7/10


    Gameplay on Helvetica was phenomenal. Helvetica contained
    many short paths to get and bring the flag back. Although
    they were short, they were open and lacked cover. This was
    good and it allowed balanced gameplay that always made
    you eager for your teammates to score. Multi Flag also
    worked amazingly. When I was playing the map, flowed very
    well and I could move around easily without hesitation. The
    aesthetics were quite strategically placed to ensure that
    gameplay was only effected for the better.
    Score 8.7/10


    All in all, I loved Helvetica. It was simply amazing and when
    I say simply, I mean it. The map's layout is so simple that it
    doesnt need aesthetics to give the map that extra boost in
    overall touch. I usually base all my map reviews purely and
    solely around gameplay and aestheics but I really dont need
    to do that for this map since aesthetics are basically part of
    the gameplay itself. Overall I loved Helvetica in almost every
    way possible. This will stay on my X-Box for a long, long time.
    Total Score: 8.8/10

    Note: Really great job to Lightsout and Creeping death. you two have completely reassured me in your forging skills and I hope that you can reply to my map as well. Sorry that my review isnt as long as I usually write them.

    Senior Member

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    Ah finally an in-depth review. Much appreciated. Im happy you like the map. 7/10 is a better score than Id anticipate for aesthetics, actually. With having a single dollar left and being pretty much at the item limit on a budgeted map, there was literally no room to doctor it up. But that was ok because it was never the point. And lol, that open box is literally just a couple pixels off. Go into monito mode and fly right up to it, line the bottom edges of your health bar with one of the lines on the box and strafe back and forth. Im surprised you even noticed, lord knows I didn't. You have the eyes of an eagle lol. Really appreciate the feedback. Cheers
  9. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    Nice map! Would dl, cause it deserves one but as i have stated many a time i have been banned from my Xbox till summer holidays cause i was forging.. my parents signatures

    Especially like how its no fuss and all gameplay instead of aesthetics and it STILL looks good! Love this map 5/5/5/5/5/5 ftw and if it was budget glitched it would prob be one of the best aesthetic maps if you can spare items.. tell me how did u get to the item limit without using the budget glitch(es)?
  10. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Appreciate it sir. Try to keep the forging exclusively to Halo though, k? lol. Getting to the item limit really surprised me actually. Setting a map up properly for all gametypes take up a lot more items than you'd think.

    I just edited the DL link because I just realized there was a very important window panel not spawning as start. Apologies for the inconvenience.
  11. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    lol, copy pasta :p

    Hey, I played this in some testing sessions, we had a party of eight and I really enjoyed it.
    We started off with a game of Land Grab which was probably the gametype I enjoyed the most, then oddball and team slayer. All of which I had a blast playing.

    Its like Helvetica and Land Grab are born to be with each other. The flow of Helvetica truly compliments Land Grab's style of play.
    A memorable moment I recall was when the opposing team were seconds away from capturing the last territory, at the defender's base which would have won them the round. Anyway, I picked up the needler and jumped through the gate, The opposition was distracted.having just whiped out my entire team who attacked from the deck. I started firing my needler with all my might and picked up a double on two poor souls capturing the territory. I reloaded as a third player emerged from beneath the defender's base, to the back of Defender's base. After missing most of my shots, I just managed to get the 8 needles into him, oh that magical number. (sadly I was too slow for the Tripple kill :\ ) I sat on the territory and my shields just start to recharge again, as G043R emerges from the back of the defender's base. He started ripping into me. I realized with horror that I had no chance of surviving, so in a desperate bid for survival I jumped over his head, and ninja style assassinated him with that aerial assault >:]
    However he was trained in the way of the ninja also, and managed to assassinate me from below! We both ended up dead, lying motionless on the defender's base floor. My team went onto capture the territory and win the game. I guess you could call me a hero.

    The second game we played was oddball, it was ultra fun. There were some intense moments as we fought over control of the deck with supporting fire from the gate which worked well. [my team won that game]

    Finally, we played some Team Slayer. This worked out really well, controll of the map swang back and forth through the gate. I think it was a pretty close match. My team lost however :( I was a little rusty okay! [negative four,cough]

    The Gate and the Deck act as a a great "intersection" if you will between the attackers and defenders side. This "intersection" prevents anarchy in the gameplay, it provides an excellent flow between the two areas and a mature, tactical play style every time.

    Allof the weapons/power ups are at a perfect distance apart from each other, allowing the teams to contest with each other right from the get go.

    The spawns work perfectly, I don't recall any issues whatsoever.

    All in all this is a fantastic map, I'm sure it will do well in Atlas :] good luck you two, I hope to see more great work from the both of you in the near future.

    I seriously think that this is a great map, it is something for everyone to enjoy.
  12. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    wow/ this reminds me of maps I make. created for gameplay. I will check this out now. looks interesting
  13. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Appreciate it, kind sirs

    Final Version is now up. Changes are detailed in the original post, but basically there's a new additional sniper perch, and the map is now 100% unbreakable.

    Map name has been changed from Helvetica to Hellvetica, in order to not step on any registered trademark names (Helvetica the font, Helvetica the documentary) that would prevent Hellvetica from getting into Atlas.

    Speaking of which, Hellvetica has been submitted to ATLAS, the group for Matchmaking submissions. Creep and I have high hopes for it there, so please do both of us a big favor and support this map there as well as here. The thread can be found here (yes, PsychoTEX is my Bnet username.. very, very old gamertag).

    Thanks to Kon Artist and Devinish for helping us get ideas for fixing the breaks. Invaluable help guys, much appreciated.
  14. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Ah, so that's why this map looked familiar.

    Great map! Not much I can say that hasn't been said already but the games I played on this map earlier were a lot of fun. Just Brilliant (capitalized on purpose) for gameplay and I truly hope it does make it into matchmaking, would make it fun again.

    Only thing I noted before my lag got too bad and booted me to the main menu was the invis can be a surprise, particularly when you don't expect it. I managed to walk right in front of Orangeremi when he had the turret in his hands and looked right at me lol. He learned his lesson for the next round though.
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Ah yes, the Active Camo, a great tool, especially in One Flag. It'll definitely help you get the flag, but not so much on the way back.

    Sorry for the inconvenience, but the DL link has been updated once again. This time for the last time. We fixed one last break. It won't affect the gameplay at all, only prevent those pesky "n00bs" from potentially breaking the map.

    And once again, Creep and I would appreciate your support in ATLAS at this thread. Cheers.
  16. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Well, I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't go and check the validity of this statement. Since this is being submitted for ATLAS I'm going to be extra meticulous and try every single escape method my brain can conceive of, no matter how tricky/crazy/difficult/convoluted the break may be.

    If it's in matchmaking there can't be ANY escape methods.

    I do this because I care, not because I want to hurt your feelings (that's just a bonus) lolz jk jk.
  17. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    yes buddha, because it totally is your JOB

  18. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Please do buddha, We'd appreciate it. Just know that since you posted that the DL link has changed yet again
  19. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Well I'm just going to go out on a limb and assume that you've not fixed the 3 breaks I found since checking the previous version of the map, if you have then consider my finds redundant, lol. I assume your new version of the map fixes the fact that the teleporter wasn't working (Receiver node too close to the Foundry wall methinks)

    I've only made a vid of two of the breaks, since the third pretty much uses the same break as the 1st, just in a different way.

    Here's the vid - I would say the mongoose method may be a threat, the other one is a bit tricky, but come on now, you gotta admit it looks sexy.
  20. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    I was there and it was sexy. The mongoose is pretty much death to a map. I would try checking some more places just to be sure because the mongoose can get through other places. I found one that uses the mongoose but i wouldnt say its even close to practical.

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